Let’s talk about “I do not authorize WhatsApp” and other Hoaxes

Hoaxes are so ubiquitous on digital networks that they are as much a part of their history as any of the instant messaging services. In fact, since these are their main vehicle, we can almost say that one does not exist without the other.

WhatsApp, the most popular among applications of this type, could not be exempt from this phenomenon. And the fact of having updated its privacy policy and conditions of service resurfaced some hoaxes, as is the case of “I do not authorize WhatsApp”.

It is very interesting that false information that has been denied so many times continues to survive on the networks. The one that concerns us in this article is not the only one, far from it. I invite you to talk a little about the subject, since being informed is the only defense against this phenomenon.

Hoax or hoax? Or both?

a hoax is a message with false information that circulates through digital networks. In English it is called hoax, term that has also reached Spanish. This type of information can respond to many causes, from trivial nonsense to political reasons.

The Internet scams, they use a lot of hoaxes. Other common purposes are attacks on the prestige of renowned figures and the movement of public opinion towards issues that, generally, have no relevance.

The common denominator is false information. It’s the why several online platforms have a data verification strategy (Facebook, for example, uses )who mark the publications of this cut with “False” signs.

WhatsApp cannot work like this. Remember that the provider of this service does not know the content of the messages that are exchanged (end-to-end encryption) so that the verification of the information is at the request of the user.

Unfortunately, a considerable part of those who use WhatsApp is not very given to verifying what reaches them through this channel. Rather, one is prone to accept it as the supreme truth.. Therein lies the danger of hoaxes, because they go viral in a matter of hours.

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What is the hoax “I do not authorize WhatsApp” about?

The change of the privacy policy and the conditions of service of WhatsApp It suited this hoax like a glove, since the scenario was more than propitious to make his message credible. The platform announced changes, why would one more be doubted…?

The hoax, which unleashed the WhatsApp chain “I do not authorize”, consists of the user receiving an alarm message, shocking and dramatic (classic hoaxes), alerting you that the platform will start using your photos and other data, without your consent.

To avoid this, according to the hoax, the user must send it to 10 groups, with which, supposedly, his account will be “protected” and it will be “marked”, so it will be free of the alleged “irregular” treatment by WhatsApp.

Needless to say, along with those who believe and propagate it, there are those who make fun of them mercilessly. A trend of “I do not authorize” memes has emerged that has spread as much as the same hoax.

Total lie or half true?

There is not a letter of truth in this hoax. WhatsApp, legally, cannot use your information, your messages, your photos, or anything, for the benefit of anyone. And from a technical point of view, it can’t even “see” the content of your chats.

It must be remembered that the, not so new, privacy policy and conditions of service authorize the platform to share certain information, only about your interactions and only with Facebook, for business strategy issues. Nothing else.

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Yes, I know what you’re thinking: “that’s what WhatsApp ‘says’”. About I suggest you not lose sight of the fact that no one, absolutely no one, has presented any evidence that this platform violates its own privacy policy. So far, only rumors.

It is also true that WhatsApp messages, including text, photos, files, etc., have been used as evidence in courts of Justice. But in all cases (all) they have been data that the authorities have recovered from the phonesnever provided by the platform.

That is to say, you have to be documented to be able to separate the real from the fictional and, even more, from the malicious. As far as is known, end-to-end encryption is inviolable, even for WhatsApp itself; as is the management of storage by the user.

I do not authorize Twitter

Such has been the spread of this hoax that its effects have reached Twitter. Indeed, following the negotiations with Elon Musk, the same false information that was already circulating on WhatsApp was generatedand the trills of “No Autorizo” began to flourish.

This is just as unfounded on the blue bird platform as it is on WhatsApp. Twitter hasn’t even changed its privacy terms. This is the legal framework for the relationship with your clients, therefore, you can only abide by it.

To make any improper use of the data of its users, you risk a lawsuit that, if any, could jeopardize hundreds of millions of dollars. So no; Twitter does not and will not use your information for “shady” purposes.

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WhatsApp chains copy and paste

The “I do not authorize” hoax is an interesting example of the “copypasta” method, in which users are not asked to “forward” but to “send” the messagein this case, copy and paste it 10 times in different groups.

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This way of approaching the message is obviously a resource to avoid the “resent many times” label that WhatsApp places when it is shared more than five times and that, in addition, it is one of the classic indications to unmask a hoax.

Other basic characteristics of hoaxes are that, generally, They are sensationalist messages, aimed at moving feelings of fear, anger, uncertainty, etc.; as well as misspellings, which are never lacking.

Not only for “I do not authorize WhatsApp”, but for everything that comes to you and has the characteristics that I told you about; the only solution is to be informed. Question and contrast these reports, so you don’t get on the bandwagon of misinformation.

Frequent questions

As usual, below I answer the questions most frequently asked by users of the network of networks:

How to accept the new WhatsApp conditions if it does not appear?

To accept the new WhatsApp conditions if they do not appear automatically, you must go to the “Settings” menu (on Android) or “Settings (on iPhone). Then, click on the “Help” – “Privacy Conditions” option, where you can accept them.

What is the purpose of WhatsApp chains?

The objective of WhatsApp chains is to disseminate information as widely and quickly. For this, they use messages that touch the feelings of the recipients, rather than the veracity and objectivity of the information.

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