How to Update Kodi on Android in a Simple Way – Premium Tuto

Technology lovers! Do you want to get the most out of the Kodi multimedia entertainment platform for your devices? ? If so, you are in the right place. Here we will show you how to update Kodi from and effective on your Android devices.

: First of all, make sure you have a device running Android 4.2 or higher. If your device is not compatible with this version of Android, it is best to update it first.

Step 2: Store to be able to directly download Kodi. This application is available 24 hours a day and is a secure platform for downloading all types of content.

Step 3: After installing the app , search for Kodi in its directory and download the application. Remember that Android devices limited to version 4.2 or lower will not be able to download Kodi through the Google Play Store application.

Step 4: Once you have downloaded the app, you will see a button on the screen to install it. Press this button and wait for it to install. Once the installation is complete, you will have Kodi ready to enjoy it on your .

Step 5: To update Kodi to the latest version, you will need to and access the “Settings” section. Within this category you will see an option for automatic updating. Make sure you have this option enabled so that your device checks for all available updates every time it connects to the Internet.

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And that’s it. Now you know how to update Kodi easily on your Android device. We are confident that completing this simple process will allow you to always have the most recent version of the service on your Android device.


  1. Download the latest version of Kodi . To update Kodi to the latest version available for mobile devices on the Android platform, follow these steps:
    • Open the Play Store on your phone or tablet.
    • Seeks kodi in the search bar.
    • Select the Android version of the software.
    • If you are in the app description, click the button Update which is above all the others.
  2. Reinstall Kodi using an APK file. To update Kodi using an APK file, :
    • Download the APK file from a trusted source.
    • Then go to the settings of your Android device and enable the option Unknown origins.
    • Install the downloaded APK file on your phone or .
    • Once you have completed the installation, open the application again and you will be able to see the latest version of Kodi.
  3. Update Kodi from an external source. If you prefer to update Kodi from an external source, you can do it as follows:
    • Lower the of the latest version of the software from .
    • Open Kodi on your device.
    • Go to section Settings in the main menu.
    • Select the option of File Manager.
    • Click on Update from a ZIP fileselect the one you previously downloaded and carry out the update process.
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What type of Android devices are compatible with Kodi?

Kodi is a free software application for viewing multimedia content. There is a version of Kodi for Android devices, so devices with this operating system are ideal to enjoy the platform. However, the device is required to support Kodi for it to run properly.

The Kodi compatible Android devices They include smartphones, tablets, decoders, TV Boxes and televisions with Android system. These devices must have an important detail to be compatible, that is, they must be smart, that is, be equipped with an Android operating system version 4.4 or later, since previous versions do not have all the necessary features to use Kodi. In addition, the device must have at least 1 GB of RAM and 8 GB of internal.

Others useful features to know if an Android device is compatible with Kodi or not They are: your processor must be at least 1 GHz, it must have USB OTG to expand resources and have a modern interface, ideally a version of 5.0 or higher.

It is important to keep in mind that many Android devices are not compatible with Kodi by defaultbut it can be installed on them manually, as long as they meet the aforementioned technical requirements.

How do you download the latest version of Kodi for Android?

If you want to download the latest version of Kodi for Android, the first thing you have to do is visit the official website of the media player. On the main page of the site you can find a direct link to download. If you can’t find it, just go to the “Download” section. Once there, select the version for Android devices and start the download.

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After downloading the file, tap “Open” to begin the installation. Make sure your device is compatible with the version of Kodi you are downloading to avoid possible problems in the future.

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To finish the installation process, you have to read the terms and conditions of the license agreement and check the checkbox that you accept the terms. Finally, press the “Install” button and then “Open” to start Kodi on your Android device.

Finally, we recommend that you check the settings and visit the customization options to adapt the media player to your preferences. Besides, You can download third-party plugins to . Enjoy the latest version of Kodi for Android!

Do I need to uninstall the old version of Kodi before updating?

Yeahyou need to uninstall the old version of kodi to be able to update it correctly. This is because there is no way to overwrite the old version, so the only way to ensure you have an updated version of Kodi is to uninstall the previous version before installing the new one.

Uninstalling an old version of Kodi will fix any issues with the previous version and allow you to start with a clean, updated version. There are several ways to uninstall and update Kodi, so let’s break them down:

1. Uninstall Kodi manually
To manually uninstall Kodi from a device, go to Settings > Apps on your device. Once there, you will find the ‘Kodi’ option and select it. You will then select Uninstall and you are ready to start downloading the new version of Kodi.

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2. Uninstall Kodi using an application manager.
There are many app managers available for download that allow you to easily manage your apps from one place. Just find one that is suitable for your device and use the same to manage your apps easily, including uninstalling Kodi.

3. Use an uninstaller.
Uninstall programs are programs designed to securely from your computer. Many of them also allow you to uninstall Kodi safely and quickly. Simply find one that is suitable for your equipment and to uninstall it.

Once the old version of Kodi has been uninstalled, you are ready to download and install the new version of Kodi. It is recommended to update Kodi whenever a new version is available to keep your device safe and to get the best experience possible.

Is there an easy way to ensure a successful Kodi installation?

There are different ways by which one can ensure that the Kodi installation has been successful. The main and simplest of them is to check if it is updated to its latest version. This is achieved through the following steps:

  • Go to the official page of where the version of Kodi that you have installed will be displayed at the top of the page.
  • Once confirmed that the version is correct, you must review Kodi features. This can be done from the “Settings” tab located at the top of the program. Once inside, you must select the “About” option. A list of Kodi features will be displayed here. If all these features are displayed in the list, it means the installation was successful.
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Once this verification is completed, it is recommended to install some add-ons for Kodi, which can be downloaded from the same official page or from other websites. These plugins are essential for expand the Kodi user experienceso it is important that they are functional.

Finally, the user must open and test Kodi features and content to verify that the program is working correctly. In this way, it will be possible to definitively verify that the Kodi installation was successful.

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Finally, it can be concluded that updating Kodi on Android easily is a relatively simple, fast and safe process, as long as all instructions are followed. correctly. Thanks to a few clicks, users will be able to enjoy the latest version of Kodi with all its improvements and content:

  • Download Kodi Android version from the official site.
  • Make sure you have administrator permissions enabled.
  • Replace the old version of Kodi with the latest version.

Now, fully enjoy each of the features that Kodi offers; and don’t worry about not knowing how to update Kodi on Android because you have all the necessary information!

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