Important Security and Quality Fixes Missing Affects Windows 10

Windows in version 10 is currently one of the most popular and preferred operating systems on the market, its attractive features and useful functions make it increasingly accepted by digital users.

However, it is increasingly common for Windows 10 to be affected by the issuance of a message referring to problems with its updates: Important security and quality fixes are missing. Learn how to solve this error easily and safely.

What the error message refers to: Important security and quality fixes are missing

Important security and quality fixes are missing. a risk warning, for not running the necessary updates regarding security and quality levels necessary for the optimal functioning of Windows 10.

It is a Windows 10 update problem in versions 1803 or 1809. The text of the message refers to the following:

Windows 10. Your device is missing important security and quality fixes.

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The message directs you to take urgent system update actions, in order to avoid high levels of risk and damage.

It usually appears unexpectedly from the moment you start your session in Windows 10, throughout the period that you remain active, and generally Users have reported the beginning of their emissions, after making some new updates.

In its normal operation Windows 10 automatically, your keeps updates enabled, it is a perfect process to maintain, in this case, the security of your PC.

In addition to the automatic update mode, Windows 10 also allows you to search for updates manually, so the range of possibilities to maintain a satisfactory standard of operation is very wide.

However, update errors are still common and they appear more and more frequently. You will always experience these types of issues that issue error messages like “Your device is missing important security and quality fixes.”

“Your system is not updated”, “The update failed, Your device is missing important security and quality fixes.” “TOSome update files are missing or have problems. We will try to download the update again later. Code (0x80073712)”.

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These are some of those messages that prevent the correct execution of updates to your operating system.

Important security and quality fixes are missing. Causes and effects in Windows 10

The update issue identified with the “Your device is missing important security and quality fixes” message, It is an indication that your computer is missing security files.

This fault can be caused by an incomplete installation or corruption of Windows Updatealso originates if it is disabled.

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Another element of error derives from the telemetry level settings of Windows 10, you should verify if it is in security only.

Remember that in Windows 10, telemetry refers to its function to gather data that allows a deep analysis of what causes system failures, for remote management, location and treatment.

The continuous and permanent issue of error messages such as “Your device is missing important security and quality fixes”, can then show a imminent danger for your team.

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What does the probable danger derive from? The causes of this message ranging from the fact that the updates are not installed correctly, due to the impact derived from a malware attack, to simple technical problems with your PC.

For the message “Your device is missing important security and quality fixes,” the obvious and direct effect will be negative for the equipment’s safety systems, an impact that will lead to subsequent failures for the entire operation. of Windows 10.

It is therefore a problem that persists even when you execute the necessary updates, blocking its installation, leaving your computer exposed and vulnerable to security flaws that can lead to cybercrime.

Solutions to Important security and quality fixes missing from your 1803/1809 device. Code (0x80073712)

Due to the importance of permanent updates that keep your operating system and your computer in the most ideal conditions of usability and performance, when faced with this message you must activate its attention for its prompt solution.

Solving this Windows update code is essential to be able to install the base updates for the safety of your equipment.

It is important that you take into consideration that before performing any troubleshooting procedure you must register a backup copy of Windows.

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There are multiple methods to solve “Important security and quality fixes are missing” and unblock the installation of updates in Windows 10,

We offer you here a compendium of them so you can test the effectiveness of each one.

Method 1: Activate Windows Update Automatic Troubleshooter

A Windows Update failure can cause updates to be blocked and generate the error message Important security and quality fixes are missing from your device.

If that is the case, it is advisable to do the following to activate the Windows Update automatic troubleshooteravailable on Windows 10.

  1. Opens Windows Settings.
  2. Choose Update and security.
  3. Press and select the option Troubleshootlocated in the left panel.
  4. Press Execute the Troubleshooter.
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Method 2: Manually install Windows updates

  1. In start seeks Windows Update.
  2. go up Advanced Options.
  3. Press Upgrade optionsa list will be displayed with all the options.
  4. Activate only the first and second option clicking on them.
  5. Restart your team.

