Pagefile.sys In Windows 10. What It Is And How To Use It

It is recommended that Windows 10 users, new or already experienced, know the different system files that make it up and how their presence or elimination can affect the performance of the computer.

Pagefile.sys is a default component of Windows 10 that stores data from RAM, it is a file that can take up a lot of space, so it is essential to know what it is and how you can use it to maximize the functions of your PC.

What are we referring to when we talk about Pagefile.sys in Windows 10?

When talking about Pagefile.sys in Windows 10 we are referring to a system file in which you can temporarily store backup dumps and backup data .

Used correctly, a Pagefile.sys file can be a support tool to improve the performance of your computer since in this component you can include the contents of your RAM Memory when it’s fullwith the possibility of subsequent full recovery of all stored data.

In Windows 10, or earlier versions, Pagefile.sys is a system-generated paging file to manage and free up memory on your computer, an automatically expanding space for storing relevant data and applications.

Pagefile.sys in Windows 10 offers a backup function to save information when there is no available capacity in your computer’s RAM.

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Its size or capacity It is variable, depending on the version of the system or the workload, it ranges from a few megabytes to exceeding one gigabyte, which is the default storage capacity of Pagefile.sys in Windows 10.

It is therefore a kind of secondary memory, which you can manage so that it works as a RAM memory backup tool and contributes to improving the performance of the computer, This capacity is granted by its condition as a temporary storage element.

The Pagefile.sys file in Windows 10, is an item created by default, its original location is defaulted to the C drive, it is an essential system file that should not be removedsince its function contributes to the correct functioning of the operating system.

However, you must pay attention to aspects of its configuration, location and storage capacity, since excessive use of Pagefile.sys can be counterproductive, taking up a lot of space in the system and negatively affecting its functions.

When an excessive amount of data is stored in the Pagefile.sys file, there may be a loss of performance in the operation of your computer.

The presence or absence of Pagefile. Sys, can be determined by the capacity of ; However, consider removing or by default it should be infeasible, since Its function is essential in system configuration and administration processes..

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Deleting Pagefile.sys will increase the use of the computer’s RAM, which is why we indicate that its presence depends on the capacity of the disk. Another consequence of its elimination could be blocking of some applications and, in extreme results, a complete blocking of the computer’s functions. like a blue screen problem in Windows.

If it is extremely necessary, since in some way Pagefile.sys is affecting the operation of Windows 10, there are options to modify its configuration, activation or disabling, changes that must be executed with caution and great detail.

If your RAM memory has enough capacity to support the increase generated by disabling files like Pagefile.sys, you can consider doing so, In no case do we suggest its total elimination, to solve slowdowns and achieve faster execution of your applications since they would be carried out directly in RAM and not from the saturated Pagefile space. sys.

With a RAM memory capacity between 4 and 8 GB, slowdowns may occur on the computer when you use all the available space; In the case of having 16 GB of RAM or more, the difference in performance is not notable, unless you take the use of memory capacity to the extreme.

Options to modify the settings and location of Pagefile.sys in Windows 10

Below we present some technical processes that will allow you manage or modify parameters of the Pagefile.sys file, including actions to disable itwith the intention of improving performance and hard drive space.

The recommendations should be applied in case of complete certainty that they will not affect the performance of your equipment.

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Pagefile.sys is a paging file classified as a protected system file, which not visible directly in Windows Explorerto do so it is necessary to activate its display.

To view Pagefile.sys in Windows 10 :

  1. In it File Browser open the Unit root where the Windows 10 operating system was installed (C: by default).
  2. In the tab View Choose hidden elements, click on Options and then in Cchange folder and search options.
  3. In the pop-up window click and display the tab Seethere deactivate the option Hide protected operating system files (recommended).
  4. Press Yeah to confirm the changes and then press Apply and Accept to save them, this will make the Pagefile.sys file visible through the browser.

Now that you can locate the Pagefile.sys file, you can proceed to make any modifications or reconfigurations that you consider necessary.

