How to Level Up on Steam – Premium Tutorial

Steam is a great platform to find and play all your favorite PC games. If you frequent your profile or other Steam profiles, you may notice the “Level” section. Steam created this update system as a way to unite the platform and the games you play on it.

The process is quite simple: you earn XP through various tasks, the main one being emblem creation, and when you earn enough XP, you level up. There are, of course, strategies you can follow to quickly. These are the basics of leveling up on Steam.

The fastest way to earn XP: create badges

When you’re starting out on Steam, all you need is 100 XP to get your first level. For each subsequent level up to 10, 100 XP will increase your level. From there, you’ll need 200 XP per level, and when you reach level 20, 300 XP, etc.

The fastest way to earn XP is to create emblems. Badges are created by collecting cards through your games, as well as purchasing or trading them. You can view all your current badges and cards by going to Your account name > Badges.

To do this, you will first need a game that supports earning badges. You can find them in Steam search using the filter with the Steam Trading Card modifier. Once you purchase and download one, playing it will give you card drops.

You need a certain number of cards from a deck to create the game’s level 1 emblem. After playing the game and reaching the maximum number of cards, you will need to buy the rest of the cards or exchange them with others. You can buy cards in the market.

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A single card typically only costs a few cents, so it’s not too expensive to complete a credential. And if you’ve received duplicates in your card deliveries, you can sell them to buy the ones you need on the Marketplace.

There are also reinforcements. These are given to you at random and include three cards from a given set of badges. To get them, you just need to use Steam at least once a week to remain eligible.

Updating your stamps

Each emblem has the ability to level up on Steam multiple times, up to a maximum of 5 times. So with a single game it is possible to get 500 XP. You can see how quickly this can add up when creating emblems for multiple games.

Every time you create an emblem, you get three random items for it. You can then sell these items on the market and use those funds to purchase even more cards. Or, if you have an item that no one seems to want to buy, you have the option of turning it into jewelry. Gems can be accumulated and used to purchase boosters.

For more popular games, Booster Packs usually cost around 1,000 gems, so it may take a while to collect enough gems for that. But if you have a lot of extra non-tradeable items, it might be worth it.

Create Steam Sale Badges

In addition to incredible game prices, Steam’s sales hours are great for boosting your account. This is because for all emblems you create during a Steam sale event, you will receive sale-specific trading cards that can also be converted into an emblem.

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These Steam sale emblems can be upgraded unlimitedly, so it may be worth waiting for the next sale to start creating your regular emblems. So you can put them as much as possible on Steam selling trading cards.

Taking advantage of this can help you level up tremendously. And it’s a good time to buy more sets to get even more emblems to craft.

Other ways to earn XP

There are many other ways to earn XP besides creating badges, and these can be great things to do when you start leveling up on Steam.

First of all, there is the Community Pillar seal. This is a badge you can earn by completing certain tasks on Steam, such as adding a friend, playing a game, or posting a . After completing certain tasks, you will receive the level 1 emblem for 100 XP and you can upgrade it to level 2 for an additional 100 XP.

There are also Game Collector badges. This badge gives you XP every time you purchase a certain number of games, hypothetically until you purchase all the games available in the Steam store. However, the more games you buy, the less XP you’ll get each time, but it’s good for the first few games you get.

You can also get XP just for having a Steam account for a while. This is your seal of years of service. For every year you have an account, you will earn 50 XP.

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Rewards for leveling up

So what’s the incentive to level up on Steam? Well, there are actually some nice perks with each level you gain.

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Every time you level up, you gain five additional friend slots. So at each level, you will be able to add more friends to your account. At levels 10, 20, 30, and 40, you have a +20% chance of receiving boosts, making leveling up even easier.

So if you’re feeling a little burned out on all your Steam games, you can always take the time to play some games and level up your Steam account, and get some cool perks in the process. .

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