How to Make a New Post on Instagram Stories | Tutorial

In the event that you have made a new publication and you want to share it in your stories to show it to all your followers in an original way, and you don’t know how to make a new post in Storieshere you will know

Since the arrival of instagramthis social network has become one of the most used social applicationssince every day users are connected to the platform for an average of 28 minutes and 4.2 billion likes are made on publications.

The Instagram Social Network

The social network instagram It is characterized by being a image based platform that users share with the rest of the virtual communitybeing a fresh and fun alternative that offers great interaction with the public, giving visibility to your activities, products or services.

This application was created in the year 2010 by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger and since its creation it has been unstoppable, since in just 2 years it had more 100 million of users.

While in 2014 the number reached 300 million, and currently it has reached more than 1 billion of people who make up the Instagram community.

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On the other hand, this app is free, being available for mobile devices iOS and which allows them to share photos or videos lasting approximately one minute from their cell phone.

Furthermore, it has a variety of filters and tools to retouch images, so they can change the brightness, contrast, sharpness and other parameters. As well as adding visual effects to give it our own stamp of identity.

On the other hand, the result of its use is practically professional, since it provides your mark an image very attractive to potential consumers, and all photographs can be shared on other social networks such as either .

Main features of Instagram

Through the Instagram app has become one of the social networks with the largest number of users, being considered one of the favorites of users. adolescents and young people for all the options it offers.

Therefore, the most notable features are presented below.

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1. Massivity

Instagram has more than 1,221 million users worldwide in 2021.

2. Accessibility

It can be accessed from a computer or any type of mobile device.

3. Dynamism

It stands out for the variety of attractive tools it offers. In addition, it has options that make it easier to make your content more visible to the social network community.

4. It’s Interactive

Instagram allows the publication of any visual content, this means that it can upload photographs, images, sequences and one-minute videos length to your feed, just as Instagram TV has been created for videos longer than 1 minute.

5. Connectivity

It makes it easy for millions of people to have an Instagram account.

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6. It is Bidirectional

This feature is important because Instagram allows brands to have a relationship with users. users active on this network. This means that there is better interaction between customers and the brand, which allows companies to capture their attention.

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7. Experientiality

Brands that are on Instagram can connect with their followers through stories and keep the day’s actions on, this achieves a unique experience.

8. Visual platform

Instagram stands out for being an application exclusively for visual content, this means that you can publish images and videos of one minute in the case of the feed or 15 seconds, if you want to replicate it to stories.

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The main functions of Instagram

Instagram has been evolving every year with the aim of offering innovative functions to its users, thus updating the various publications that can be done and the increase in tools, make Instagram an attractive social network that never ceases to surprise.

It is for this reason that this application provides updates and functions that are accepted by the entire community.

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Therefore, we present the main functions that Instagram offers:

1. Post photos and videos

Instagram allows you to upload and publish your photos and videos to your feed, and gives you the option to share them on other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

2. The Stories

This feature allows you to update and update your account, since you can publish photos or videos that will be available for 24 hours. You can also download the edited image or video to publish it on other social networks.

3. Go Live

Instagram gives you the possibility of broadcasting live to share the content with your followers, and you can activate or deactivate the option for comments and know the number of people who are watching your broadcast.

4. The Direct

This is a function for private to your followers, since through this means, you can share photos, videos, publications from other users and links.

5. Album creation

Instagram allows you to post up to 10 photos in a single post.

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6. Creation of virtual stores

By having a commercial account you can sell products through a catalog.

7. Edit images

It has more than 29 filters to modify and edit images, in addition to offering facial filters, being very interactive since you can play with augmented reality.

8. Tag users

When you make a publication you can tag your followers on Instagram, so they can have said publication on their profile.

9. Add location, hashtags and descriptions

When posting on Instagram, you can add a description, as well as hashtags, which allow you with other users who have used it, and enter the location or place where the image or video was taken.

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10. Comment

On Instagram you can leave comments on public account posts, and you can mention other users so they can see said post.

11. Like

If you liked a user’s publication, you have the possibility of interacting with them through the likes you leave on their photo or video.

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12. Save posts

Instagram allows you to save other users’ content to access them later.

Make a New Post on Instagram Stories

In Instagram Stories One of the things that can be added is new posts, which allow you to inform your followers that you have published something new, and give mobility to your account.

In this social network there are users who get complicated by share the new publication through and other much more difficult forms, having methods very simple to do it.

How to make a New Post on Instagram Stories

In the event that you are one of these users who can no longer upload Instagram posts to their stories as always, through the following steps you can do it:

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When you see a post that you want to share in stories, you have to give it a likeand if possible you keep also to be able to find it more easily.

Then go to the story editor and enter the Create Mode.

When you are inside, you have to hit the sticker smiley face at the top of the screen.

Then you have to choose the widget «Republish» «Reshare» in English.

After that, select the post you want upload to your storiessearching for it in the three available galleries, the one with the last posts you have seen, the saved posts, and the posts uploaded to your own profile.

Then you have to choose, if necessary, what type of post slide you want to share in the stories.

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Finally, upload the post to your story the same as always, clicking the button “Your history” which you will see below on the left.

How to share a post from another account on Instagram Stories

In this case you must follow these steps:

You have to log in to your Instagram account and select the post that you want to share in your story, it has to be a public account, then you must press the send via private message function icon.

Then you will see that the option appears “Add post to your story”, and you click on it.

After that you can see the edit box and the image you want to share will appear, centered on a colored background. This color is proposed by the app automatically, based on the predominant tone of the image you have shared.

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Then edit your post taking advantage of some of the functions that are available.

Finally, mention the account from which you obtained the post.

Tools for creating a New post on Instagram Stories

To make a new post in Instagram Stories Below we describe some tools so that your followers do not stop visiting your publication and interacting with your profile, and they are the following:

1. Change the post style

Before publishing the new post If you click anywhere on the screen you can change the style of the postsince there are two styles, one simpler in which only the image and your username and another in which your name and profile image are displayed at the top and the text that accompanies the publication at the bottom.

2. Change the background color

By clicking on the icon shaped like zig Zag from the top right and choose one of the tips to paintthen you choose the color and start coloring the background behind the image.

3. Add a shape or symbol

When you open the coolsymbol website in the following you can choose a symbol and click on it, it will be copied to the clipboardthen before publishing the story click on the icon “Ah.” and double click to paste it, and it will be done.

4. Add “New Post” stickers

When announcing that the publication is new using Instagram gifsyou just have to open the gif section and search in the box “New post”and there you will get a lot of them, and you can choose the one you like the most.

5. Make lines with the writing tool

If you need a straight line to make a frame for your post, you just have to open the tool “Ah.” and you can find the underscore character and type it repeatedly, then click on it and it will be done.

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As could be seen creation of new post on Instagram It guarantees that you have your active account, which will allow you to have many followers and position your brand or yourself as a public figure among the users of this famous social network.

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