How to Update Messages on Instagram: Step-by-Step Guide – Premium Tuto

If you are looking for a clear and simple explanation to understand , You have come to the right place. You will learn how to update your posts! no matter what platform you do it from!

If you are an active user of and you like it With your followers, you will be more than familiar with the need to be able to edit the messages you post. Sometimes spelling mistakes or other small details can ruin a post. Luckily, Instagram allows us to edit our messages!

In this guide, we’ll show you how to update your message from a desktop computer, a or a smartphone for all those devices that are using the latest version of Instagram.

Let’s get started!

1. Updating from a Desktop computer:

To get started, open the Instagram desktop app from your computer’s menu bar. Once this is done, log into your Instagram account if you have not logged in previously.

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Now, find the message you want to add changes to. If the message was recently posted, you’ll probably see an option to edit or update the message directly from the screen. If not, click on the down arrow located to the right of the post and a menu will be displayed. There you will find the “Edit” option.

Once you have found the option to edit the post, you can change the text as you wish. When you’re done editing the message, don’t forget to save your changes.

2. Updating from a Tablet:

To edit your posts from a tablet, you must first download the Instagram app for tablets, since it is not available by default. Then, log in to your account as you would on a desktop computer or smartphone.

Once the application is open and logged in, find the message you want to edit. If the message was recently posted, you’ll probably see an option to edit or update the message directly from the screen. If not, click on the three-dot icon to the right of the post and a menu will appear. There you will find the “Edit” option.

Finally, use the editing toolbar to change the text you have typed. Remember to save your changes when you’re done.

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3. Updating from a smartphone:

To edit your posts from a smartphone, open the Instagram app on your device. Log in to your account if you haven’t done so before. Find the message you want to edit.

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If the message was recently posted, you’ll see an option to edit directly from the screen. If not, press the three-dot icon to the right of the post and a menu will be displayed. There you will find the “Edit” option.

Now, use the editing toolbar to change the message text. Don’t forget to save your changes when finished.


  1. Log in to Instagram: Open the application, enter your username and password. If you haven’t finished your profile setup yet, complete this step with your basic information.
  2. Find the message you want to update: Click on the post or photo you want to work on. If you want to modify a post of yours, search your list of posts and click on the message.
  3. Use the edit buttons: Further down the post, you will find options buttons that allow you to make changes. Click to display the functions.
  4. Select the type of edition:
    • Edit: Allows you to change the text of the post. Depending on the type of publication, there are additional editing options, such as adding location, tags, etc.
    • Edit location: Allows you to change or delete the location of the post.
    • Delete the post: Completely delete the content of the post.
  5. Save changes: After having made all the desired changes, click “Done” or “OK” (depends on the editing option) to save the new changes. And ready! You will have already updated your message.

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What are the steps to update a message on Instagram?

Update a message on Instagram It is something very simple to do. To do this, just follow the following steps:

1. Open the Instagram app on your smartphone or tablet. If you do not have it installed, download it from the official store for your device.

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2. Log in with your username and password. This is necessary so that you can access your content, such as your messages.

3. On the home screen, select your profile icon. Here you will see at the top a timeline with all the posts you have made.

4. Select the message you want to update. Once selected, you will see an option at the bottom with a pencil icon to edit.

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5. Make the desired changes. Here you can edit the text of your message, add hashtags, tag friends, etc.

6. Save changes and share it. Once you have made the changes, save them and press the share icon so that the message can be seen by your followers.

And that’s it, you will have updated your message on Instagram. It’s well worth remembering that whenever you want to update your posts, you should first save your changes before sharing.

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How do I post a new message from my Instagram account?

Post a new message from your Instagram account it is relatively simple. Firstyou must open the Instagram app, which is available for mobile devices such as and .
Now for post the messageyou can do it in the following ways:

  • Add photos or videos– You can take a photo or record a video using your mobile device’s camera.
  • Add your content from the gallery– From here, you can choose from your photos and videos saved in your device’s gallery.
  • Share IGTV content– If you have a video posted on IGTV, you can also share it via a regular post.
  • Live videos– If you want to stream something in real time, you can activate the live video option from here.

Now, once you have chosen the content, you can customize it by adding tags, locations, comments, etc. After, you must press the “Share” button, which is located at the bottom of the screen. Finally, your message will have been published. If you don’t see it immediately, don’t worry, this process may take a couple of minutes.

Can I delete old messages from my Instagram account?

Absolutely, you can delete old messages from your Instagram account without any problem. The process is very simple and you will have completed soon. Here we explain how to do it :

1. Open the Instagram app on your device.
2. Sign in using your username and password.
3. Select the “Direct Messages” section from the bottom of the screen.
4. Select the conversation you want to edit.
5. Go next to the message you want to delete.
6. Press the three dots icon located in the upper right.
7. A menu will appear where you will find the option “Delete message”.
8. Press this option to confirm the deletion of your message.
9. Optionally, to delete the entire conversation you can select the “Delete conversation” option located at the bottom of the menu.

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This way, you can delete old messages from your Instagram account In a blink of an eye. Also, remember that you have the option of deleting each message individually or the entire conversation, depending on your needs.

What type of content is allowed when updating a message on Instagram?

Instagram is intended for sharing visual and multimedia content. This It allows users share images, videos, stories, Live, IGTV and other content to express their creativity and share moments with friends, family and other users on the platform.

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Contents such as:

  • Personal photos and videos
  • with links
  • Memes, GIFs and graphics
  • Authorized promotional publications
  • Music videos, games and activities
  • Content related to news, events and celebrations.

But it is important to note that content that violates community standards is not allowed. This includes offensive, obscene, violent, racist, discriminatory or explicitly sexual content. Content that infringes the copyright or privacy of others is also prohibited. Any content that promotes illegal activities or contains harmful to health is strongly discouraged.


With this now you know how to update your messages on Instagram. There are no excuses to religiously follow the latest technology trends! You no longer need to feel overwhelmed with the rapid changes that our technological society requires.

This guide will help you keep your Instagram account up to date, without the need to waste time trying to understand the steps. Now there’s no problem finding an easy way to make the updates you want to your messages! At your disposal you have everything you need to have an updated and successful Instagram account!

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