How to tell if an iPhone is new or refurbished

Identifying what type of model your iPhone is is really easy.

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Apple offers a large section of refurbished devices, it is about iPhones that have been returned to Apple for some reason and the company has repaired if necessary. These devices can be found at cheaper prices at .

However, if we are going to buy an iPhone online or in an unofficial store, or even second-hand, it is very likely that we don’t know what kind of device it is. For this, Apple has devised a system so that you can easily recognize if an iPhone is new, refurbished or a replacement device.

The model number is the key

To accurately identify an iPhone Apple has created an identification system through the model number. In this way, just by looking at the first letter we can identify if our iPhone has been sold by Apple or is refurbished:

  • If the model number starts with M. retail unitthat is, an iPhone model sold by Apple or one of its authorized distributors.
  • If the model number begins with F. Refurbished unit, it is a model refurbished by Apple. Devices that have been returned during their trial period or that have been fixed due to a technical failure.
  • If the model number begins with P. engraved unitan iPhone that has been engraved and personalized with a phrase, one of the options that appear when you order online.
  • If the model number begins with N. Replacement unita replacement unit provided by Apple.

How to find your iPhone model number

Finding the model number of your iPhone is very simple, it is available in device settings. To find it we just have to:

  • Go to the application Settings of our iPhone.
  • Click on General and then in Information.
  • Among the first options we will see the model numberjust before the serial number.
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The first letter that appears in that number is the one that will indicate what type of iPhone model we have so identifying it before a purchase is really simple. In addition, the same letter system is used on iPads, so you can also identify them.

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