How to know the battery health of an iPad

If you want to know the battery health data of the iPad, maximum battery capacity and charging cycles, you can do it from the device itself.

It is possible to know the charging cycles and the percentage of battery health from the iPad itself.

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Knowing the health of the battery of our devices is essential, especially as time goes by. Knowing the , is in the device’s own settings, but on the iPad this data does not appear. Hence knowing the battery health of an iPad is somewhat more complicatedalthough you can know in just a few minutes.

A depleted battery can cause our device becomes slow, in addition to lasting less time on. And although it is somewhat less important on iPads with very large batteries, it is a fact that is good to know. Especially if we are going to buy a second-hand iPad.

How to check battery health on iPad?

The health of an iPad battery can be broken down into two main factors. On one hand we have charge cycles, that is, the times the battery completes a 100% charge. And on the other we have maximum capacity that the battery has left, that it feeds us is a percentage of the original capacity.

on iPad this data is hidden and they do not appear in the Battery section of the settings, but that does not mean that they are not present in the system. Before you start, download this app on your iPad to be able to read the necessary document.

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How many charge cycles does an iPad battery have?

The iPad battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity after 1,000 complete charge cycles. A charge cycle can be one full charge from 0 to 100 percent, or two charges from 50 to 100 percent. And to check how many charging cycles the battery of our iPad has, we must do this:

  1. On your iPad enter the settings.
  2. Now heading to the section Privacy & Security.
  3. tap on Analysis and improvements and then in Analysis data.
  4. Now enter the last file starting with Analytics.
  5. In the upper right area, touch the share icon and select the Documents app which we have downloaded before.
  6. Once the app and the document open, in the upper area tap on the seeker.
  7. To find the iPad charge cycles type “CycleCount” and press “Enter”.
  8. You will find this word in the document and next to it will appear a number with charging cycles iPad battery.

If the charging cycles are below 500, you are facing a battery in very good condition and which still has many years ahead of it. If the cycles are close to 1,000, it means that that iPad has a battery that has been used a lot.

How to see the maximum battery capacity of an iPad

If what you want is to know the maximum capacity of your iPad battery, the steps to follow are very similar to the previous ones, only that we must look for another word in this analysis document for your iPad. Follow these steps:

  1. On your iPad enter the settings.
  2. Now heading to the section Privacy & Security.
  3. tap on Analysis and improvements and then in Analysis data.
  4. Now enter the last file starting with Analytics.
  5. In the upper right area, touch the share icon and select the Documents app which we have downloaded before.
  6. Once the app and the document open, in the upper area tap on the seeker.
  7. To find the iPad charge cycles type “MaximumCapacityPercent” and press “Enter”.
  8. You will find this word in the document and next to it will appear a number with the percentage of maximum capacity iPad battery.
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The number that appears is a maximum percentage of original battery. If it is above 90 you are facing a battery in very good condition, although if it is close to or below 80%, it is likely that the battery will not last long and will have to be replaced soon.

This is the only way to see the maximum battery percentage and charge cycles remaining on the iPad. Apple doesn’t put it as easily as it does on the iPhone, partly because it is not such an important fact, as the . The iPad does not charge every day and it has a very large battery, so it is not something that degrades easily, until after 5 or 6 years it is not something to worry about.

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