How to Save Battery on the Galaxy S4: 10 Infallible Tricks – Premium Tuto

Dare to experiment! If you want to keep your in optimal conditions for a long time and get you away from the danger zone of a battery that does not last, we have what you need! In this article we share 10 infallible for on your Galaxy S4 without losing performance.

Reach the next level of : To achieve the It is important that you know how to make the most of each function of your phone. Below, we’ll provide you with tools, features, and tips to help you optimize battery usage and keep your phone looking new for a long time.

Start Here:

  • 1. Know your phone: This is the fundamental key to saving battery. Get familiar with the software and devices, learn about their features and how to use them.
  • 2. Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when you are not using them: These are two of the main causes of battery drain, remember to disable them to !
  • 3. Automatic: This function consumes too much power unnecessarily. Disable it and choose to sync manually when necessary.
  • 4. Use the Battery Saver: Battery saver mode skips unnecessary changes to your phone’s settings to reduce power consumption.
  • 5. Disable unwanted notifications: Disable unnecessary notifications that come to you while your phone is in the background.
  • 6. Turn off mobile data: If you are connected to a Safely, turn off mobile data to reduce battery consumption!
  • 7. Keep your phone up to date: Lastly, for best results, keep your phone up to date with the latest software version.

The results speak for themselves. By applying these tricks, you will notice longer battery life on your Galaxy S4, in addition to improving the overall performance and speed of the phone.


  1. Make sure your Galaxy S4 is always charged at a level between 40-80%,It is not recommended to charge it to 100%. This means that you wait until your battery is between 20-40% to start charging it.
  2. Reduce screen brightness. You can do it from the settings and lower it manually or use the “Automatic brightness adjustment” option.
  3. Use less . If within the smartphone settings you deactivate the 3G or 4G connection (depending on your operator) you will be able to save a lot of battery. To do this, go to Settings -> Wireless connections -> Mobile networks.
  4. Use battery saving mode. In this mode, the phone turns off all functions that are not necessary to save energy, such as Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and synchronization. To activate it, go into the settings, press ‘Battery saver’ and then tap ‘Turn on battery saver’.
  5. Disable button vibration. This feature consumes as much power as using the microphone. Just go to settings -> Screen and sound -> Vibration and disable it.
  6. Use applications in the background. Although it is prohibited for consume too much battery in the background, you can limit the processor usage of your open applications to save battery power. To do this, go to Settings -> Applications.
  7. Reduce the number of active widgets on your screen. These have the function of constantly updating themselves, which consumes a lot of battery.
  8. Use flight mode. If you’re traveling or just want to disconnect, activate flight mode to avoid unnecessary battery consumption. Go to Settings -> Wireless networks -> Flight mode and activate it.
  9. Turn off the GPS. If you don’t need it, turn it off! This way you will avoid battery consumption without losing your location. Go to Settings -> Location -> Access to my location and deactivate GPS positioning.
  10. Use a battery saver. This is a very useful option if you want to extend the life of your battery. These covers contain an extra batteryso you will have more energy at your disposal.
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What foolproof trick to save battery does the Galaxy S4 recommend?

An infallible trick to save battery on the Galaxy S4 is to activate the Battery Saving mode. This option is available within the device Settings, and allows us to turn off the data connection, change the screen to reduced power mode, deactivate automatic brightness, regulate the brightness and adjust the sleep mode. Additionally, this feature allows us to configure application overwriting and limit background application refresh data.

Other useful trick To save battery on the Galaxy S4 is to disable Wifi, Bluetooth and NFC when not in use, which are known to consume a large amount of energy. It is also advisable to disable location services and other related services. These settings are found within the Settings > Network and Internet section.

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List of tricks to save battery on the Galaxy S4:

  • Activate Battery Saving Mode.
  • Disable unnecessary functions such as Wi-fi, Bluetooth, NFC and Location Services.
  • Reduce the screen brightness to the minimum level.
  • Disable vibration for incoming calls.
  • Use Sleep mode to optimize battery use.
  • Change the of the to a short one.
  • Free up RAM memory by closing all open applications.
  • Manage or limit background app updating.

Lastly, it is important to install a battery optimization app to monitor and manage battery consumption on the Galaxy S4. These applications help save energy by controlling and monitoring battery behavior and notifying you when adjustments need to be made.

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How can I take advantage of the Galaxy S4’s battery saving feature?

The Galaxy S4 has a feature designed specifically to save battery. This feature, called Ultra Power Saving Mode, turns off certain frequently used applications and adjusts display settings to ensure that the battery lasts much longer. To take advantage of this function, you just have to follow a few .

First. Locate the Ultra Power Saving Mode feature in the phone’s settings menu. Most Galaxy S4 phones have this feature pre-installed, so you won’t need to download any extra apps.

Second. Once the function is located, activate the smart saving option. This option allows the phone to optimize the battery based on your usage patterns. For example, if your phone detects that you are not using it overnight, it will automatically turn on in sleep mode to minimize battery consumption.

Third. If you want to save even more, you can also set the battery saving function to “ultra” mode. This option will turn off all apps except those you choose manually. This way, you can exclude those applications that you need so that they are always available without affecting the power level.

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Room. If you have a newer model of the Galaxy S4, you can also take advantage of the . This technology greatly increases battery charging speed, meaning you can charge your phone in minutes instead of hours.

Is there an application for my Galaxy S4 that allows me to save battery?

Yeahthere are several applications for your Galaxy S4 that will allow you to save battery, such as the following:

  • Greenify: This popular battery management app allows you to hibernate background processes. It also blocks or limits the number of ads you receive.
  • Servicely: It is designed to stop background applications and reduce battery usage to a minimum. This app is very useful for those with a phone with damaged batteries.
  • Power Battery: This application combats excess battery consumption by blocking background processes and disabling services that are not essential for the operation of the device.
  • DU Battery Saver & Phone Charger: This app identifies, disables and closes unwanted processes to save battery. It also offers a power economy mode to extend battery life.

All of these applications will help you manage the battery usage of your Galaxy S4 and you can choose between several previously established profiles to use the phone with different levels of performance. In addition, most of them have mechanisms that learn from you to give you personalized optimizations and recommendations.

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Do I need to configure settings to save battery on my Galaxy S4?

Yeah, it is necessary configure settings to save battery on your . This is because excessive and continuous use of the battery on phones like the S4 can result in considerable wear and tear over time. So, here are some simple ways to save battery life on your S4:

  1. Reduce screen brightness: One of the biggest energy consumers on your phone is the screen. So try to keep the brightness to a minimum, but without reducing it too much. This will go a long way toward extending battery life.
  2. Activate energy saving mode– This mode helps you save power by changing certain phone features, such as screen brightness, idle time, and app refresh rate. You can activate this mode in Settings > Battery.
  3. Turn off Wi-Fi and mobile data when you are not using them: These two modes are usually heavy battery drainers. If you’re not connected to Wi-Fi or using your mobile data to browse the web, be sure to turn it off to save power.
  4. Remove unnecessary applications– Running many apps at the same time consumes so much power that it can cause rapid battery drain. Make sure you only have the apps you need installed on your phone.

With these simple you can save battery in your Galaxy S4 without losing a second of functionality.


Finallywe hope that these 10 infallible tricks to save the Galaxy S4 battery have served as an to improve the performance of your device.

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Equipped with this knowledge, we have no doubt that you will be able to carry out many activities with your mobile phone without the battery draining so quickly. There’s nothing better than having optimal performance and extending the battery life of your Galaxy S4 at the same time!

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