How You Can Copy And Paste An Entire Web Page

Nowadays, information is a commodity as valuable as gold or oil since we depend on it to carry out each of the operations of our daily lives, especially if it is the world of computing or any other activity on the Internet. . Therefore, we will show you how can you and a complete web page.

On the Internet there are an estimated billions of web pages in all possible languages ​​and that cover an infinite number of topics that may be interesting to us, so it can be a very difficult task to find that page whose information we need or We want to consult again.

How can we copy and paste an entire web page

There are different reasons why you would like to be able to copy and paste a complete web page, ranging from simply consulting its information, to being able to use it in an academic report or something from your work, or something as simple as wanting to try a cooking recipe. that is there or download something later from the page itself.

Although many may consider that to copy and paste a web page you only have to do the same procedure that is done in a word processor, this can be a bit more complex and even may require some of programming or computer language to be able to perform the operation.

This is because you have to take into consideration what elements you want to copy from said web page, since you only require the texts from the html code in which it is programmed or if you want to be able to extract a series of additional content such as images or videos, so copying this code alone would not be enough.

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Therefore, there are different alternatives so that you can proceed to copy and paste a complete web page in a practical, safe way and without having major inconveniences. depending on the type of browser you use and the information required. Therefore, below we will show you the best methods to carry out this operation.

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Copy and paste a web page as html

One of the easiest ways to copy and paste an entire web page is by copying its html code, which consists of the programming language that allows the definition of the content of a web page using tags.

Thanks to its versatility and adaptability, this programming language is the most used and widespread for the creation and configuration of different web pages. Therefore, if you want to copy and paste a web page, being able to access this HTML code is the simplest and most direct way to do it.

  • Enter the web browser and Go to the web page where you want to perform this operation.
  • You can save the html code of said page simply by entering the option Save as which you can find in different locations depending on the browser, but it is always the same procedure. You must be clear that if you also want to save the images contained on the site, you must make sure to click on the option Save Full Page.
  • On your computer, locate where you have saved the html file of the web page you selected.
  • You can open this file anywhere basic text editor, such as Notepad, Wordpad or any other similar program you have.

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Copy and paste a web page using Chrome

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If the previous procedure to copy and paste a web page did not work for you in the first instance, it may be that its content is protected by these mechanisms. However, you can still have access to said content so that you can consult it when you do not have an internet connection.

Protecting websites is a practice that is considered common since its content may be subject to copyright and, therefore, locking mechanisms are used to make them read-only.

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But in you can circumvent these protection mechanisms in the following way, always warning that copyright violations can lead to criminal charges if they are used for illegal activities.

  • Go to the web page you want to extract content from.
  • Access the parameters of Print Settings.
  • Enter the option Print.
  • Then, you will see a preview of the page print where you can adjust some parameters of the page.
  • Then, you must select the alternative of Iprint as PDF and you will now be able to have the content of the page without needing .

Copy and paste an entire protected web page in Firefox

In it you can also copy and paste a web page even if it has its content protected, since said browser has different mechanisms to be able to do this without major inconveniences. You just have to do the following.

  • Locate the web page you want to copy and paste.
  • Within the browser, go to the icon which represents in the shape of a notebook.
  • There you will have the reading mode active, with which you can copy and paste the text ignoring any restrictions that have been imposed.

Copy and paste a web page using apps

In case you want to clone not only a page but an entire website, you can do so by using certain specialized applications, which allow you to access all their content and save them on your computer. Among the most famous and useful applications we have.

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Since its creation, this Windows application has been the reference for cloning web pages, since with it you can carry out this operation extremely efficiently and do it in batch form to be able to have at your disposal all the information you require.

If you want to use this application you must first download it and then open it. Having done this, follow these instructions.

  • In the first instance you must define what would be the name and location of the folder or project you want to create.
  • Then, you must choose the option Download website to ensure that doing so downloads all its content.
  • After this, you just have to enter the site url that you want to clone.
  • Allows the website cloning process to start and develop. When finished, you can review the results by going to the folder you defined to save them.
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If you are the owner of an Apple computer and you want to be able to copy and paste a web page, you can use this application whose main feature is that it can carry out this process by asynchronously copying all the content of the websites, having the ability to duplicate and replicate the entire directory thereof.

With this, you ensure that said content will be able to copy it in its entirety to your computer. To do this, you just have to download the application, install the dmg file and follow these steps.

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  • Identify and enter the site url that you want to copy, previously defining the location on your computer where you want to save it.
  • Press the option Discharge.
  • Allow the program to run and then check the content of the website you downloaded from the location where it was saved.

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