If You Are On Facebook You Appear Active On Messenger

Generally when you enter gives you a choice of be active in since it is one of the things that you give the most importance to, since it is the chat to send and receive messages to our Facebook friends, with greater ease.

It is for this reason that when you are on Facebook you can see yourself visible as active in Messenger, therefore, your contacts will see that you are participating, but they will not know if you are seeing the conversation or not, and in this article we will explain everything about this App.


Messenger is the app that was launched by the Facebook social networkwhich is available for iOS, and Windows Phonewhich allows its users to chat with their Facebook contacts, being an extension of the conversations of the network messages social also on mobile.

Thus, Messenger It is nothing more than a way to continue the conversations that are being had in Facebookfor example the messages and chat, which were already unified a long time ago, also on mobile.

This arises in order to do it through the social network app, Messenger, which is a specific application for these conversationsand that way, you can access your entire message history and continue chats from any device.

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Advantages and disadvantages of Messenger

Messengerhas a diversity of properties that make it unique with respect to the chat and instant messaging services. Highlighting the following advantages and disadvantages:


1. It has a large number of users

This app has the benefit of having a wide variety of registered users. This is achieved thanks to the Facebook social network, which has more than 1,000 million people registered.

Therefore, it is necessary to have a chat medium with a large audience, then It may be the main alternative.

2. It has a modern interface

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One of the problems of the main chat and messaging appsis that they have a somewhat outdated design, however, Messenger solves it by constantly innovating and providing a great interface.

3. Has the ability to quickly

You can synchronize your contact list and find friends almost immediately. In addition, you will have the option to use the app’s search engine to meet new people and, thus, have all kinds of conversations.

4. You have the ability to have a personalized profile

Messenger to be owned by Facebookyou can create your own profile and share a wide variety of content, and in this way, people will be able to learn more about you and will show a precise idea of ​​what you are like in real life.

Disadvantages of Messenger

1. You have message search problems

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The Facebook app has tried update your app to provide a better experience, but the difficulty it presents past is something that has not been fully resolved. Thus, it can take a large amount of time to find a certain message.

2. All notifications arrive

If you have this app installed on your cell phone, then it is normal that the notifications come with sounds or bubbles default. Thus, you must configure Messenger to adapt to your needs.

3. You have problems using 2 or more accounts

In case you plan to use this app with multiple accounts, then you will not have the best experience. Unlike other chat apps, Messengerprovides the benefit of using two different accounts at the same time, however this functionality requires considerable polishing.

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If You Are On Facebook You Appear Active On Messenger

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He ended up being active in a social network or application, It is the one used in recent times. And without a doubt, in the Messenger application it is the one that is mentioned the most, since this app certainly has this function.

When the term estar is mentioned Active on Messengerrefers to the fact that you are currently connected and browsing the social network. Likewise, being in the active state allows you to let your friends see if you are online or if you were recently online.

This means, when you activate the active status in Messengerother users can verify that you are online, since a green dot appears to them, indicating that you are online.

However, if you activate this option in your application but you are not connected, other users will be able to see your last connection. Because next to the profile photo, it indicates how much time has passed since you disconnected.

Likewise, it is important that you keep in mind that the active state is an option that includes the Messengerbut it gives you the option to activate or deactivate it whenever you want.

Why do I appear active on Facebook when I’m not online?

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Sometimes it may happen that even though you are not usually within the Facebook app or have the app open You appear as connected as if you will spend 24 hours a day on the platform.

This becomes a disadvantage in certain aspects of your life, especially in work or social aspect, since they may think that you are ignoring the people who write to you or that you are simply lazy and wasting time when in reality that is not the case.

If that has brought you problems, show up connected on Facebook most of the time or all day, it is imperative that you find a solution to this, and thus avoid problems in the future.

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The first thing you should do is identify the reason why you appear connected when in reality we are not, this can be for many reasons, so it is important to verify and rule out the options.

Reasons why it appears active on Facebook

There are several reasons why you appear active on Facebook and they are the following:

1. Chat Bubbles

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One of the reasons why this may be happening is because of the Messenger App Chat Bubblessince if you have this function activated, at any time of the day you will receive a notification from any friend who has written to you.

The mistake that would be being made is that instead of remove the chat bubble, leave it there and forget that it exists, so if you are someone who writes constantly in Facebook and leave notification bubbles instead of closing them, this may be one of the reasons why you appear online.

To finish it you must follow these steps:

You have to go to the Messenger application.

Then you click on the profile photo, this will take you to the application settings.

Then in the Profile section, there is an option called “Active Status”.

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In the event that when reviewing there is the ‘Yes’ option, you have to go to this option, and in it there will be an option called “Show when I’m active”, If you disable this option even when you are within the Messenger app or simply Facebook, you will be disconnected, if it is convenient we can deactivate it.

Then in the preferences section, within the list of functions, you will find a call “Chat Bubbles” If this option is activated, you will deactivate it, so you will not receive chat bubbles that tell you that you are connected.

2. Active Sessions

In the event that you have started a Facebook session on your computer and you have forgotten to close it, this may be enough for appear activeas long as in the browser you use, if you have multiple tabs and among them is the Facebook tab, this condition will be met.

In the same way, this applies to using the phone, if you have your Facebook account open either in the web browser or on it. Facebook applicationthis can make you appear online.

It may even be that even if you have both sessions closed on your computer like on your phonebut you have accidentally left a session open on a friend’s computer or somewhere else.

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This is why it is important not to leave active sessions of your Facebook accountnot only because it appears connected, but also because your Facebook profile should only be used by you, and leaving an active session is giving a chance for someone unknown to review your profile.

To close active Facebook sessions you must follow these steps:

You have to go to the general settings of the application, then go to the Security sections.

Then you have to locate the option called “Where you are logged in.”

After that, in this section you will see what the active sessions of your accountyou may probably have a few sessions, so you will proceed to close each one of them.

Once each of the current sessions is closed, we recommend that you change your passwordnot only do you prevent someone from having access with your password data, but at the same time You will never be able to access your account again.

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3. The Event Calendar

Facebook has a function called Events calendarand it is available if you give it permission to sync with the phone’s calendar.

In a way, it can be positive, since you will be able receive notifications such as your friends’ birthdays, as well as being able to see if your friends are interested in going to certain events or even a special invitation from your friends.

But, having this option activated gives the option to appear active in Facebook even though you are not using the application, therefore if you appear connected It is something that can harm you, so it is best not to have the protection function activated. Events calendar.

In order to deactivate the Calendar of Events you should go to “Manage Calendars” and then uncheck the option that says “Facebook account”and ready.

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As you could see the application of Messenger gives you the option to be active in FacebookTherefore, if you want to change your status, you can do so by complying with each of the methods presented in this article and in this way you can enjoy this social network without any problems.

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