How to Send an Email By WhatsApp? Is there Whatsapp Mail?

Although WhatsApp has become one of the most widely used communication tools in the world, the use of email continues to be of great importance, especially in the business field. This is why it is very useful to know how to send an email on whatsapp

For send an email to a WhatsAppthe main options are:

  • Convert email to PDF using an online or offline tool.
  • Take screenshots.

Both variants are explained in this article. Join us!

How to send an email by WhatsApp?

Millions of instant messages are sent daily through WhatsApp, an incalculable number of users are active every day around the world and, since its launch in 2009, it has been an application that has experienced exponential growth, due to the speed it offers for communications and other attractive opportunities for its users.

If you want to know how to link WhatsApp – email, keep in mind that there are many variants to use. We will teach you simple steps that you can follow and you choose which one to handle according to your tastes and digital facilities.

As often happens, there are slight differences in doing this, depending on whether you’re using an Android device or an iPhone. But don’t worry, the procedure is practically the same, as we will see below:

No. 1: Change the email format to PDF

If you have a mobile device Android you must:

  1. Open the email you want to send by WhatsApp.
  2. Press the three menu points at the top right and then select Print.
  3. Along with the option of select a printeris the one of Save as PDFtap it, and then tap the save icon.
  4. Select the location that you want to give within your device and it will already be stored in it.
  5. Enter WhatsApp. You can now share with your contacts the document PDF what you have recently saved
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If you use a device iphoneyou must:

  1. Open the mail you want change the format to send by WhatsApp.
  2. Press the arrow located at the bottom, it will show you a menu in which you must select Print
  3. Then, in the upper right corner, click on Shareselect the desired folder and press Keep, leaving the same saved in PDF format.
  4. Finally, enter WhatsApp and share with your contacts the email that you have saved in .

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No. 2: Take screenshots to email

Another alternative to use to send an email by WhatsApp can be the realization of screenshots to your content.

It is an easy and fast way, as long as the text of the email you want to send is not very long. You must not forget send the catches in order to achieve a better understanding for the recipients.

How to do it?

  1. Open the email you want to send.
  2. Take screenshots of it, taking care not to miss any text.
  3. Enter WhatsApp and share with your contacts the images resulting from the screenshots taken.

Details not to forget

You should keep in mind that to take the screenshot on Android mobile devices, there are options that can come by default in the scrollable top panel. As a general alternative, you can press the volume down and power keys. So you will achieve the desired effect.

On the other hand, if you’re using an iPhone, you’ll need to press the home and lock buttons at the same time to get a screenshot.

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In the absence of a WhatsApp mail app, in which we can ideally forward our emails through the platform, the methods that we have explained to you today will be the most feasible way to achieve your goal. We hope that, after reading us, you no longer have doubts about how to send an email on whatsapp.

Frequent questions:

Next, let’s take into account some of the questions that are most frequently asked by users and we will give them answers:

How do you send an email to a WhatsApp?

To send an email to a WhatsApp, you can convert the email to PDF, or take screenshots. Both variants are explained in this article.

How to send a HotMail email to a WhatsApp?

If you use Hotmail email, it is also possible and easy to send it to WhatsApp, using both the conversion to PDF and the screenshots. Check this article for more details.

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