How to Install Windows 7 with VirtualBox Steps and Features

The world of Virtual machines has been a topic that has grown over time, and it is possible to install any OS on your computer and try it without endangering your PC, and the Windows 7 with VirtualBox is the case.

Given this, in this article we will explain how you are Virtual machines They function broadly like an independent computer and how can you install VirtualBox on your computer.

Windows 7

Windows 7 It is the Operating System that the Microsoft company launched after Windows Vista in the year 2006and it is the one that allows your computer to manage programs and perform basic tasks and their Graphic interface for him User, Graphical User Interface (GUI).

In addition, it allows you to interact visually with the equipment’s functions in a logical and easy way, highlighting that in Windows 7 you can see two windows on each side, using the Aero Snap.

This feature allows you to adjust the size of the two windows so that they can be displayed simultaneously, also incorporating a better display of the toolbar. Tools and other easy-to-use features such as instant file search and home network access.

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In this way, with Windows 7 you also have the performance of 64-bit processor which is on most computers and includes the options to hibernate or shut down, in addition to using less memory and being able to recognize the USB or auxiliary memories.

What are the editions of Windows 7

Windows 7 has six different editionswhich have been developed one on the other in a successive and incremental manner, improving or adapting the program to new needs.

These editions are the following:

1. Starter

This was the initial edition, with the least functionality of all, it had an incomplete version of the interface, few customization options.

Therefore, because it was also the lightest, it was suitable for netbooks or personal computers with a low level of performance.

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2.Home Basic

This had a still incomplete interface, similar to that of the starter, this edition for home computers has greater connectivity and customization functions.

3. HomePremium

This is an improved version of Home Basic, with greater customization and interface capabilities, with Windows Media Center and multiple codecs to play multimedia files.


This is the equivalent of Vista Business, that is, the option for business or work computers, which brings all the functions of Home Premium.

It also has data backup capabilities, online protection and file encryption, to defend the privacy of the data handled.


This edition adds to the Professional edition a multi-language package and a complex series of online defense software.

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In addition to work and which makes it ideal for business and network-connected computers, was also sold only by business contract with Microsoft.

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This is the definitive version that has all the potential of the operating system, for sale to the general public.

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Requirements to install Windows 7 on your computer

To install windows 7 You have to meet the following minimum system requirements:

  • Have a 1 GHz Processor, either 32-bit or 64-bit.
  • Have 1 GB of RAM, for 32-bit versions; or have 2 GB of RAM, for 64-bit versions.
  • Have 16 GB of hard drive space, for 32-bit versions; or have 20 GB of disk space, for 64-bit versions.
  • Have a graphics card with DirectX 9 support and a WDDM 1.0 driver or higher.

In case you want to use compatibility mode with Windows XP on Windows 7you have to meet the following requirements:

  • Have 2 GB of RAM.
  • Have an additional 15 GB of hard drive space.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Windows 7

Windows 7 has advantages and disadvantages over previous versions of the program, we present them below:

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  • It has greater synchronization between the user and the computer, taking advantage of tools such as the touch screen and voice recognition.
  • It takes up less space and requires less kernel.
  • Supports 32 and 64 bit architectures.
  • Save energy by using less machine components.


Similarly, this version had some drawbacks compared to other versions of Windows:

  • It does not have support or compatibility with drivers and technologies considered “obsolete”, marking a before and after.
  • A new and fresh installation of the operating system is mandatory for users of previous versions.
  • It is a more expensive version than the previous ones.
  • Popular Windows tools such as Movie Maker, Live Essentials, and more were removed.
  • Less user control is available regarding Windows updates and remote management by the company.

What is VirtualBox

VirtualBox It is an application that is used to do Virtual machines with operating system installations.

This means that if you have a computer with Windows, GNU/Linux or even macOSyou can create a virtual machine with any other operating system to use within the one you are using.

In this sense, it will allow you to install other operating systems or the same one that you already have on your computer, and it will help you test the applications from another operating system so you don’t have to make partitions or the process of installing Linux alongside Windows 10.

