How to Install OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3: A Step-by-Step Guide – Premium Tuto

You need one to install OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3? Then you are in the right place! Here you will learn how to install OpenELEC from scratch, we will also give you some to make your installation process much easier.

Installing OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3 may seem challenging, but with the right material and the right knowledge, even a beginner will be able to quickly install OpenELEC on their device. This guide will explain exactly what you need to get started, as well as the steps to successfully complete the installation.

First, you have to make sure you have the necessary components. In order to install OpenELEC you will need:

  • A Raspberry Pi 3 device
  • A with at least 4GB
  • A micro USB adapter
  • A USB keyboard
  • a mouse
  • A power supply

Once you have gathered all the above elements, you can proceed to start the installation of OpenELEC. To do this, you will need to download the OpenELEC image file from your . Once you have it, you’ll need to transfer it to your SD card using a card reader and the correct software. Afterwards, you must the SD card to your Raspberry Pi device.

Now, to complete the installation of OpenELEC, you need to connect the power, keyboard, mouse, and micro USB adapter to the Raspberry Pi device. Then, you must defaults for the internet connection and also for the audio settings. Once you’ve done this, your Raspberry Pi device will be ready to start running OpenELEC.


  1. Prepare the hardware: You need a Raspberry Pi 3B, a keyboard, a mouse, a display, and an HDMI cable. These are the basic requirements for installation.
  2. Download OpenELEC: Visit the official OpenELEC website ( to get the latest version and download it to your computer. Once downloaded, unzip the file to access the installation files.
  3. Format the MicroSD card: Insert the SD card into your computer and format it. Be sure to select the FAT32 format for best compatibility with the Raspberry Pi. On Windows, this can be done using Disk Manager.
  4. files to MicroSD: Use a program like Win32 Disk Imager to copy the previously unzipped files from your computer to the SD card. Once you have done this, save and exit the program.
  5. Insert the card into the Raspberry Pi: Insert the SD card into the slot on the right side of the Raspberry Pi
  6. The side with the pins goes down.
  7. Add devices: Connect keyboard, mouse, display and HDMI cable to Raspberry Pi
  8. Turn on the Raspberry: Connect the 5V power supply to power up the Raspberry Pi
  9. This will start the OpenELEC installation process.
  10. You follow the installer’s instructions: Only on the screen to complete the installation. This includes network settings, keyboard bindings, etc.
  11. Finish the Installation : When finished, the Raspberry Pi 3 will reboot automatically and voila, you will have OpenELEC installed.
  12. Take advantage of OpenELEC : Now, take advantage of all the features of OpenELEC on your Raspberry Pi 3!.
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Why is it important to install OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3?

Installing OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3 is an excellent option to obtain a multimedia center that perfectly suits your needs. This is because OpenELEC offers the user the ease of turning Raspberry Pi 3 devices into a Media Center to watch movies, and see much more!.

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This tool has been developed specifically for the Raspberry Pi 3 hardware. This allows users to take full advantage of the power of this development board. In this way, users can enjoy a large amount of multimedia content without the need for an external device.

Besides, OpenELEC is a free and open source operating system, which means that the user can download and use it for free without limitations. This means that the user will not pay anything to install or use this software. At the same time, the software is available in multiple languages, making it ideal for most users.

Finally, the fact that OpenELEC supports multiple media formats means that users can enjoy their movies, music and photos without having to worry about format compatibility with their device. This allows the user to save all their movies, music and photos in one place without having compatibility issues.

Do I need to download any files to install OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3?

Yeah, you need to download a file to install OpenELEC on your Raspberry Pi 3. Specifically, you need to download a disk image of OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi from the official website. This image is an .IMG file, which is like a pre-loaded operating system ready to use.

Once you have downloaded the file, the next stage is to burn it to some storage device. such as a microSD card. This is achieved through a program called “boot image”, which allows you to write the disk image directly to the card, thus creating the exact partition and files necessary to install OpenELEC.

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Once you’ve burned the image to your microSD card, you’re ready to insert it into your Raspberry Pi 3 and start configuring OpenELEC. To do this you must:

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  • Insert the card into your Raspberry PI 3
  • Connect your Raspberry PI to power.
  • Connect a keyboard, monitor and mouse (if needed)
  • Select OpenELEC from the boot menu.
  • Follow the instructions to complete the installation.

What are the necessary steps to install OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3?

Installing OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3 is a fairly simple process if we follow the appropriate steps. The first thing we will need is to download the latest version of OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi, which can be obtained from the OpenELEC official website. Once downloaded, we will have to extract the compressed file on an SD card; For this, we will need a program like 7zip or a similar program, since the files are compressed in Tarball (.tar) format.

Once the file has been extracted, you must connect the SD card to the computer and format it to fit the operating system (OS) that we have extracted. To do this, you must open a file manager, locate the SD card and delete all the data it contains. It is recommended that you make a backup copy before deleting files, as all saved information will be lost.

Now, it’s time to start the installation: Once the data has been deleted, you must copy the OS that we have extracted on the card. To do this, you must copy all the files contained in the OpenELEC directory to the SD card. This work can also be done using the Win32 Disk Imager software, a free program for Windows.

Everything is ready! Now we have to connect the SD card to our Raspberry Pi 3 and turn it onyour computer will start with OpenELEC without problems.

It is recommended that once OpenELEC is started on Raspberry pi 3, be updated The operating system. This can be done with the Update and Upgrade commands from the internal console. In this way, we have a more recent and optimized version to use OpenELEC.

How are OpenELEC options configured on Raspberry Pi 3?

OpenELEC is a Linux distribution designed for multimedia systems, such as Raspberry Pi 3. It is based on Kodi and is configured so that it can be started, managed and updated in a short period of time. To configure OpenELEC options on Raspberry Pi 3 there are several steps that must be followed:

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  1. Make sure to have the latest version of OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi 3.
  2. Discharge an OpenELEC image for Raspberry Pi 3.
  3. Engrave the image on an SD card.
  4. Place the SD card in the Raspberry Pi 3.
  5. Start up the system connected to a power source.
  6. To access to the main system screen.
  7. Overwrite OpenELEC configuration files.
  8. Set up OpenELEC for Raspberry Pi 3 with the web interface.

To carry out the OpenELEC configuration On Raspberry Pi 3 from the web interface, you must first open a web browser, type the system IP and press Enter. This will take us to the configuration screen, where we can change the username, password, language, or LAN, among other basic configurations.

Once inside the web interface, we will have access to an OpenELEC control panel, where we can modify all the OpenELEC configuration for Raspberry Pi 3. All these options are divided by categories: system, multimedia, network, devices, services and tools . Each of these sections contains specific settings that can be modified as needed.

Once the OpenELEC settings for Raspberry Pi 3 have been configured, you must save the changes made. This can be done from the configuration web interface itself, which has a button to save the settings made.

It is important to note that, to ensure that the OpenELEC configuration is correct, it is recommended to make a previous backup before any changes. This way, in case of configuration failure, it will be enough to restore the files from the backup and try again.


It is not difficult to install OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3, just that we have shown you in this article and in a simple way. Download the file, prepare the microSD card, insert the card into Raspberry Pi 3 and enjoy the multimedia content offered by OpenELEC.

If you follow these steps Installing a printless operating system like OpenELEC will be much easier than you imagined. So, think no more! ¡Install OpenELEC on Raspberry Pi 3 today!

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