How to recover your Outlook email account

When a situation arises that support considers unusual, Outlook account can be blocked. This can be annoying and many users do not know how to solve the problem.

Recover Outlook account

In this article we will tell you how to recover your Outlook accountthe process is extremely simple and is similar to the one carried out when the person has forgotten the password and wants to reset it.

Procedure to follow

The recovery of a blocked Outlook account must be carried out from the web browser, the steps to be carried out are as follows:

  1. Enter the recovery page following this link
  2. Enter the email address of the account you want to recover.
  3. Choose a verification method identity, follow the instructions on the page and select “Get code”.
  4. Enter the verification code received through the chosen method.
  5. Reset the password indicating a new option.

Once the new password has been changed, it will be possible to log in normally to the email account, as well as send and receive messages.

Tips for creating your password

Microsoft’s own support includes some basic tips necessary to create the new password and make it very secure, which are:

  • Use capital letters.
  • Include numbers and symbols.
  • Use a unique keythat is not repeated in any other account.

Additionally, it is advisable to take into consideration that This password is not shared with anyone and it should be easy to remember.

Using the recovery form

In case the above method is not valid, it is possible to recover the Outlook account by contacting technical support through a form. To do this, the following steps are carried out:

  1. Access the recovery page using this one.
  2. Enter the email address who wants to recover.
  3. Enter a contact email that is different from the one you are trying to recover, to which you have access for communication with support.
  4. Solve the CAPTCHAit can be by writing the letters indicated in the image or through sound.
  5. Once the text boxes have been filled, simply click “Following”.
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Suggestions for filling out the form

Microsoft support has a series of considerations for recovering the Outlook account through the form, which are as follows:

  • Respond to the form using a frequently used device.
  • Collect as much information as possible related to the account. The Skype ID will be asked, as well as the ID of a frequently used Xbox console.
  • It is advisable talk to latest contacts to those who were written to through that address, since some emails sent must be indicated, with the subject line.
  • Remember old passwordsthese can be reviewed in browsers such as Google Chrome if they were saved with the form autofill function.
  • Answer as many questions as possible that is possible. It is even recommended to try to guess the answer, since those given incorrectly will not negatively affect the request.

If the account is not verified, the form can be filled out as many times as necessary, with a maximum of two attempts per day.

This is basically all the information you need to know about Outlook account recovery.

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