How to update Microsoft Excel to the latest version

If you need update Microsoft Excelyou will need to take into account a series of steps that will allow you to achieve this purpose.

Update Microsoft Excel

It is for this reason that, below, we will explain how to get the latest version of said program, quickly and easily.

Steps to follow

The first step to follow is to access Microsoft Excel and run a new spreadsheet. Then, go to “File”, click on “Account”, pressUpgrade options” and select “Update now” to get a new version of this software.

Using Windows Update

To use this function, pressStart”, writesSearch for updates”, press “Enter” and click “Open”. Once in this section, press “Download updates” and this system will download any available version of its programs, whether Excel or others.

Download a new version of Excel

Alternatively, you have the option of download a new version of the program directly, replace the one you already have. For example, if you have Excel 2013, you can buy and download Excel 2016 through this, one of the best and most recent Microsoft Office.

In case of Mac

In the case of Mac, access the software in question, press the buttonAid” at the top of the screen and select “Check for updates.” Thus, a new window will open where you must mark the boxAutomatically download and install“. To finish, press “Check for updates”, choose the most recent version and press “Install”.

By following these procedures, you will be able to update Microsoft Excel successfully.

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