How to know if an iPhone is original or fake

We show you step by step how to check if your iPhone or the iPhone you are going to buy is real or fake.

There are different ways to check if an iPhone is fake

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If you are one of those who browse Wallapop a lot or some other second-hand buying-selling apps or stores, surely you have come across tempting offers for , with some credible excuse. Faced with this situation, if you are an expert in buying and selling second-hand, The first thing that crosses your mind is that it is either a fakeor the owner does not mind losing a significant amount of money.

How can we know if the iPhone is really original or is it a counterfeit? if what you are going to buy is an iPad and you have this same doubt, the best thing is that you go through .

How to detect if the iPhone I’m going to buy is fake

Generally there are two types of fake phones: those that contain real parts from the manufacturer and run under the iOS operating system and those that try to simulate the Apple operating system but nevertheless it is an Android terminal disguised as an iPhone with iOS. Probably the second are the most common to see.

Check that the IMEI matches

As for the first option, that is, the ones containing real Apple parts and running iOS, they are the most difficult to identify in terms of their forgerysince these are phones that have actually been assembled from contraband parts or from old phones that have been withdrawn for recycling.

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These recalled iPhones are mostly shipped to China, where some unscrupulous companies they take the motherboards of these phones and use them inside modern casesiPhone knockoffs, and make it look totally real.

Although at first glance the phone may seem completely original, we can always carry out some tests or checks to find out if the iPhone is fake or not, they are the following:

  • Test the device and see if the software is slow to respondit will be a sign that your motherboard is old.
  • Check IMEI, for this we will look at the IMEI that appears on the back of the device comparing it with the IMEI that appears in the system settings (Settings> General> Information). If it doesn’t match, it’s fake. There is no excuse or explanation.

Find the serial number on the Apple website

Apple makes a website available to all users where they can check the status of official coverage on any company device. Entering the serial number of the iPhone you will get a lot of information such as the model and the year of purchase and you will also know easily if it is a fake.

To check the Apple warranty status of an iPhone and if it is fake or not, just follow these steps:

  • Go to .
  • You must enter the iPhone serial number.
  • To do so, all you have to do is go to Settings > General > Information.
  • Enter the iPhone serial number on the Apple website and check that it exists and that the information that appears there matches with the one provided by the seller.
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Check if you have iPhone system apps

The other type of iPhone counterfeits are those that they are physically identical to the iPhone, as well as parts of the operating system, such as the lockscreen and homescreen. However, when we open the applications we see that the system that really runs is Android.

Although it goes undetected quite well by an iPhone, and therefore can impersonate an iOS device, in this case it is much easier to detect if it is a fake or not, since With some tests we can determine if the terminal is true or not:

  • Try to open Siri. To do this, press the start button and leave it pressed waiting for Siri to open. If this does not happen, it is a fake.
  • Open the App Store. Although visually the icon is the same, it is best to open it and verify that the interface is really that of the App Store, and not that of Android’s Google Play.
  • An iPhone does not use Android. If you see any trace in the operating system that reminds you of Android, it is a fake iPhone.

But as I always say, the best thing to avoid being scammed is to be clear that if it is outrageously cheaper than the rest of the iPhone with the same conditions and model, it will be a scam. It is rare to find cheap iPhone models, unless this one is old.

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