In this way, it is not as native and good an experience as having the OS on the computer, but it will help you do specific tests.

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It is therefore, VirtualBox Unlike alternatives like VMWareit is free, so it is not necessary to pay a license to have access to it. hypervisorbut you will still do everything you need to when it comes to maintaining a virtual environment for anyone who requires it.

His compatibility It spans practically all versions of Windows, a large number of versions of macOS and many other Linux distributions.

Although you can also find profiles for less common systems such as Solaris, OS/2, DOS, QNX, Novell, BeOS and other operating systems that you want to try or use without having to build a computer specifically for them.

On the other hand, VirtualBox is usually seen as a consumer-oriented product. home userthe reality is that it is capable of holding its own against payment alternatives when it comes to running servers or embedded applications.

Thus, VirtualBox In certain cases it can be a very good option to follow, especially if you do not need some exclusive functions of some of its competitors, among which we find VMWare, Microsoft Virtual PC or QEMU.

What is VirtualBox for?

VirtualBox It is mainly used to virtualize operating systems that you cannot or do not want to run natively on our computer.

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Likewise, it also serves to work on other operating systemssince one of the main virtues of a virtual machine It is the isolation it provides.

Due to this isolation of virtual machines, you can, for example, create a Sandboxwhich mainly consists of an isolated execution space where you can run applications from unverified or suspicious sources.

So, through a series of strict regulationsyou can run applications that may contain malware or other types of malicious code that could damage our equipment.

Given these, although there are applications dedicated to it, such as Sandboxiethe use of a virtual machine provides you with a different environment for this, being completely transparent to any type of program that can detect the use of a sandbox.

Additionally, there are programs that are capable of detecting the use of a virtual machine, this can be hidden from the guest operating system, so it is also an advantage, either for malware or for legitimate software with protection measures in place.

On the other hand, linking with this type of software, another use that can give you a virtual machine is to support you in terms of compatibility.

This is because some certain programs, although they have protection against being executed in virtual machines, They cannot work in newer versions of the operating system for which they were designed. So this is a method that is sometimes essential even for working.

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VirtualBox Features

Among the most notable features of VirtualBox are the following:

  • One of the points where this virtualization software places greater emphasis is on portability.
  • VirtualBox is available for a large number of systems that you can virtualize and they are: Windows (from XP to the latest version of Windows 10), Ubuntu, Debian, SUSE / OpenSUSE, Fedora, Oracle Linux, RHEL, Arch Linux, Solaris, Server (Leopard, Snow Leopard), FreeBSD, DOS, FreeDOS, OS/2.
  • Their virtual machines are portable, so you can take them with you whenever you want and use them on any other computer, either with VirtualBox or other virtualization programs.
  • This virtualization software has a toolkit called “Guest Additions”. This pack is installed once the operating system is installed, it installs the necessary drivers for the correct functioning of the virtual machines and enables another series of options to be able to interact with the host operating system, such as shared folders.
  • Allows you to configure up to 32 CPUs.
  • Support for USB devices.
  • Compatibility with all types of hardware, and full ACPI support.
  • Multiple screen resolutions.
  • Complete snapshot system.
  • Allows grouping virtual machines.
  • Machine cloning functions.
  • Remote screen to control the virtual machine from another computer.

How to install Windows 7 in VirtualBox

In case you are not ready to use it as the primary operating system, you can still use this operating system with your current operating system (XP or Vista) using virtual applications such as Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, Virtual Box and VM Ware.

Next we will show you how to install Windows 7 with Virtual Box.

First you have to download VirtualBox in the next and also Windows 7 R.C. In the next

Then on screen for install Virtual Box

Then run the program virtual box to view the Virtual Box Registration dialog box. Here you can enter your name and email if you wish. If you do not wish to provide your name and email, click the button Cancel.

After that in the Sun window VirtualBoxyou click on the button New To start the New Virtualization Machine Wizard.

After this you click on Following and enter a name for the new virtual machine, select the type of operating system as Microsoft Windows

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