How to Place a Transparent Image Over Another in Paint and Paint 3D – Premium Tuto

If you want to perform a simple task in powerful photo editing tools like Photoshop, GIMP, etc., there is a learning curve. Let’s take the example of placing one image on top of another. Simple tools like MS Paint help in these circumstances. MS Paint is a free photo editing software pre-installed on Windows computers. received a free application pre-installed on a Windows PC.

Overlaying an image in Paint or Paint 3D is quite simple. You can use the concept of a transparent image to another image to add watermarks and logos to your photos. It can also help you merge two images.

Let’s see how to place an image, especially a transparent image on top of another in Paint and Paint 3D.

How to place an image on top of another in Paint

Users are disappointed when they don’t see a dedicated Insert button in Paint to add images on top of the existing image. However, the same functionality is available using the “ from”. You can use it to insert images into Paint.

Here are the steps to add a transparent image in Paint:

: Start MS Paint on your computer.

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2nd step: Open the first image to which you want to add another image from File > Open.

Step 3: Click the small down arrow below Paste. Choose the “Paste from” option.

Step 4: The “Past of” window will open. Navigate to the image file you want to add to the first image. Click Open to insert it.

Step 5: In most cases, you will notice that if you add a PNG file with a transparent background, it will appear with a white background. Don’t worry.

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With the image selected, click on the down arrow present in the Select option. Choose Transparent Selection.

After ! The white background will disappear instantly.

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How transparent selection works

In case you’re wondering how transparent selection removes the background, here’s a quick explanation.

The color selected in Color 2 in Paint will be removed when you enable transparent selection. Since PNG images have a transparent background, they will be added with a white background in Paint. It is removed when clicked because color 2 is mainly white. If it is another color, the Transparent selection will not work. Then click on the Color 2 box and then click on the white color.

Now, if your image has a different background color, select it in Color 2. To do this, click the color picker icon in the toolbar. Normally, you would click on the color in the image to select it as Color 1. Since we need the color in the Color 2 box, in the color.

Then use the transparent selection option. This way you can remove any part of your image. The only thing to keep in mind is that the image must have a solid background.

Step 6: You can resize the transparent image, change its position and rotate it. Use the corners of the selection area to resize the image. Right-click the image and choose Rotate.

To change its position, hold the mouse pointer over the image. It will transform into a four-sided arrow. Drag it to the desired position.

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Similarly, you can add multiple images on top of the same image in Paint.

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Step 7: To save the image, go to File > Save As.

How to place an image on top of another in Paint 3D

Overlaying images in Paint 3D is simple compared to traditional painting. Fortunately, Paint 3D preserves the original transparency of PNG images. Therefore, you will not see any white background added to your image.

Let’s see how to insert an image on top of another image in Paint 3D.

Step 1: Launch the Paint 3D application on your computer.

2nd step: Open the background image where you want to insert another image using Menu > Open.

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Step 3: To add images, go to Menu > Insert.

Step 4: Open the image you want to add to the background.

, rotate or reposition the second image according to your preferences. Similarly, add more images.

If the image you want to add has a background color, you can make the background transparent in Paint 3D. also can background.

Step 5: Click Menu > Save As to save your final image.

Show your creativity

Combining multiple images can produce spectacular results. You can create wallpapers, social media images, blog images using mosaic images, overlaying images on top of each other. The final result depends on your creativity. So use it to the fullest.

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Next: Paint 3D can also be used to in irregular shapes. Learn how to cut an image into a circle using Paint 3D from the following link.

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