We warn you that disabling or deleting it is not common; when you try to do so, the notification will appear: The file is being used by another programsince the Windows system itself or other applications access it constantly during its execution.

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Option 1. Disable Pagefile.sys in Windows 10 with administrator rights

If you have administrator rights on your Windows 10 system you can disable Pagefile.sys, what you need to do is disable the function Memory managementSo:

  1. In it Start Menu opens control Panel.
  2. Press the option Systemthere, in the left side menu, select See the of the system.
  3. In the displayed box System propertiesopen the tab Advanced Options and in Performance click on the section Setting.
  4. In the new displayed box open the tab Advanced Options and in Virtual memory Press the button Change.
  5. Deselect Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
  6. Check the option No paging file.
  7. Press the button Establish.
  8. Confirm the change by clicking Accept.
  9. Restart the Windows operating system.

With these actions you disable the Pagefile.sys function in Windows 10 and earlier versions. The file will appear with a 0 KB storage space and will be void for use. If necessary you can activate it again.

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Alternative method: You can also access the System properties pressing the keys Windows + R to open the box Execution; there enter the text: sysdm.cpl and press the button Acceptin the displayed box click the tab Advanced Options and previous from 3 to 9.

Note: To activate Administrator rights follow these steps:

  1. Accede to Command Prompt (CMD)on the home screen add the text: CMD, click on the icon, with the right mouse button, select Execute as an administrator.
  2. Another way to access Command Prompt is by pressing the Windows + Command Prompt (Admin).
  3. When the Command Prompt screen appears, enter the commands: (one at a time). Press Enter after entering each command.

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Scanhealth

DISM.exe /Online /Cleanup-image /Restorehealth

Sfc /scannow

You can also consult the for Create user accounts as administrator.

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Option 2. Change Pagefile.sys File Location in Windows 10

When there is not enough space available on the Unit root of the system where Pagefile.sys is located, it is very useful to move it to another partition, space on an alternate disk or on a removable external storage drive.

Changing the location of Pagefile.sys frees memory. This option can be reverted to return the paging file to its original drive, in case some applications require it for their operation.

To change Pagefile.sys to a new storage space you must do the following:

  1. In it Start Menu opens control Panel.
  2. Press the option Systemthere, in the left side menu, select View advanced system settings.
  3. In the displayed box System propertiesopen the tab Advanced Options and in Performance click on the section Setting .
  4. In the new displayed box open the tab Advanced Options and in Virtual memory Press the button Change.
  5. Deselect Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
  6. Select the Unit C:// where Pagefile.sys is filed.
  7. Check the option No paging file.
  8. Mark the Unit in which you will relocate the Pagefile.sys file.
  9. Select the option System Managed Size and confirm the changes by pressing the button Establish.
  10. Restart the computer.
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Now the Pagefile.sys file will execute its function, read and write access, from an alternate location, to improve the performance of your computer’s system.

Option 3. Resize Pagefile.sys in Windows 10

Applying the process of changing the size of Pagefile.sys also contributes to improving the performance of your computer, it is a simple action that is done in a few steps, accessing the Virtual memory configurationwhere you can define the maximum or minimum size for your file.

For 16 GB of RAM the paging file size can be adjusted to about 2.5 GB; With 32 GB of RAM you can reach a maximum setting of 5 GB.

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To modify the size of the Pagefile.sys file, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Advanced configuration of the control Panel pressing the keys together Windows +Senter the text Advanced.
  2. Next, in the displayed menu, select the option View advanced system settingspress.
  3. The window will pop up System propertiesthere, in the section PerformancePress the button Setting.
  4. In the tab Advancedin the section Virtual memorythe size of the paging file will appear on all drives on the computer, press the button Change.
  5. Deselect Automatically manage paging file size for all drives.
  6. In the list below select the Unit default storage location (C://).
  7. Click on the option Custom size and in the boxes you must establish the size Initial and Maximum.
  8. Press the button Establish and press Accept to save the changes.

Option 4. Clean Pagefile.sys in Windows 10 after each system shutdown

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