How to Lock Screen on YouTube: Tips and Tricks

We are here to talk about how lock screen on . Have you ever been watching a video and realized that you couldn’t advance to the next one without going through a bunch of ads? That can be a big problem, especially if you don’t have time to wait for them to run out. That’s why we’re going to give you some to lock the screen on YouTube.

Locking the screen on YouTube is easy, fast and effective. Most of these They require just a few clicks and take no more than a minute. Here are some of the best tips and tricks for locking your screen on YouTube:

  • 1. Make use of extensions: There are extensions for chrome, and that you can download to block ads, reduce video resolution, etc.
  • 2. Manual Methods: There are also some manual methods to lock screen on YouTube. You can use a free program to edit the video images or development to block ads.
  • 3. Change adBlock settings: If you have Adblock Plus installed, you can change the settings to block ads. This will also help you reduce data consumption.
  • 4. Turn off autoplay: You can turn off autoplay to prevent videos from starting to play without your consent. This also allows you to control the ads.

Now that you know how to lock your screen on YouTube, why don’t you put these tips and tricks into practice? Enjoy your favorite videos!


  1. Open the YouTube app on your device. This application usually comes pre-installed on many smartphones. If you can’t find it, you can download it for free from your device’s app store.
  2. Once you have opened the application, select the Menu button, located at the top left of the screen. Once you click on it, you will see a drop-down list with several options.
  3. In that drop-down list, select the “Settings” option. Another window will open where you can see the Youtube settings panel.
  4. Scroll down to the section called “Security” and click on it. A new window will appear containing various security-related settings.
  5. In that new window, look for the “Lock screen” option, and enable it to activate. This will allow the screen to be locked when you are not watching YouTube. To set the duration for which the screen will unlock, select the desired minutes.
  6. Finally, select the “Done” button to save your changes. Now, whenever you don’t want to use YouTube, you just have to lock the screen to .
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If you have ANDROID AUTO, you MUST activate these options!


How can I lock the screen on YouTube?

Lock screen on YouTube It is very simple, since there are several options to do it. First, you can block certain content on YouTube so that they are not shown to minors or unauthorized users.

This can be done from the Your account settings, where you can control the content displayed on your device. Additionally, some devices have an age restriction setting that allows you to block content not suitable for minors.

Another option for lock the screen on YouTube is the Screen Time functionality, which can be found on Apple devices. This feature allows you limit usage time of YouTube on your device by providing you with an alert when the time limit is reached.

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There are also apps like Qustodio available for download, specially designed to control the content on your devices and lock screen on YouTube. This tool is ideal for parents who want to supervise their children’s YouTube usage.

What resources should I use to lock the screen on YouTube?

If you want to lock your screen on YouTube, there are many resources you can use. To start, you can use a security software, such as Kaspersky or Norton, to ensure that there are no ads or content not appropriate for children available on the channels. These tools allow you keys and content on YouTube channels. You can configure the software so that only adults can access certain content to control what your child sees. .

Another alternative is to use some plugin for your browser. For example, there are plugins like Adblock Plus or Content Blocker Premium that will help you lock screen on YouTube without having to worry about inappropriate content. These programs will block anything that is rated as not appropriate for children.

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You can also use the Privacy settings of YouTube to restrict content according to the age of children. This option will not only help you lock the screen on YouTube, but also offers you additional featuressuch as the ability to limit videos and channels visible to viewers.

Lastly, there is an app called Restricted Mode that you can also use to restrict content in Youtube. This app acts as a content filter that blocks videos and channels that contain tags or words considered inappropriate for children.

What are the tips and tricks to lock the screen on YouTube?

Lock screen on YouTube can be a useful tool for controlling the content shown to users. To achieve this there are several options available.

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  • 1. Age Verification: This is a great way to block content for those under age. Requires users to enter their date of birth to prove they are the appropriate age. This guarantees that they will not see content that is not suitable for them.
  • 2. Use Restricted mode: This is a YouTube feature that allows the user to restrict content on the platform. When enabled, it only allows viewing of previously selected videos and will block access to any other videos that are not within the approved list.
  • 3. Create verified playlists: This is a great way to control the content that users see. You can create restricted playlists where only the content you have previously selected will be available. This ensures that they will not see inappropriate content.
  • 4. Supervision of contents: If you want users to listen to controlled content, you must monitor the content they are viewing at all times. This means manually checking the videos they’re watching to make sure they’re watching what’s appropriate for them.
  • 5. Use software to block content on YouTube: Specific software to block content on YouTube can be useful to restrict access to inappropriate content. The program should allow the user to set blocks and restrictions on specific content so that users do not see what is not appropriate.
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Is it possible to unlock the screen on YouTube if I choose to do so?

Yes, it is possible to unlock the screen on YouTube. This can be done if you have parental controls activated and are using restrictions to limit the content viewed on YouTube. To activate it, follow the following steps:

  • 1. Sign in to your Google account.
  • 2. Go to YouTube settings.
  • 3. Select the ‘Parental Controls’ option.
  • 4. Activate ‘Content Restriction’.
  • 5. Enter your password to confirm your selection.
    Once this is done, the screen will be locked. If you want to unlock it, follow the following steps:
  • 1. Go to the same YouTube settings screen.
  • 2. Disable the ‘Content Restriction’ option.
  • 3. Enter your password to confirm your selection.

You will now have the screen unlocked. However, remember that this means that users will be able to see content that is not suitable for minors. It is important that you keep this in mind before unlocking the screen.


With all this information, we can say only one thing with certainty: there are different ways to lock the screen on YouTube, But each of them has its pros and cons..

Therefore, Depending on the use we give to our account, we must choose the most appropriate way to lock the screen according to our needs. Some options offer us greater security, while others allow us greater flexibility.

The key to a worry-free experience is find a balance between security and comfort offered by different screen lock methods.

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