How to Use the iOS Compass to Orient Yourself – iPhone 4S, 5 and 5S

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Learn how to take advantage of the compass application integrated in iOS

The compass is a very useful device, especially when we go on an excursion or when it comes to orienting ourselves, but you have to know how to use it correctly. Nowadays, thanks to new technologies, everyone can have a compass on them, as for example in the case of the iPhone in which iOS has a native appalthough most of the users have never used it.

For this reason, today in iPadizate we will tell you briefly how can we take advantage of this application and learn to use it in case one day we have to use it. When we open the compass application sometimes it asks us for a calibrationwhich is easily done tilting the iPhone sideways to fill a circle in the case of or performing an 8 in the air in earlier versions of the operating system.

Getting started with the iOS compass on any iPhone model

Once the calibration is done we can start using the compass. As we can observe the compass will indicate magnetic north by defaultalthough you can change to true north by going to Settings – Compass and activate the option use true north.

The white needle that appears at the top is the compass needle and shows us the direction in which we are going. The compass circle moves as we move. so we will know at all times in which direction we are moving. At the bottom we can see the degrees and the direction (273º W, for example). Besides, the application uses the location system and as we can see in the lower right part, it also indicates where we are (the city, Autonomous Community and the exact GPS coordinates).

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If what we want is to go north all you have to do is take the device in your hand and rotate around yourself until the compass needle coincides with the red arrow that appears on the letter N, which indicates North. And the same happens with the rest of the coordinates.

In the event that we know the address we want to go to, for example 304º NO, we can lock the needle in the position it was in and then move until it coincides with the desired direction. The journey of everything we’ve had to turn will be marked in red inside the compass, so we will know everything that we have deviated to take that other route. To unlock it, all you have to do is touch the compass again.

However, the iOS compass does not include features such as orientation lines or the ability to see the direction of the arrow on a map, although Apple offers the option to link with the Maps application and use it on him. For this, we only have to click on the GPS coordinates in the compass application and the Map application will automatically open.

Next, what we will have to do is click on the navigation icon in Maps and compass mode will be activated and will orient the map with magnetic north.

Finally, we can only say that sometimes the compass may not be as accurate as we expect due to magnetic or environmental interference, even the magnet in the earphones may cause a slight deviation, but that is something we cannot avoid unfortunately.

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We hope that this small manual has been useful for you when learning to use the compass in case one day it may help you. But remember that it is not 100% reliable and if you want to go on adventures it is better to get a compass or a GPS.

The iOS compass can be very useful!

In iPadizate |

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