How to put one sheet vertically and another horizontally in Word

Most documents require portrait orientation. Others, for their part, only use horizontal leaves. However, special works, such as thesis, research projects or results reports, require combine horizontal and vertical pages in Word. Something that is complicated for a large number of users, since they do not know the correct way to do it and end up with several separate files.

However, this is a simple process, since the same program facilitates the Integration of horizontal pages into a vertically oriented document. Since it has an option in the tools menu that allows you to carry out this task comfortably. Which will not take you more than a couple of minutes and with which you can reduce work time to use it in other tasks. Continue reading the following post to find out how to do it.

From the tools menu

The steps to follow to combine horizontal and vertical sheets in Word, they are very simple. Once you have a new document within the program, click on the specific section in which you want to change the orientation of the pages and follow these instructions.

  1. Click “Provision”.
  2. Click on the little arrow located in the lower corner of the section “Set page”.
  3. This will open a window where you can modify the visual appearance of the entire document or a specific page.
  4. Choose “Horizontal”.
  5. Now, at the bottom of the window you will find a drop-down menu under the title “Apply to”. Click on it and select “From now on”.
  6. Press “Accept”.
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It’s that simple put horizontal sheets in a vertical document in Word. When the process finishes you will be able to see that, from there, all the pages will be displayed horizontally. This is something you can modify whenever you want, just repeat the process and change the orientation of the document again. Don’t forget to select the option “From now on”, so that the change does not affect the rest of the work.

Dividing the document into sections

Other way to combine vertical and horizontal sheets in a Word document, is dividing the work into sections. This will allow specific parts to be modified without affecting the sheets that precede or precede said section. To do so you must follow the steps shown below. Note that, the titles or location of options on the menu They may vary based on the version of the program you are using.

  1. Click “Provision”.
  2. Select the option “Jumps”.
  3. Locate the section “Section breaks” and click “Next page”.Note: If the sheet whose orientation you want to change, It is the same one you are in in the “Keep going”.
  4. Now choose the option “Orientation”.
  5. Choose “Horizontal”.

With this you will notice that the format of the sheet changed to horizontal, while the previous sheets remain vertical. For prevent following pages from changing their shape, repeat steps 2 and 3, selecting the corresponding option in each case. Keep in mind the observation described during the step by step so that everything turns out as you want.

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Selecting the text

One last alternative to get place horizontal and vertical sheets in the same document, it is select the text from the page in question and then go to menuProvision” in the toolbar. Once there, follow the instructions explained below.

  1. Click on the small arrow icon located in the lower right corner of the “Set page”.
  2. When the options window opens, change the orientation of the sheet to landscape.
  3. Display the menu “Apply to” and select “Selected text”.
  4. Press “Accept”.

With this you will be able to include horizontal sheets without having to create new files, easily. Repeat the process as many times as necessary. Something important in this method is that you must make sure do not select any character from the previous or next pageotherwise you will change their appearance.

With any of these three methods, you will be able to obtain the result you are looking for in less time, without requiring greater effort. Use the one that works best for you and give your work the professional style you need.

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