Install LFTP on Linux / Download and Upload Files in 2023

He LFPT is a transfer protocol server command-line based file manager that is widely used in Linux servers and desktop environments for and manage server automation.

After install LFTP on Linuxyou can use basic FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP, and other proxy server jobs. It also allows users in a segmented manner.

What is LFTP and what is it for?

LFTP tools can be used to both upload and download on the local server. If you are a professional or a server administrator, installing and using the LFTP tool on Linux.

It can help you in partial updating, executing queries, limiting bandwidth for file uploads, and many more operations.

Install LFTP on Linux / Download and Upload Files

The use of LFPT server It is beneficial for server administrators for many reasons. On Linux, you can use cache upload, visit server statistics, send pending files to the server via server download, and many more.

After installing the LFTP tool on Linux, you can set the upload limit, memory usage limit, and set chmod rules to make the server more efficient.

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Good programmers would love the feature of executing an argument as a command and, with other flags, converting an argument to a new command.

He LFPT server It is primarily built for Linux and type machines. UNIX to sync files on the server. In this post, we will see how to install and run LFPT server on a Linux machine.

Step 1: Install LFPT on Linux

Using the LFPT client tool on a Linux machine is quite . To install the LFTP server on a Linux machine, you will need terminal shell, an active Internet connection, and root privileges on the machine. Make sure your system repository is up to date.

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Since the LFPT is a widely used tool, it is already available in the official linux repositoryand you can install it on your machine through the official package installation command.

Please run the appropriate command for your Linux machine from the command lists given below to install LFTP.

Install the LFPT tool on Ubuntu/Debian Linux

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$ sudo apt-get install lftp

Get the LFPT tool on Fedora/Red Hat Linux

$ sudo yum install lftp

Install LFPT on Arch-based Linux systems

$ sudo pacman -S lftp

Install LFPT on SuSE Linux

$ sudo zypper install lftp

After installing the LFPT tool, please check the manuals to get ideas on how the syntaxes for LFTP work on Linux.

$ man lftp

Step 2: Get started with LFPT on Linux

After installing the LFTP server client on our Linux system, we can generate a RSA key to access the server securely. Later we will use the key ssh to access the LFTP server.

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Run the following command in the terminal shell to get the RSA key.

$ sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa

Now, run the command with your server IP to get access.

$ sudo ssh-copy-id tutopremium@serverIP $ sudo ssh tutopremium@serverIP

If we already have a server established and configured, we can lunch it through the LFTP commands given below.

lftp ftp://user@host lftp ftp://Tutopremium@localhost

Step 3: Upload and Download Files via LFTP on Linux

With the right syntax, commands, and rules, you can access the server from your Linux machine. The following commands will help you understand how to access server from CLI.

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Many users consider the commands given below to be the essential commands after installing LFTP on Linux.

$ lftp sftp://your_username@your_hostname/host_IP_address $ lftp sftp://your_username@your_hostname/host_IP_adress:port_number $ sudo lftp sftp://tutopremium@localhost:port

After accessing the server, you can run the command ls to view files and directories.


The following command will upload a file to the server from your Linux machine.

put name_of_file_to_send

Then run the commands mentioned below to mark the file and upload it via command lpwd.

> lpwd > put print.pdf

In the same way we upload a file, we can also download files from the server from the LFPT server client tool in Linux.

$ pget name_of_file_to_download > pget tutopremiumNewfile.txt

If you are having problems uploading and downloading files from the server via the LFTP tool on Linux, you can use the following commands to resume the action.

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pget -c ixnfo.txt put -c ixnfo.txt

The following commands will also upload and download files to the server via the LFTP server tool. The command pget will download and the command put will upload files on the server.

pget localhost.txt put localhost.txt

In advanced level work, the following command mirror will allow you to get the complete directory of the server.

mirror remote tutopremium_local_dir

Among other FTP servers with graphical user interface (GUI) and with command line interface (CLI) that are available and easy to use, the LFPT is one of the best server tools.

If you run into a problem installing LFTP on Linux and accessing the LFTP server from your Linux machine, make sure the UFW or other firewall tools are allowing your FTP on the network.

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The most popular feature of having an FTP server would be share files with local users through Wi-Fi or home LAN.

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Well, the FTP server also has that feature where you can upload your files, movies and documents to the server and access them from both Linux and Windows machines.

It also allows you to synchronize files to a remote server through the commands of the linux shell. Throughout the post, we have seen the methods of how to install LFTP on Linux.

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