How to Safely Delete a Strava Account – Premium Tuto

Let’s rely on technology to save our health and fitness achievements! helps you track your exercise progress, but did you know there are different ways you can delete your account? If you are already tired of using this application or have decided to change to a different one, here we explain how to delete a Strava account safely.

Before you start deleting your account, it is important that you know that:

  • Any information you have shared through Strava, whether in activities or groups, will be deleted.
  • The achievements you have achieved with Strava, any medals, competitions, etc., will be in the past.
  • All personal data you have entered into the app, such as your email, username, password, etc., will also be deleted.

Now that you are clear that you will have to say goodbye to all the memories you have created and shared with Strava, these are the two ways in which you can delete your account:

  1. From the application
    • Enter the Strava application.
    • In the account settings section you will find an option to delete your account, which is located at the bottom.
    • Press there and to confirm your decision.
  2. From the Strava website
    • Go to the official Strava website.
    • At the top of the screen you will find a button that says “Sign in” or “Sign up.” Select one according to your case.
    • Once you log in, click on the user icon located at the top right of the screen.
    • A menu will open, click on “Account Settings”.
    • Scroll down until you find the “Delete your account” option.
    • Follow the prompts until confirming this action.

And so it is how to delete a Strava account safely. Remember that if you have questions about the process, you can go to the help and frequently asked questions section of the from Strava.


  1. Open the from Strava or go to the Strava website Strava.
  2. Click on your profile button located at the top right from the screen.
  3. Scroll down and click Account settings.
  4. Once there, click Edit to enter the section where your account details are located.
  5. In the section Temporary or permanent account closureclick Delete account.
  6. You will be asked to enter your password to verify that you are the owner of the account. Enter your password to continue.
  7. Scroll down to the end of the text and click Permanently Delete My Account to confirm that you want to delete it.
  8. Once the deletion has been successfully requested, a message will appear on the screen informing you that the account has been deleted.
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How can I safely delete my Strava account?

Delete Strava account is and safe, as long as it is done the right way. First, log in to your Strava account. Then, look for the account settings section in the top right menu. You will see an option to delete your account; click on it. A window will open telling you that you will receive an email to confirm the deletion, so make sure you use a valid email.

Once the deletion request is confirmed, your Strava account will be will completely erase, along with all data related to it, including your characteristics, activity routine, statistical data and contact information. There is no going back once the cancellation request has been confirmed, so make sure you really want to delete your account before confirming.

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An important point that you should consider before deleting the account is that all the activities you have done with your account will be deleted from the Strava platform. This means that if you have accumulated achievements, Motivation Kits, or Kudos, all of those items will not be available after deleting your account.

To finish, whenever you want delete your account securely, the process is very simple: log in to your Strava account, find the option to delete your account, complete the deletion request and then confirm the email to permanently delete it. Once this process is complete, all of your Strava information will be permanently deleted.

Do I need to contact the Strava team before proceeding with account deletion?

It is advisable to contact the Strava team before proceeding with account deletion to get an accurate answer and ensure that all data is securely deleted. The easiest way to do this is to visit the Strava website, then go to help, and select the support section. Once there, the user can open an incident and send an email explaining the situation.. Likewise, there is also a live chat, where the Strava team will be ready to help.

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It is important that the user knows what the steps are to complete the account deletionand there is a separate section on the Strava website that explains how to cancel it correctly. In this section there are two options available: temporarily deactivate the account or permanently delete the Strava account.

If the first option is chosen, the user will have the ability to reactivate their account in the future through account settingsbut if you choose the second option, the account will be permanently deleted and cannot be recovered. Therefore, to ensure data security, contacting the Strava team before attempting to delete the account is essential.. The Strava team will give you detailed instructions on how to proceed and explain the risks involved.

What will happen to my data once I delete my Strava account?

Once you delete your Strava account, your data they will be erased of its servers. In principle, this makes all data irrecoverablealthough there are always some exceptions that depend on the type of information you have uploaded:

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1. If you have uploaded any sensitive information, such as personal information, the deletion process may not be complete and some data may have the possibility of being recovered.

2. The activity logsuploaded to the system will not be stored on your device nor will they be deleted once you delete your account. This means that the information about your activities It will continue to be saved on Strava servers for later use.

3. If you have shared some of your photos, videos or maps uploaded to Strava, these will remain online unless deleted by other users. That is to say, deleting your Strava account will not delete that content from the network.

Generally, deleting your Strava account will delete your data from their server, meaning there will be no way to recover it. This refers to personal information, activities, photos, videos, etc. However, some of these things may still be left online if you have shared content with your friends or other users.

Is there an alternative to deleting a Strava account?

Yeah, there is an alternative to deleting a Strava account. This can be much faster than the full account deletion process. This alternative consists of simply instead of permanently eliminating it. By doing this, the account will still appear in Strava, but users cannot access it or perform any activities.

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When deactivating the account:

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  • Runners will no longer receive emails from Strava about their activities or notifications.
  • Users will no longer appear in other users’ followers list.
  • Users will no longer be able to post activities, comment, or view segments.
  • Users will no longer have access to Strava mobile.

Although account deactivation is a solution for those users who want to temporarily take a break from the platform, it is not an option for those who want to permanently delete their account. For this reason, Strava allows the complete deletion of an account; a process that is irreversible and that completely deletes all account information from the servers.


Complete the deletion of your Strava account in a safe and permanent way is possible! By deleting your Strava account, you are ensuring that no one else has access to your sports activity and personal data.

Thanks to this guide, you will be able to delete your account being able to remove your data, prevent Strava from continuing to store your account information and leaving no trace of your presence on this platform.

To delete your Strava account safely and permanently you must:

  • with your account, on the Strava website.
  • Select the “Privacy Settings” option.
  • Find the “Delete my account” button.
  • Complete the removal process, following the indicated steps.

With these simple steps you will know how to delete your Strava account permanently and safely. Thus, by proceeding in this way, you can prevent third parties from accessing your profile, your data and your sporting activity. It’s important to remember that once your account deletion is complete, there’s no going back, so make sure you want to get rid of it permanently!

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