How to Remove Watermark from Windows 10 with Universal Watermark Disabler

The evaluation or preview copy of Windows 10 shows a small watermark on the desktop and if you want to remove that watermark you can use the tool Universal Watermark Disabler.

If that is your case, in this article we will explain everything you have to do so that you can remove that watermark that is presented to .

Windows 10 watermark

The watermark appears because you are running a rerelease version of Windows 10 and was published for evaluation purposes.

Although the watermark is tiny It doesn’t take up much desktop space, some of you may want to get rid of the desktop watermark.

This watermark is also visible on versions of Windows 8 and 8.1 when the operating system is running without being officially activated or when you have used the shutdown function Start in safe mode.

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In case you want to remove Windows desktop watermark It is not as easy as it looks. Although there are multiple methods to remove the watermark, you will need to edit your system files to get rid of it completely.

This is because the watermark string is stored in files shell32.dll.mui and basebrd.dll.muithat’s why you need to edit these two system files (basebrd.dll.mui and shell32.dll.mui) with the help of some third-party file editing tools.

In this sense, to edit system files, you will first need to take ownership of those filesas manual editing of system files may even make the system unbootable.

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Universal Watermark Disabler

In case you want to remove the watermark from the desktop of Windows 10 With the help of a third-party tool, they can now download a free tool Specially developed to remove the watermark from the Windows 10 desktop.

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The tool is Universal Watermark Disabler which is free developed by PainterR to deal with watermarks on the Windows 10 desktop and is compatible with 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10.

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Likewise, this tool It is updated regularly to add support for the latest versions of operating systems and thus have your screen free of watermarks.

No matter what message is displayed on the corner of the screen or the wallpaper you are using, the application Universal Watermark Disabler you can delete it successfully.

Using the program is quite simple and it all comes down to running the program and then clicking on the start button. install.

Likewise, the tool does not modify any system files and is compatible with future updates that your system may receive.

Features of Universal Watermark Disabler

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Among the most notable features of the universal watermark deactivator are the following:

  • admits you any language of user interface.
  • It does not eliminate brand chains (i.e. it does not modify system files).
  • Removes any watermarks, including BootSecuretest mode, build chain in evaluation and pre-release builds, warning text “Confidential” and even the build hash.
  • You need to run the file, click install, and your computer will log out and log back in. Make sure you save all your work first.

What is Windows 10 activation

The activation of Microsoft products It is a technology DRM or digital rights administration that acts as a certificate of authenticity.

This type of technology actually works by transmitting data to Microsoft about the configuration of the hardware of your PC. At the same time linking the copy of the system software to a specific computer.

In this case, the software in question is the same Windows 10, thus, Microsoft uses this same product activation in several of its products, as happens with Office.

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The idea of ​​this activation is to prevent software piracy. But you have to know that one of the biggest problems of product activation affects computer manufacturers.

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In this sense, a change in the hardware requires a reactivation of the operating system itself. Because product activation is associated with a particular hardware, any changes to the hardware could invalidate a license.

In this way, this is a problem for users who update their computer components. Therefore, a change in processor, motherboard or hard drive can cause Windows 10 to be deactivated.

How to remove watermark from Windows 10 with Universal Watermark Disabler

In case you want remove watermark from Windows 10 with Universal Watermark Disabler you have to follow the following recommendations and steps:

Important note– We recommend that you create a system restore point before running this tool. You should also know that the watermark may appear again when you update your version of Windows 10 to the latest one available, to do this you have to run Universal Watermark Disabler again to remove the watermark.

You have to enter this page to download the latest version of Universal Watermark Disablerfor this enter this

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After that you have to extract the downloaded to get the Universal Watermark Disabler installer.

Then you have to right click on the executable. UWD and then you click on Execute as administrator to start the program with administrator rights.

Then you click on the button Install to see the following warning dialog box.

Then save your work and click the button Accept for .

To end log in in your account to see the Windows 10 desktop and the watermark will no longer be visible.

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How to Remove Watermark Windows 10 with Regedit

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In this case you have to follow these steps:

First of all, you have to press the key combination “Windows + R” to open the tool Execute.

Then you have to write the following command “regedit” and then click on Enter.

After that you have to access the registry Windows where you have to go to the following route: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Windows

After that you have to click on “Windows” so that a list of registry values ​​appears on the right side.

Then you have to create a new one, and to do this you press the right button in an empty place

After that you have to choose “DWORD (32-bit) value” If your computer is 32-bit or “DWORD (64-bit) value”

In the name of the new value you have to put “DisplayNotRet”

And if you access it with a double click you have to make sure it has the value “0”

Lastly you have to close regedit and restart your computerand the watermark in either case should have been removed.

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As you could see, if you want to remove that watermark you can use the tool Universal Watermark Disablerfollowing the steps presented in this article and thus resolved this situation on your PC

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