How to Remove News from Android Lock Screen – Premium Tuto

Are you tired of seeing the same news on the from your Smartphone ? Don’t worry, we have the solution to make that news disappear and keep your lock screen free!

In this tutorial we will teach you:

  • How to disable the news widget on your Android mobile.
  • How to remove news apps from your lock screen.

We’ll start by removing the news widget. A widget is a small program that displays information directly on your home screen.
If you disable the news widget you will receive less news and advertising content, and your lock screen will look much cleaner and tidier.

To disable the news widget , slide the home screen down. A list of widgets available for your apps will appear. To disable the news widget, simply drag the news widget to the top of the screen. The news widget will disappear once you release it.

Now we will move on to removing the news applications from your lock screen. This will allow you to have complete control over the content that appears on from your phone.

To remove a news app from the lock screen, simply touch and hold the app and drag it up until it disappears.

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Those are the two main ways you can use to remove news from your Android phone. It should be noted that deleting the news app does not mean that you will no longer receive news on your phone. You will still receive news, but now it will only be displayed in the app, and not on the lock screen.


  1. First, open the home screen of your Android phone.
  2. Scroll down to select Settings and click on it.
  3. Once inside Settings, scroll to Notifications for .
  4. Click on the drop-down button located below News on lock screenat the bottom of the screen.
  5. Choose Deactivate to eliminate the appearance of news on your phone lock.
  6. Save changes by pressing the option located at the top right of the screen.
  7. And ready! News has now been removed from your lock screen.
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How can I disable news on my Android phone’s lock screen?

If you have an Android smartphone and want to disable news on the lock screen, there are several ways to do it. I’ll show you two easy steps to get rid of them. First, open the settings menu and go to “Lock screen settings”. Make sure to disable the “Show News” feature. This may be located at the bottom of the screen.

Second, uninstall any news-related apps you’ve previously installed. If you’ve gotten your news from some external source, you’ll most likely have to uninstall the news-related app in order to disable the feature. A common example is a news provider application. This final step will surely completely eliminate any interest between your device and the news.

Once you have done these two simple steps, you will notice that the news on lock screen issue no longer arises on your device. It’s important to note that some Android smartphones are different in how to disable news on the lock screen, so if the above steps don’t work, you can always refer to your device’s user manual or contact support manufacturer’s technician for help.

Is there an app in the Play Store to remove news from the lock screen?

Yes there is an application in which allows you to remove the news from the lock screen. Is about NotiBlock Lite, a free app that blocks advertising elements and news on most Android phones. It is capable of removing annoying notices, unwanted news, offers, coupons and any other unnecessary information that appears on the lock screen.

The steps to use this application are simple:

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  1. Download and install NotiBlock Lite from the Play Store.
  2. Open the application and press the “Remove news” button
  3. Select the boot icon (some phones will require you to enable third-party app permissions).
  4. The application will then start locking all news from the smartphone’s lock screen.
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NotiBlock Lite is a very practical tool for those people who do not want to receive news or annoying messages on their lock screen. The usability The design is simple and direct, allowing full control to eliminate all unnecessary content. Additionally, the app is completely free, making it easy to use without any additional cost.

Is it possible to remove news from the lock screen from the Android phone settings?

Yes, it is possible to remove news from the lock screen from the Android phone settings. You can do this by entering “Settings”. From there you can select the “Home Screen and lock” option. Under this category you will have the possibility to deactivate “Google News”.

After you disable this option, the lock screen of your It will not contain more news. It is also important to note that disabling News content From the settings you will also deactivate the news in other Google products, such as Assistant or Discover. To re-enable the news option on the lock screen, you will only have to go to the settings and activate it again.

What should I do if I can’t find the option to turn off lock screen news on my Android phone?

If you can’t find the option to turn off lock screen news on your Android phone, it could be for a couple of reasons:

  • Your Android does not have this option. Many Android phones do not offer the option to turn off lock screen news. If this is the case, it would be best to update the phone’s software, since you could find this option with the new version.
  • You are looking for the option in the wrong place. Sometimes it happens that the option we need appears in a different place than we thought, so it is worth taking a look in other places, such as the notification settings.
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If both options fail, it is advisable to search the user manual or the manufacturer’s online help to find additional instructions and help in case your Android phone does not have the option to disable lock screen news. If this doesn’t work either, you can always go to the manufacturer’s technical service for specialized assistance.


After reading this article, you may have realized that the steps to remove news from the Android lock screen are very simple and easy to follow. We recommend you configure your device settings for the best experience personalized. Remember to review the “News on Lock Screen” options and opt for those that best suit your needs.

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Likewise, you can control the content of the information displayed on your lock screen with some of these options:

  • Set a calendar to limit the number of times information is displayed
  • Select specific content to display on your lock screen
  • Set alerts to always have control of the changes made by the operating system
  • Completely disable the News application.

Our objective is to provide you with all the necessary instructions so that you have a unique experience with your Android mobile device. Through these tools you can configure your lock screen settings safely and efficiently, as well as restrict the amount of information displayed on it. Don’t hesitate to fix your lock screen problems!

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