How to Install Windows 7 on USB | Tutorial 2023

At the time of install, repair or format a computer They present themselves with an important problem and that is that they do not have a CD or DVD drive through which these actions can be performed, which is why this question arises: How to install Windows 7 on USB.

To do this, you need to have a bootable USB, compatible with the USB inputs that are incorporated in all types of equipmentIf you don’t know, in this article we will explain how to use this device and how you can install it on your Windows 7 operating system from USB.

Bootable USB to install Windows 7

Unit USB bootable It is a device that has the function of housing an operating system or software that can be started from the start of the computer, and allows adjustments to be made to the base system of the computer or to format it completely.

These types of devices have the same functions as a CD or DVDand they also offer you the possibility of storing other types of files in your memory, since the particularities of a file can be shared. Classic USB and a bootable drive.

In the same way, bootable USB drives are ideal for newer computers, since they do not have built-in a CD or DVD drive and, if you don’t have bootable USB drivesthese computers may have problems repairing and booting your operating system.

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On the other hand, these units are very versatile, as they allow you to recover data, full systems administration and it has other functions without the need to affect the files on your computer, since you can change the functions whenever they are necessary without any risk.

How to create a bootable USB to install Windows 7

With the USB bootable You can install the complete operating system and use it from any computer with a different system, and you can install any type of software, from editing programs to video games.

In order to create a bootable USB with Windows 7 you must follow these steps:

The first thing you have to do is convert your USB in Bootable or bootablefor that you have to your USB drive to your computer and check that you have 4 or more GB of .

After them you have to enter the menu “Start” of Windows and select the option “All the programs”.

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After that you must go to the option “Accessories” and click with the right mouse button on “Command Prompt”and then execute the last option as administrator.

When the pop-up window opens MS-DOSyou will be able to see the new commands that will tell the system that the USB drive must become Bootable, for this you must write “diskpart” and hit it “Enter.”

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Then you have to wait for the word to appear again. “diskpart” and then write “disk list” before pressing the option Intro.

After that, the disk units will appear. storage that your computer has, even those that are removable like USB.

After that you have to write “select disk” plus the number or letter to which the usb drivethen you click on the Enter option.

You immediately have to write the option “clean” and press the Enter option, this action will format the usb driveso you must be careful not to select the wrong unit.

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When this action has been processed, you have to write “create partition primary” and then you give Intro.

After that you have to write the option “select partition 1” and hit Enter again, at the end you have to write the option “active” and you click Enter.

After this you have to write the following “format fs=ntfs” and you click on Introand then wait for the process to finish and when it is ready you have to write “assign” and give the option of Intro.

To finish the process, you have to write “exit” and you will be able to have your bootable USB.

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Requirements or system requirements to download Windows 7

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In order to install Windows 7 you have to meet the following minimum system requirements:

  • Have a 1 GHz Processor, either 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • Have 1 GB of RAM, for 32-bit versions; or have 2 GB of RAM, for 64-bit versions.
  • Have 16 GB of hard drive space, for 32-bit versions; or have 20 GB of disk space, for 64-bit versions.
  • Have a graphics card with DirectX 9 support and a WDDM 1.0 driver or higher.

In case you want to use compatibility mode with Windows XP on Windows 7, you have to meet the following requirements:

  • Have 2 GB of RAM.
  • Have an additional 15 GB of hard drive space.

How to Install Windows 7 the traditional way

In order to install Windows in the traditional way you must follow these steps:

You have to enter the DVD of Windows 7, if necessary, you must change the boot order of the devices in the BIOS, so that the installation of Windows 7 from the DVD.

After the installation program has started, a window will appear indicating the language.

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After that they must click on the option “Following”, and another window will appear in which we will begin the installation.

You must immediately click on the button “Install Now”, so you can start the setup program.

After that you have to accept the license terms and click on the option to “Following”

After them you have to choose if you want to upgrade to Windows 7 from the previous version of Windows previously installed, or if you want to perform a new installation, so we suggest installing from scratch on an empty partition, without existing data, and choosing the option “Personalized.”

Then you must choose which hard drive or partition you want. install windows 7if you have created a partition or if you have free space without partitioning and you do not want to do partitions Select the disk or partition where Windows 7 will be installed, click on the option “Following” and we will go directly to the installation section.

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After that you have to choose the size of the new partition and click on the option “Apply”.

After this the following window should appear, in which you will click on the option “Accept”.

After formatting the partitions, you must select the partition where you want to install Windows 7 and click “Following”.

After that, the Windows 7 installation process will begin.

During this process, the system will reboot several times, and each reboot the wizard will start again to complete the installation steps.

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After them it will ask you for a username and computer name, so you have to write and click “Following”.

After you choose the name of the user with which you will connect to the operating system, a window will appear to choose the user passwordas well as a password phrase or hint so that Windows shows it in case you forget it, and you click “Following”.

After that they will ask you for the product key of Windows and give the option following.

After that, the installation program will ask you to choose if you want to install the security updates and those that Microsoft considers important, for this you give the option to “Install only important updates.”

Then you must place the Date and Time system, the time zone you are in, and click on “Following”.

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You must immediately choose the setting of the network that the system has.

After choosing all the setting what you want, Windows 7 Setup will implement it.

To complete and have finished the installation you will be able to see the Windows 7 desktop screen.

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How to Install Windows 7 on USB

To be able to install Windows 7 on USB there are two simple methods:

First Method

In this case

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The first thing is to have an original Windows 7 key, for this you can download it in the following

If you have the key, you can download it from the Windows 7 ISO page in the following

After this you can follow the steps that the installation process will progressively show you.

Second Method

In the event that your USB drive is bootable you can follow these simple steps:

You have to the Windows 7 software on the drive, in case you have one ISO image You have to unzip it before copying it to the USB.

Next, you have to turn off your computer to be able to insert it into the bootable USB drive with the copied operating systemin order to access the system boot panel, you have to turn on the computer and press any of the following keys F12, F9, F11, F8, F10 or ESC + any of the aforementioned keys or TAB.

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When you are in the system boot menu, you have to look for the “Boot Menu” option and press the option Intro.

After entering the boots Menu, you have to give it the option “USB” and you click Enter again, in other cases it may appear with the name of “Removable Devices”.

After that you have to go to the option “exit” and you must wait for the computer to restart to be able to boot with the bootable USB drive.

When booting the operating system installer Windows 7you have to follow the instructions that the installation wizard will tell you.

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How has the installation of Windows 7 It is very important to know it, and even more so if you have a computer without CD or DVD drivetherefore we invite you to follow the methods presented in this article and be able to install it from a USB drive, and have your operating system ready to work.

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