How to Update YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide –

Keep your software up to date! Are you tired of seeing pop-up messages telling you that you need to update youtube, but you never know how to do it? Well, you’re in luck because in this article we will explain as update YouTube with the latest version.

It will be a task . You can do it in a couple of minutes without any problem. We will show you from how to update YouTube on your PC even on mobile devices like tablets and smartphones. In addition, you can also find information about what the advantages and how to get rid of spam on YouTube.

It doesn’t matter if you have a device with Windows, macOS, iOS or in this article you will find everything you need to update YouTube and keep it safe.

Do not forget

  1. Open your web browser and go to the YouTube page.
  2. Click the “Start” button located at the top right of the screen.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select the “Settings” option.
  4. Scroll to the last section, marked “About Copyright”.
  5. Locate the “YouTube Updates” section and click the “Update” button.
  6. The last step is to wait for the update process to finish to enjoy the new YouTube features.

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What is YouTube and what is it for?

YouTube is a service online video playback property of which offers users a variety of content such as music videos, video clips, documentaries, television programs and movies. These transmissions can be viewed through a desktop computer, laptop, or other mobile devices. Since its launch, YouTube has become one of the most popular online video platforms in the world, with nearly 2 billion monthly active users.

YouTube provides users with the opportunity to upload and , as well as watching and enjoying the vast amount of content generated by the YouTube community. Users can also interact with each other through the use of comments, likes, dislikes, among other features.

Some of the main features that YouTube offers are:

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  • Upload videos: Users can upload videos from their computer, smartphone, tablet or other devices.
  • Share videos: Users can share the link of the videos they want through social networks, email and other means of communication.
  • Live broadcast: Users have the option to make live broadcasts to share their experience or moment with their followers.
  • Recommended videos: YouTube has its own video recommendation algorithm that suggests content related to what the user has previously viewed.
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In short, YouTube is an online video service widely used around the world. It offers its users a wide variety of content and capabilities, such as uploads, live streaming and video recommendations.

How to update YouTube on a computer?

Updating YouTube on a computer is very simple and does not require much time. There are some steps to follow so that the application is updated. Below we present some so that you achieve your goal.

1. : First, you must open the YouTube application from the computer’s programs menu.

2. : Once the application is open, locate the section where you can search for possible updates. This option is usually located in the main menu of the application.

3. Download updates: When you have found the section to search for these updates, you have to download them. The process may take several minutes until the download of all found updates is complete.

4. Install updates: Once the updates are downloaded, you will need to install them for the changes made by YouTube to take effect. This will also take some time depending on the size of the application.

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If you have carried out the steps indicated above, you will already have your YouTube application updated. A series of new features will appear so that you can enjoy the best user experience with the application.

How to update YouTube on a mobile?

Updating YouTube on a mobile is a simple task if you follow some basic steps that will be explained below.

  • : Open the App Store on your mobile, search and open the YouTube application within the store.
  • Step 2: Once inside the application, select the “Update” option to download the latest version of the YouTube application.
  • Step 3: The application will start downloading automatically, then you will have to press the “Install” option to complete the process.
  • Step 4: Now that the update process is complete, simply open the YouTube application to enjoy the latest version of the application. If you are on an older version of Android and cannot find the app in the App Store, you can download the older version of YouTube from the Store.

What versions of YouTube are available?

There are currently two main versions of YouTube being available to users; these are YouTube Classic and YouTube New.

YouTube Classic, also known as the classic view, is the original version that was released on the market, it has a simple interface and loads faster than YouTube New, and it also has fewer restrictions when uploading videos. This version can be activated by clicking on the drop-down button at the top right of the screen, there you will find the “Classic View” option. If you select this option, you will be redirected to the classic view for YouTube.

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YouTube New, is a version that was released to improve the YouTube user interface, offering a more modern and user-interactive design. This version has a variety of useful features such as:

  • Use of HTML5 programming technology.
  • Integration with Google+
  • Content filtering according to age.
  • Adding subtitles to videos.
  • Improved video search.
  • Video sharing.
  • Blocking inappropriate content.

Both versions of YouTube require downloading an application on mobile devices to use, this with the aim of improving the user experience on the platform. YouTube applications are now available for download in the Apple Store and Google Play stores.

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How to check the latest version available?

The latest available version of any technological product is a factor that, without a doubt, is of great importance to know details and news about what it offers, since this is where the improvements and corrections are mostly found. For this reason, it is important to know some methods to verify the updated version that the developer of said product has published.

In order to know the latest version of a technological product accurately and quickly, there are mainly 3 ways:

  1. Check the developer’s website. In this option it is necessary to know the web address of who has developed the product, then you have to enter the page and . In this way you can view information about the available version. Sometimes you must first download a previous version to access the content available after the update.
  2. Consult technical support help. This methodology is the most recommended when looking for the latest version available for a software. To do this, it is necessary to register the product in order to be recognized as an official user and thus obtain help related to its version. This guarantees a level of confidence as to the veracity of the data.
    Also, technical support is a good alternative to obtain accurate information about the update version, since the support staff constantly review related data and also provide information external to the official website.
  3. Find information by searching on the internet. This practice is useful for finding additional information. Many times, users share information that helps other users searching for a certain product, this includes information about the latest version available. However, since there is no guarantee from the original source, it is necessary to contrast the information with other credible sources.
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Each of these three ways facilitates access to the updated version of a technology product. However, it is imperative to take the necessary precautions to guarantee the reliability of the sources and avoid errors when checking the latest available version.

What are the improvements in the latest versions?

The latest versions of technological devices are a significant improvement when it comes to having new technology at hand. This increase in the quality of the products entails several notable contributions for the user. Below are some improvements and benefits:

Speed ​​increase: The latest versions of technological devices have more powerful processors, which results in fluidity when using any application on the device. This means greater speed when , and fluidity when moving between different applications.

Best design and construction: Manufacturers have not only improved the internal part but also the external part. Lighter and more impact-resistant designs, as well as improved construction that provides greater durability. The packaging also improves significantly, allowing for easier handling and transportation.

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: The latest versions of technology devices feature expandable storage. This means that, in addition to the device’s inherent gigabytes, the user can choose to add external memory, increasing the space available for storage.

Connections: The current trend is for devices to connect with each other to share content. This involves the incorporation of new connections, such as Bluetooth 5.0, that optimize the flow of information between devices.

Connectivity improvements: Now the devices have greater speed when connecting to WiFi and offer greater performance in data transmission. This results in a better user experience, both for streaming and downloading content.

Battery improvements: The latest versions of the devices have longer battery life, allowing the user to get the most out of their device without having to worry about recharging it frequently. This means extra hours to enjoy games, movies and all the multimedia content available.


Updating your YouTube account is , but it requires a lot of patience and some technical knowledge. This has shown you how you can update your YouTube account .

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