How to Take a Screenshot on a Lenovo Chromebook – Premium Tuto

The screenshots They have become an essential tool in our daily digital lives. Whether it’s saving a memory, sharing visual information, or documenting a process, the ability to capture what’s on our screen is invaluable. In the case of the devices known for their simplicity and efficiency, perform a is but it may vary slightly depending on the model and brand.

Chromebooks, being an affordable and efficient alternative to traditional laptops, are widely used in educational, professional and personal environments. Therefore, know how to take screenshots on these devices is an essential skill for students, professionals and any user in general.

Besides, the screenshots in They are not just limited to saving a static image. Depending on the tools and apps you use, you can edit, annotate, and share these captures quickly and efficiently.

In this article, we will guide you about how to take a screenshot on a Lenovo Chromebook, addressing both full and partial capture, and we will answer the most frequently asked questions related to this topic. This way, you will be equipped with all the knowledge necessary to make the most of this functionality on your Chromebook.

Steps to take a screenshot on a Lenovo Chromebook

Taking a screenshot on a Lenovo Chromebook is an intuitive and quick process. Depending on what you need to capture, you can choose to take a screenshot of the entire screen or just a portion of it. Below, we present the detailed steps for both options:

Full Screenshot

The capture of allows you to save everything that is displayed on your screen at that moment. It’s ideal for sharing presentations, saving memories, or documenting technical issues. To take a full screenshot on a Lenovo Chromebook, :

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  1. Locate the correct keys: On your keyboard, locate the Ctrl and F5 keys.
  2. Press simultaneously: Hold down the Ctrl key and, without releasing it, press the F5 key.
  3. Save the capture: The screenshot will automatically be saved to the downloads folder on your Chromebook.
  4. Access the capture: You can find the screenshot in the “Downloads” folder or in the notification bar at the bottom right corner of your screen.

Partial screenshot

Sometimes you may only want to capture a specific section of your screen, such as a graphic, image, or piece of text. To do this, the Lenovo Chromebook offers the partial capture option. Follow these steps to achieve it:

  1. Locate the correct keys: On your keyboard, locate the Ctrl, Shift, and F5 keys.
  2. Press simultaneously: Hold down the Ctrl and Shift keys and, without releasing them, press the F5 key.
  3. Select the area: With the cursor, drag and select the area you want to capture. When you release the cursor, the capture will be done automatically.
  4. Save the capture: As with the full capture, the image will be saved to the downloads folder on your Chromebook.
  5. Access the capture: You can access the screenshot from the “Downloads” folder or from the notification bar.
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With these simple steps, you will be able to efficiently take screenshots on your Lenovo Chromebook, whether of the entire screen or just a specific section.

Additional Tools and Shortcuts for Captures on Chromebook

Designed to be intuitive and easy-to-use devices, Chromebooks come with a number of tools and shortcuts to make taking screenshots easier. In addition to the basic combinations we have already mentioned, there are other options that may be useful depending on your specific needs.

Below is a detailed description of these additional tools and shortcuts:

Using the Screenshot key

Some Chromebook models include a dedicated key for taking screenshots, further simplifying the process. This key is usually located at the top of the keyboard and has an icon that represents a window with two lines, similar to a rectangle.

Steps to use the Screenshot key:

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  1. Locate the key: Look in the top row of the keyboard for the key with the screenshot icon.
  2. Press the key: Simply press this key and a screenshot of the entire screen will automatically be taken.
  3. Quick access: As with other methods, the capture will be saved in the “Downloads” folder and you will be able to access it from the notification bar.

Alternative key combinations

While the Ctrl + F5 and Ctrl + Shift + F5 combinations are the most common for full and partial captures, respectively, there are other shortcuts that can be useful in certain situations:

  1. Capture a specific window: If you only want to capture the contents of an active window (and not the entire desktop), you can press Alt + F5.
  2. Capture and copy to clipboard: If you prefer capture directly to the clipboard instead of saving it, use Ctrl + F5 (for full capture) or Ctrl + Shift + F5 (for partial capture) and, before releasing, press the C key.

