How to Sort Apps Alphabetically: The Ultimate Trick to Organize Your Phone – Premium Tuto

Tired of having a disorganized phone without knowing where all your apps are? Do you want to sort them alphabetically so you can find them? faster? Don’t worry! Here we are going to show you the ultimate trick to organize your phone and have all your applications at hand.

First of all, go to the settings menu. There are options to organize apps in various ways. Depending on the operating system you have, you will find a variety of options such as modify the size of the iconschoose wallpapers, , etc. If you use you will need to press the “manage apps” option to see all the installed applications.

Now, you will have to select the “Sort by:” option. This means that this is where we are going to select the organization method we want for our applications. Several options will be displayed to choose from:

  • Name
  • Instalation date
  • Size

Choose “Name” to sort your app list alphabetically. By doing so, all the applications will be sorted from A to Z. Also, if you need to search for a specific application, you just have to pay attention to its position in the list.

Finally, click on “Apply” and your phone will be ready. Never waste time searching through the endless list of apps again. The ultimate trick to organizing your phone and keeping everything under control has been discovered. Now you can enjoy your free time with peace of mind!


  1. Open your phone’s settings menu. Find the “Applications” option in the settings list.
  2. Once inside, Press the button to sort your apps alphabetically. It is generally located in the lower right corner, but it will depend on the model and operating system of your phone.
  3. View the list of applications and check that they are now arranged correctly.
    • Those apps with the letter A will appear first.
    • The remaining apps will be sorted by their names.
  4. If you want to change this order, Click again on the alphabetical order button. This time you will appear in reverse order, with the latest apps in the list.
  5. Finally, save any changes madeexit the settings menu and enjoy a neat list of applications.
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What are the benefits of organizing my applications alphabetically?

Organizing applications alphabetically offers a number of advantages. This strategy helps us find any application we need quickly. fast and efficient. Therefore, the time It is considerably reduced when searching for content and locating it on our screen.

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Additionally, organizing applications alphabetically gives us a Overview of all our applications. This is very useful for quickly identify What applications we have installed on our system. This also allows us to know if there are redundant or unnecessary applications installed on our devices.

one of the greatest advantages Organizing applications alphabetically helps us keep our screen in order. This allows us to avoid the clutter that is generated when we have many applications on the screen and we don’t know where to place them.

Organizing applications alphabetically also helps us find ways simple those applications that are on our phone. This feature is useful for users who have many applications installed on their device.

Finally, organizing our applications alphabetically allows us to create categories Of applications. This is very useful for users, since they can group each of their applications according to the use they are going to give it. This will give us greater organization, which will allow us to more easily find the applications we are looking for.

How can I sort my apps alphabetically on my phone?

Sorting your apps alphabetically on your phone is easy. First, open the list of your apps. Then select the option order. This option is located at the top right and generally looks like an icon with three horizontal lines in the form of a burger. When you select this option, a drop-down menu will appear with different sorting options. In these options you will find Alphabeticalso you click on it and you will get a view of all the applications arranged alphabetically.

An alternative is to build folders to group several apps. This will make sorting easier and will also make it easier to find an app when you need it. For , you must press and hold some app to activate editing mode, and then tap the option new folder. Now, drag and drop the applications you want to group and so you will have all of them organized.

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Lastly, the option of It also helps organize your applications. This will allow you to classify apps according to colors, shapes, designs, images, etc. You can use an image that you like or even a predefined image that the smartphone offers. To change the wallpaper, go to the Settings of your phone, choose the Wallpaper option and finally look for the image that best suits your taste.

What tools would help me organize my applications alphabetically?

To organize your apps alphabetically, the best tool you can use is an app management app. These tools allow you to define what type of app you want, group them into categories, and then organize them alphabetically. Additionally, these apps have many other useful features like:

  • Track installation: Allows you to keep track of the applications you have installed on your device.
  • Backups: These tools also allow you to backup your data so you can easily restore it if your computer needs to be formatted.
  • Support for multiple languages: An application management tool would allow you to have a multilingual user interface to manage your applications.
  • Remote installation : Some programs offer the option to install applications remotely, allowing you to quickly install them without having to manually download and install each one.
  • Automatic Updates: These apps also offer you the ability to receive automatic updates for your apps, making it easier to keep your apps up to date with the latest version.

Some popular app management tools include Ninite, App Store, Store and Microsoft Store. These tools allow you to organize your applications securely and efficiently, in addition to offering you other useful features such as in the cloud, remote access and synchronization between devices.

Is there a trick to organize my apps alphabetically on my phone?

Of course! There are several ways easy and fast to alphabetize your apps:

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1.- Using an ordering app. There are some free apps designed specifically for organizing your apps, such as App Drawer Organizer. This application allows you to reorganize the apps on your phone into folders, as well as sort them alphabetically.

2.- Using the main menu. It is also possible from the phone’s main menu to sort your applications alphabetically. Normally, this function is found in Settings > App Manager.

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3.- Using the search. You can organize your apps alphabetically through search. Simply type the letter with which the name of the app you want to find begins and all the available apps that contain that letter will be shown in alphabetical order.

4.- Uninstalling and reinstalling. The latter is a slightly more complicated way, but effective. Start uninstalling your apps, one by one, and reinstall them again. When you restart your phone you will see that they are already organized alphabetically.


With the ultimate trick to organize your phone, You can sort your applications alphabetically and automatically, so that it will be much easier for you to find those you are looking for. Plus, the process will only take a few seconds! Here we tell you :

  • On the home screen, click on the ‘Settings’ button
  • Then select ‘Storage usage and backup’
  • Finally, click on ‘Organize applications’

And ready! You can now enjoy order on your phone, Because by organizing your applications alphabetically, you can find everything you need with just one click. You can say goodbye to long searches and boring journeys to locate an application. It’s that simple to alphabetize your phone. Organize it and !

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