How to Use Steam Cloud Backups for Your Games – Premium Tuto

While the phrase “cloud of steam” may conjure up images of a boiling kettle or an antique train, when it comes to video games, it’s a great feature of the best PC gaming platform.

If you play on Steam, you’ll definitely want to know how to use Steam Cloud save games. When things go wrong, you’ll be glad that your precious hours of progress are safely stored where no one can delete them.

What are Steam Cloud saves?

Games you purchase and download through Steam may load and saved on Steam servers. In other words, if you lose your computer data, set up a new computer, or play your Steam games on multiple computers, you can recover your last save over the Internet.

When you uninstall a game and then reinstall it later, your saved games will also be restored. Steam cloud saves usually allow you to forget about your save data and continue playing.

Do all games support Steam cloud saves?

Not all games on Steam support cloud saves. This is something that is left to the developer. Not all games work the same. Developers can choose which data is downloaded and which is not.

If you want to know if a Steam game supports cloud saving, just go to the store page and check if the Steam Cloud logo is in the game’s feature list.

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Make sure cloud saves are enabled for your game

It is possible to disable cloud saves for all games on a given Steam computer. You can also enable or disable the feature for individual games. If your game supports Steam cloud saves but doesn’t sync, you can easily check if the feature is enabled.

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To verify global cloud recording settings:

  1. Open Steam.
  2. Select Steam > Definitions.
  3. We go to cloud tab.
  4. make sure that Enable Steam Cloud Sync for supported apps It is changed according to your preferences.
  1. Select okay.

To check the cloud save status for individual games:

  1. Open Steam.
  2. go to your Steam Library.

  1. Right click on the Game in the question
  2. Select properties.
  1. We go to In general language.
  2. Make sure cloud sync is enabled according to your preferences.

Again, not all games have Steam’s cloud save feature, so if you don’t see that option for an individual game, it’s probably not supported. We recommend that you manually backup your saved data in this case.

Find Steam Cloud saves downloaded to your PC

Speaking of manual backups, you can access the local copy of your cloud backups on your local machine. As long as you know the folder locations, of course:

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  • computer: C:Program Files (x86)Steamuser data
  • :~/Library/Application Support/Steam/user data
  • linux: ~/.local/share/Steam/userdata

Please note that these are the default locations where data saved in the cloud is stored locally. If you specified a custom folder when installing Steam, you will need to navigate to that folder.

In these folders you will find saves stored based on the Steam app ID. This is a unique number that corresponds to the catalog number of a game in the Steam store. You can easily find which ID matches which game by entering the ID number in the .

What to do with Steam Cloud Save Conflicts

Sometimes you will receive an error message from Steam stating that there is a conflict between the save game stored on your local computer and the one Steam has on its server. This usually happens because you have progressed through two different versions of the same save file.

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Most of the time, the correct choice is to simply choose the most recent modified version of the file, but in some cases, this may not be the backup you want. To ensure security, we recommend that you choose to cancel the cloud sync conflict the first time you see it.

Now backup the local file using the folder locations we just talked about in the previous section. If you find that the local files were the ones you should have kept, you can go back and replace them manually.

Manually upload your Steam Cloud saves

Another great option is the ability to view and download your Cloud Sync files using a web browser. Just go to and sign in to your Steam account if you haven’t already.

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Here you can see each individual game file stored in your Steam Cloud Sync account. All you have to do is select the download button and you will have a copy for yourself.

This is useful for using save files with other versions of a game and for quickly backing up files to the cloud before they are deleted during resolving a sync conflict, as we just saw.

Please note that more than just game save files are stored here. Developers can choose to store other data, such as game configuration files, along with their saved games. So make sure you download the right thing!

How to Fix “Steam Sync Failed” and Other Issues

The last crucial information you need to do right with Steam Cloud backups is what to do when things go wrong. Here are some general tips:

  • Check the Steam home page to see if their servers are down.
  • Restart your modems, routers, and computer.
  • Connect to another network.
  • Check your firewall and antivirus settings.
  • Disable any software that monitors or modifies network traffic to check for conflicts.
  • deactivate your Steam doesn’t like them and could ban you.
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You are now armed with all the knowledge you need to get the most out of the Steam Cloud Backup feature. Which means you can get back to the important work of enjoying your video games.

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