Method 3: Quick installation of Windows 10 updates

You can quickly install Windows 10 updates as follows:

  1. Enter the official site of
  2. Choose Update now.
  3. File download starts Windows10Upgrade.
  4. Run the file Windows10Upgrade
  5. On the screen that appears, press the button Update now to start downloading and updating.
  6. At the end, approve the permission to restart the computer.

Method 4: Manually restart the Windows Update service

  1. In the Windows 10 search box add the text cmd.
  2. When the result appears, press the right mouse button on the CMD symbol.
  3. Select the option Execute as an administrator.
  4. In the pop-up box, enter the text for each of the following commands, one at a time, and then press Enter.
  • net stop wuauserv
  • net stop cryptSvc
  • net stop bits
  • net stop msiserver
  • Ren C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\ SoftwareDistribution.old
  • Ren C:\Windows\System32\catroot2\ Catroot2.old
  • net start wuauserv
  • net start cryptSvc
  • net start bits
  • net start msiserver

At the end of each command, check if the error persists. Important security and quality corrections are missing.

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Method 5: Use PowerShell to run Windows Update

The message text Your device is missing important security and quality fixes, sometimes including the device specification. missing update KB code.

When using Power Shell (Administrator) to run Windows Update, you must have this code on hand, as it is required to be entered during the process to reactivate the update. :

  1. Click, with the right mouse button, on Start to choose Windows PowerShell (administrator).
  2. In PowerShell enter the text Get-WUInstall – KBArticleID KB–(update number presented in the message).
  3. Press Enter.

Method 6: Activate the Windows 10 Modules Installer service

If the message Your device is missing important security and quality fixes does not include the missing update KB code you must verify that the Windows 10 Modules Installer service is enabled.

The Windows 10 module installer is the function that allows the detection, download and installation of software and updates. If it is disabled, Windows Update and its automatic activation of updates cannot be used.

To verify and, if necessary, activate the Windows 10 modules installer, you must do the following:

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  1. Open the box Executepressing simultaneously Windows and R on your keyboard.
  2. In the search bar enter the text: services.msc.
  3. Click on Accept the services interface.
  4. Locate and double click on the option Windows Modules Installer and
  5. In the tab Generalclick on Start.
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Method 7: Download the latest Service Stack Update (SSU)

Try this method to solve the Missing security and quality fixes error in Windows 10 versions 1803/1809 by doing the following:

  1. Click on StartChoose Setting.
  2. Click on the option System.
  3. Press and select the option About.
  4. In the section Device specificationsChoose Type of systemto check which one corresponds to your Windows 10 OS installation.
  5. Knowing the type of system you must search for and download the service stack (SSU) that corresponds to your version, you can find this in the .
  6. Restart your computer and then proceed to check if the problem persists or has been resolved.

Method 8: Repair corrupted Windows 10 files

The error message: Windows 10, Your device is missing important security and quality fixes, for versions 1809 or 1803 it may be generated due to a failure in a corrupted file.

Repairing it may be the solution to the problem that does not allow you to install the updates that your PC requires. Follow the :

  1. Press start and in the Windows search box, enter the text cmd.
  2. Click, with the right mouse button, on the result.
  3. Choose Execute as an administrator.
  4. In the popup window add the text DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth
  5. Press Enter. (The execution may take several minutes.)
  6. Add the text sfc /scannow and press Enter.
  7. When the repair is complete, close and check the operation of Windows Update.

Method 9: Reinstall Windows Updates

Can remove and reinstall the updates that present the error, according to their KB codeas we indicated:

Locate the installed updates: you can do this action using two options

Option 1: on run

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  1. Opens the dialog box Execute by simultaneously pressing the keys Windows and R.
  2. Add the text cpl and press Enter.
  3. Choose Programs and characteristics.
  4. Click on view installed updates.

Option 2: In Settings

  1. Press Start Choose Setting.
  2. Locate and select the option Update and security.
  3. Choose View update history…
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