These additional shortcuts give you more flexibility and options when taking screenshots on your Chromebook. With practice, you will find the combination that best suits your needs and you will be able to make the most of this useful tool.

Tips for managing and editing your screenshots on Chromebook

Once you’ve taken your screenshots on your Chromebook, you’ll likely want to edit, share, or store them in an organized way. Fortunately, Chromebooks offer several tools and options to manage your captures efficiently. Below, we present some tips and recommendations to to your captures:

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Post-capture editing

Editing your captures can be essential to highlight information, add annotations or simply improve their appearance. Here are some tools and tips for editing your screenshots on Chromebook:

  1. Gallery App: Chromebooks come with a pre-installed app called “Gallery” that allows you to view and edit images. You can crop, rotate, and adjust the brightness and contrast of your captures right from this app.
  2. Chrome extensions: There are several extensions available in the Chrome Web Store designed specifically for editing screenshots, such as “Lightshot” or “Nimbus Screenshot.” These tools offer advanced features like annotations, blurring, and more.
  3. Third party applications: If you are looking for more advanced editing tools, you can consider apps like “Pixlr” or “Canva”, which offer online editing options and are compatible with Chromebook.

Share and store screenshots

Once you’ve taken and edited your screenshots, you’ll likely want to share them or store them in an organized way. Here we leave you some options and recommendations:

  1. Drive: Since Chromebooks are integrated with Google services, you can save your screenshots directly to . This not only offers you a in the cloud securely, but also makes it easy to share your captures with others.
  2. Share via apps: You can share your captures directly through apps like Google Photos or any other messaging app you have installed on your Chromebook.
  3. Organization in folders: To keep your captures organized, consider on your Chromebook or Google Drive. For example, you can have separate folders for work, study, or personal screenshots.
  4. Using external storage services: If you prefer not to use Google Drive, there are other cloud storage options compatible with Chromebook, such as or OneDrive.

With these tips, you’ll be able to efficiently manage, edit, and share your screenshots on your Chromebook, ensuring you always have access to them when you need them.

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Frequent questions

Screenshots on Chromebook are an essential tool for many users, but with the variety of models and features available, some questions may arise. Below, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions on this topic:

How do I capture on other Chromebook models?

Most Chromebooks follow a similar pattern for screenshots, using key combinations. However, the process may vary slightly depending on the model and brand. In general, the combination Ctrl + F5 is used for full captures and Ctrl + Shift + F5 for partial captures.

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On a Lenovo Chromebook, these combinations are standard. However, on other models, different keys may be used or a specific key for captures may be included, identified with a window icon. It is advisable to consult the user manual or quick start guide for your specific Chromebook for precise instructions.

Differences between complete and partial capture

  • Full capture: As the name suggests, it captures the entire Chromebook screen. It is useful when you want to save or share everything that is displayed on your screen at a particular time.
  • Partial capture: Allows you to select a specific area of ​​the screen to capture. It’s ideal for situations where you only need a section of the screen, such as a graph, image, or piece of text.

Utility of the “Show Windows” key on Chromebook

The “Show Windows” key on a Chromebook, often represented with a rectangle or window icon, has several functions. One of its main uses is to display all the open windows on the Chromebook, allowing the user to quickly switch between them. However, in the context of screenshots, this key is used in combination with other keys to take screenshots. For example, pressing Ctrl + Show Windows takes a full screenshot. It is a multifunctional key that facilitates both navigation and the capture function on the Chromebook.

How do you take a screenshot in Google Chrome?

Taking a screenshot specifically in the Google Chrome browser is similar to the general process on a Chromebook. However, if you are looking to capture specific web content, you may want to consider the following options:

  1. Keyboard shortcuts: Use Ctrl + F5 for a full capture or Ctrl + Shift + F5 for a partial capture while in a Chrome tab.
  2. Chrome extensions: There are several extensions available in the Chrome Web Store designed specifically for capturing content in Google Chrome, such as “Lightshot”, “Nimbus Screenshot” or “Awesome Screenshot”. These tools offer additional features such as full page capture, annotations, and more.


Screenshots on Chromebook have established themselves as an essential tool in the digital age, allowing users to document, share and collaborate with…

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