How to Turn Off HD Calling: Step-by-Step Guide

Hey technophile! If you are looking to disable HD calling on your device, you are in the right place! We will guide you so you can achieve it easily.

Modern devices bring various innovative and technologically advanced features that change the concept of communication. However, it is also true that HD calling, although a very useful feature, is not something that everyone wants to have activated.

For this reason, we share the steps to deactivate this function of :

  • 1. Open phone settings and move the cursor to “calls”
  • 2. Scroll down to the “HD Calls” section
  • 3. Select the “Disable HD Calls” option
  • 4. Confirm deactivation of HD call with the OK button, or with the keyword “deactivate”

In this way, you have already successfully disabled this feature on your phone. Learn to on your device, configure your VoIP service, and receive the best benefits of technology.


  1. To turn off HD calling, you will first need to navigate to the ‘Calls’ tab located at the top of your screen. When you click on it, you will find a drop-down list with all your call settings.
  2. Once inside the ‘calls’ tab, you will need to look for the “HD Audio Quality” setting. It will be found just below the “Audio Recording” settings.
  3. Disable this option by clicking the corresponding selection box next to it.
  4. Once disabled, simply click the “Save” button located at the bottom of the screen to confirm your changes.
  5. With that, you will have successfully deactivated the high definition call. You will no longer hear high-quality audio on your calls.
  6. Finally, don’t forget to log out to save changes and refresh your account settings.

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How to disable high definition calling on a mobile phone?

To turn off HD calling on a You have to follow these steps:

  • 1. and then
  • 2. Navigate to call options in a menu. Once entered there, all the settings related to these will appear.
  • 3. Find the setting for HD call and press it to enter the submenu.
  • 4. Change the setting from enabled (if there is one) to disabled. Done this, HD call will be disabled on the mobile phone.
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Also, it is worth noting that on some phones there may be different names for the HD call setting. For example, some phones may mark the setting as Wi-fi Calling, HD Voice, 4G Calling, VoLTE, etc. This being the case, it would be important to look for the adjustment with the following terms, although the exact name varies.

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Finally, it is important to emphasize that there are many mobile phones where high definition calling cannot be deactivated. This means that calls will always be made in HDunless the phone does not have the capability to do so.

What steps do I need to follow to deactivate HD calling?

Turn off HD calling It’s simple if :

  1. First, go to system settings. This can usually be done by clicking the Start button on Windows, iOS, or another operating system.
  2. Once there, look for the “Data Usage” or “Data Settings” option and select the “Data Plan” tab.
  3. Here you can see which data plans are activated on your device, as well as which ones are not.
  4. You’ll find an option for “HD voice definition” or “high definition.” Turn this option off to disable it.
  5. Finally, save the changes and close system settings, and HD calling will be disabled.

Please note that this process may vary slightly depending on the operating system you are using. Be sure to review the specific instructions for your device for complete disabling of HD Calling.

What consequences can deactivating a high definition call have?

Disabling a high definition call can have many consequences. Conversations won’t look as crisp and clean, but more like a blur of colors. This is because there is less information in the call. When there is a high definition call, there is a lot more information on the screen, so when you turn it off you lose all that information.

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Additionally, web page loading times will be shorter because there will be less information to load. This means that you will have less time to read what is being said, and also that online content will look bad.

Additionally, there could be “clashes” between data in the call, which will cause users to constantly see flickering or sudden changes in the image or audio. This means people will have trouble understanding what’s going on, and that can be difficult when there are multiple people on the call.

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Something else, it is important to note that when a high definition call is disabled, the video streaming capabilities are reduced and the quality of the videos being transmitted also decreases, which means that the videos will appear blurry and unsharp. This will also affect the transmission speed, since the amount of information that is processed and sent will be less. That won’t help either. of the users.

Is there a way to turn HD Calling back on after it has been turned off?

Yeah, there is a way to reactivate HD calling once it has been deactivated. The first step is to ensure that the mobile device or computer you are trying to activate on has the ability to make use of HD calling before you begin. Once its functionality has been confirmed, next:

  • Go to voice and line settings on the device.
  • Look for the “High Definition Calling” option.
  • Click the box to activate the option.

One trick to ensure that HD calling is activated correctly is to change the audio settings on your device to “High Definition” to ensure better call quality performance. Once the settings are made correctly, the HD call will be reactivated successfully.

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In addition to this, some service providers may offer tools that allow without having to change settings manually. If you do not have access to this option, you can always request the service provider directly to activate HD calling. This can usually be done online or by calling customer service.


After reading this , we can conclude that disabling HD calling is not an impossible task. If you have followed the steps described here, you now understand how turn off HD call on your device. This guide has shown that you can do it easily:

  • Turn off the “high definition” switch on your device.
  • Look in Settings for the “HD Call Off” option.
  • Confirm deactivation of HD calling

Now you have managed to deactivate the high definition call! With this guide, you have become an expert in disabling this feature and facing any technology-related challenges. It’s time to start enjoying technology with complete peace of mind!

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