How to Mount a Router to the Wall Without Drilling

Are you tired of having to drill a hole in the wall to place your ? You do not know what to do? If the answer is yes, we will tell you how Mount your router to the wall without drilling. With our guide you can achieve a professional result easily and quickly without spending too much money on it.

The first thing you should get is a kit Router mounting without drilling. These are purchased online or in the main electronics store chains. The kit must contain at least four adhesive hooks. These hooks will allow the router to fit to the wall surface without the need for any holes in the wall.

Once you’ve gotten the kit, it’s time to start preparations. The first thing is to find a safe location to place the router. Make sure it is near a power outlet so that the router can be powered by electricity. Next, clean the wall surface where you want to place the router. This is best done with a small amount of isopropyl alcohol and a soft cloth.

The next step is prepare the hooks. This involves removing them from the sheet they come from and cleaning the surface with alcohol to remove excess dirt. Once this is done, light pressure should be applied to each hook to ensure that it has been applied properly.

Now that you have prepared the hooks, it’s time to put them in place. To do this, you must place each hook in a centralized location on the wall. Once you have placed the hooks, insert the router into the hooks and increase the pressure to ensure that it adheres well to the wall surface.

And ready! You already learned how Mount your router to the wall without drilling.

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What materials do I need to mount a router to the wall without drilling?

To mount a router to the wall without drilling, you need the following materials:

  • Set of fasteners with clamp type screw, to secure the cables.
  • Strong adhesive strips or brackets to hang the router directly on the wall. These strips should be sticky enough to support the weight of the router.
  • Tape, to join the base of the router with the adhesive strip and increase the resistance of the support.
  • Insulating tape, to cover the cables hanging inside the room.
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You can even choose to purchase a base specially designed for this purpose. These bases do not always require drilling into the wall, and are a good option for users who do not want or cannot drill holes. Some have springs, which allow you to adjust the angle of the router to improve the connection.

As a final point, remember that the location of your router influences the quality of the signal. In general, it is recommended to find a high location, preferably with little obstruction between the router and the devices you want to service.

How should I attach the router without drilling into the wall materials?

One of the ways to attach a router without drilling into the wall materials is with adhesive tape. There are specialized adhesive tapes for electrical installations, such as 3m tapes or Super88 adhesive tapes, some even have UL certification, so you can be sure that there will be no problems nailing your router.

Before installing the router you must clean the wall surface so that there are no impurities between the surface and the adhesive tape.

Once this is done, simply place the adhesive tape on the back of the router. and press thoroughly so that it adheres well to the wall. It is also important that before folding any adhesive tape, you lengthen it and check that it is flexible.otherwise it could be damaged and not support the weight of the router.

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Now with the adhesive tape on the router and the wall The edges of the tape are folded towards the router so that it holds better; Some brands, such as 3M, even have an aroma indicator that shows if the glue has been sufficiently fixed.

Another way to hold the router without having to drill the wall is through “adhesive hooks”. These adhesives are generally made of rubber and plastic and to install them you only have to remove the protective layer and press. As with masking tape, it is important to clean the surface before installation to ensure that the adhesive stays in place and does not fly away.

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One last tip is that you try to install the router in a safe place where it is difficult to destroy and exposed to being hit. to avoid any accident.

Is there a solution to mount a router without destroying the wall surface?

If you want to mount a router without destroying the wall surface, there are several options that can help you. One of them is to use adhesive wrapping tape, which would stick to the router and the wall, thus avoiding holes and possible damage. This is a cost-effective and practical solution as it requires no tools or materials.

Another option is to install the router base on a sheet of plasterboard. This would be carried out with a drill, intended to make a hole for the cable that will connect the board to the router. Once this is done, special screws would be used to anchor the plate to the wall and thus avoid the risk of it falling due to its weight.

You can also use router mounting kits, which usually have self-adhesive patches for attaching to the wall. These kits include a base and its corresponding supports, screws, nuts and a small template to mark the position of the router. The assembly process is simple and consists of a series of easily followed steps.

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Finally, it should be noted that It is possible to hang the router with simple hooks designed for this purpose, which are easy to find in online stores or hardware stores. This solution offers the convenience of being able to place the router in the desired position, without the need to sand or scratch the paint on the wall.

What alternatives are there to properly place a router on the wall without damaging it?

There are several ways to place properly a router on the wall, without causing any damage:

  • Use special glue: This is one of the easiest ways to mount the router on the wall. Using the suitable glue You can fix the router without causing damage to the materials the wall is made of.
  • Self-tapping screws: This is the safest option for placing the router on the wall. Thanks to the depth they can reach, you will avoid causing any damage to the material, correctly setting up the routerwithout major problem.
  • Scotch tape: Although it is not the best option for placing a router on the wall, it is certainly very useful. There are many brands of adhesive tape that are specially designed with these types of situations in mind, so as not to cause any damage to the materials with which they are made.
  • Drill bit and drills: If you are looking for a more durable option to mount your router on the wall, this is one of the safest ways. Not only will it help the router remain adequately fixedbut also you will prevent it from suffering any damage.
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It doesn’t matter if we decide to use an option that is not recommended, the important thing is that we take into account some general tips to avoid damage. It is always advisable to verify the materials with which the wall is made, in order to choose the appropriate type of tool or accessory for its placement. Furthermore, it is very important Follow the instructions on the router box for a proper installation.


As a result of this simple explanation, it has become clear that mounting a router to the wall without drilling is not complicated at all.

You just have to look at the different supports available on the market (adhesive vinyl, magnetic supports, adhesive supports, etc.), look for one that is compatible with the router and follow the assembly instructions.

If we are guided by the care of the environment, we will realize that assembling our equipment without the need to drill turns out to be a great alternative. Now it’s easier and more fun to invest in technology without damaging the environment!

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