How to Recover a Deleted Tweet: Useful Tips and Tricks

Have you ever had problems with a tweet you deleted accidentally and have you wondered how to get it back? Okay, do not worry! There are a series of and to recover your tweets after you have deleted them.

Below we will give you a about how you can do it.

  • 1. Check your settings in account privacy. Your Twitter account could be set to save your recently deleted tweets. You can find this option in “Settings and privacy”. If you enabled the “save deleted tweets” option, then all your deleted tweets will be saved in a temporary folder for a period of 30 days.
  • 2. Go to your account timeline. Go to Twitter “Action Center” and find the deleted tweet. If you find the tweet, it means that it was temporarily stored in the “recent activities” folder, where all deleted items are stored.
  • 3. Access the Recent Activities Folder. In the Action Center, click “Recent Activities” to see if there are any deleted tweets there. If the tweet you want to recover is located in the folder, just click “Recover Tweet” to recover it.
  • 4. Use a third-party tool. If you do not find the tweet in the Recent Activities Folder, then use a third-party tool like TweeterRescue to recover your deleted tweets. This app works by scanning your Twitter account for deleted tweets.


  1. Enter the Twitter application from your PC or cell phone. If you don’t have an account yet, you can register for free.
  2. Once logged in, go to your profile to view all the tweets you have published.
  3. Search for the deleted tweet among all the shared content on your Timeline.
  4. In case you can’t find the tweet, check if the user who retweeted you has been deactivated.
  5. If this is the case, you will have to use an online recovery toolsuch as TweetDelete.
  6. Head to the TweetDelete website to download the browser extension for your PC.
  7. Once the extension is installed, search for the deleted tweet.
  8. Select the “Recover Tweet” option and wait for the tool to complete the search.
  9. Once the tool has found the deleted tweet, Click the “Recover” button to make it appear on your timeline again.
  10. Verify that the tweet has been correctly recovered before closing the recovery tool.
  11. That’s it! Your tweet was successfully recovered.
  12. If you have any questions about the process, check it again from the TweetDelete website for more information.
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Is it possible to recover a deleted tweet?

It is possible to recover a deleted tweet in some cases, although you must take into account what it entails. external to do so. According to Twitterwhenever we delete a tweet, it is immediately removed from the platform and any third-party content inspection to restore it is done without consent or participation from Twitter. Within these external tools you can find:

  • Archives of the Internet Archive Wayback Machinewith a history of all websites indexed since 1996.
  • Utility of TweetDeletera web application that searches for deleted tweets on the social network.
  • Tool of TwitterWipewhich allows you to recover up to 3,200 tweets.

For example, with the Internet Archive Wayback Machine you just have to enter the tweet link in the search box and see if any results appear. If there is, we will be shown the image of the tweet that had been published before deleting it.

On the other hand, TweetDeleter not only helps us recover deleted tweets, but also offers us detailed information such as the content of the tweet, the date of publication, the geographical location, among others. Finally, TwitWipe is an ideal tool to recover deleted tweets by allowing you to search directly from the official page without having to download any software.

It is important to note that these services are from third parties and They are not part of Twitter. This means that these tools recover information available on the Internet but without the consent of the social network. For this reason, we can say that it is possible to recover a deleted tweet, but it will depend on the use of external tools and the luck we have.

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Are there any tips and tricks that can help recover a deleted tweet?

When it comes to recovering deleted tweets, there are several that can help us. Although from the beginning it should be mentioned that there is no foolproof method to recover a tweet, there are some things we can try to do.

First of all, we must ensure that the tweet has not been deleted by the user. Sometimes a tweet can temporarily disappear due to various issues such as a network problem or a server error, so it is important to check it again in a while to see if it has been recovered.

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When we are sure that the tweet has been deleted by the user for some reason, we could try some tricks or tips. One option may be to search the user’s favorites lists, since the deleted tweet may have been saved there.

Another option It would be to see if we had a backup copy of our tweeter-related data, such as HTML files with old saved tweets, however, not all users have something like this.

Finally, there are some third party programs that help us recover tweets deleted for various reasons, including those accidentally discarded. These programs are designed to facilitate the recovery of lost tweets, although it must be remembered that there is no guarantee that all of them will be recovered.

What steps should be followed to try to recover a deleted tweet?

If you’ve made the mistake of accidentally deleting a tweet, don’t worry. There is still a chance to try to get it back. Here are some steps you can follow to try to recover the deleted tweet:

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  • 1. You must first go into your settings and check if there is a third-party application that you have previously used to manage your Twitter account. Some of these tools allow you to make backup copies of published information, which can be useful.
  • 2. If so, then you can use it to try to recreate the deleted message. There are many third-party applications for your Twitter account with which you can access your old tweets and rely on them to repost what you have deleted.
  • 3. Another option is to try using the Wayback Machine web service. This tool scans content published on the Internet at regular intervals, often ranging from every 24 hours to several years.
  • 4. If you’ve backed up deleted tweets, you can try to restore them from your device or from your carrier. of data.
  • 5. Finally, if you accidentally deleted the tweet, Twitter may still have it in its database. Twitter support team can try to restore the deleted tweet to help you. However, you have to contact them by phone or email and clearly explain the problem.
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How can you prevent situations where you need to recover a deleted tweet?

To prevent situations where it is necessary to recover a deleted tweet It is advisable the content of it before publishing it, in this way, once the original tweet has been deleted from the profile, it will be access to the content to upload it again. If you do not have a copy, there are external tools that allow perform recovery. One option is to use the “Twitter Archive Eraser” web service, which allows you to view all deleted tweets and download them to a Word document for easy recovery.

Another common practice is save a backup of the publication through a cloud storage service, such as Drive or ; This generates an independent backup of the content that will not be deleted until the author decides to delete it directly from the site.

A final recommendation is to use Applications created with the purpose of avoiding the loss of tweets. These allow you to configure the automatic synchronization of Tweets from the official account to the application, generating a backup of them to prevent them from being deleted. This tool creates a local database and connects with the Twitter API, allowing a copy to be made in the event of a deletion to later republish the content without problems.


In conclusion, recovering a deleted tweet is not a complicated task as many think. Although it certainly requires some research work, the that we offered here will make the job much easier for you.

So go ahead! Whether you made a mistake by posting the wrong tweet or want to share an old tweet with your followers, now you know how to recover a deleted tweet!

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