Product video: Discover how to use it to sell more

Product videos have become one of the preferred formats for many companies and entrepreneurs, mainly because of the large amount of information they can convey. Many brands already invest in this content format to show the public how their products and services work in a more attractive and dynamic way.

It is necessary to understand that videos, in general, are one of the best content to promote a business. And the proof of this is on Facebook, YouTube and even on Instagram. Platforms that have videos posted daily and have a surprising number of views further reinforce the need to produce product videos.

Invest in this video format in your marketing strategy It is, without a doubt, one of the best ways to increase your sales.

In today’s article, we are going to help you understand more about this format and how it can help you generate more profit for your business.

What are product videos?

This video format is a type of audiovisual content that aims to effectively demonstrate the qualities of your products.

In addition, all the features are presented, as well as their operation and possibilities of use. Check out a great product video example, made by Polishop:

Oster Planetary Mixer | Falabella

In the video above, the blender for sale is shown in various ways. Its functionalities and usability options were presented in a very attractive way.

You just have to put yourself in the shoes of your consumer: if you were thinking of buying a mixer and saw the video, you would surely be interested, right?

With product videos, some questions are clarified, such as knowing how a product works, where it is located and what are the advantages of using it. Through videos, these responses create greater interest in people, which makes your product easier to sell.

As for the production of this format, most product videos have educational value. They can consist of 2D and 3D animations, in animated graphic design format or with the participation of actors and people involved in the company.

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It is worth remembering that these videos cannot be very long. Approximately 3 out of 5 consumers spend at least 2 minutes with videos of products they are interested in buying. So, if your intention is to convert more, go for a short video.

Why should I make product videos in my business?

Product videos are an alternative to look for sales growth. In addition to being a way of presenting a product or service, they are highly explanatory, facilitating their understanding.

And when we talk about product videos, it’s not just about physical products. It is possible to innovate and create this content, regardless of what your company offers.

Timbrit, for example, has a professional service platform for home maintenance as a product. For this reason, they produced a super dynamic video explaining how the search for the professional and the platform works:

Services for the home, everyone is in Timbrit

Another example is the video below, where we present and explain how one of our platform’s tools works:

In just over a minute and a half we were able to present the main benefits and features of Club in our members area.

Basically, product videos help in different areas of business. Look at the advantages of investing in this type of content:

Success on online platforms

Online platforms are your best allies when it comes to producing product videos. They serve mainly to interact with people and, consequently, reach new stakeholders in your business. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, for example, are online social platforms.

To be successful on these platforms, the company must not only produce a product video, but also promote it correctly. For example: if your company makes a video and publishes it only on one media channel, the number of views will be much lower than if you used the other online platforms.

Also, if your business is virtual, keep in mind that videos in this format on your page considerably increase visits to your site. While 20% of visitors read text content, the remaining 80% prefer video content. That means good results in all spheres online.

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And more: product videos attract people’s attention not only on social networks and websites. Its success is also in e-mail marketing campaigns. Even, if the word “video” appears in the subject line, email opens can grow by up to 13%.

Sales team support

The sales team of your business undoubtedly faces some obstacles when negotiating with customers and doubts almost always arise about what is offered. In addition, it is possible that what your company offers is something intangible, such as: a graduation ceremony, life insurance or security companies.

So the negotiation may go on for a long time and not even get anywhere. Therefore, having audiovisual material at hand means that your sales team is supported. It serves as an extra at the time of sale, which allows a better understanding of the products for your potential customers.

break the ice

Most of the time, in a text it is difficult to convey the charisma and intentions that the company has to offer. In this way, the impression can be transmitted incorrectly.

But, with audiovisual content it is different. Nothing better than having a good interaction between your product/company. Videos provide a sense of closeness and familiarity to your consumers. All in a unique way, very much the face of your company.

Tips for a good product video

1. Clarity

The clarity of the information is one of the differentials that your company can have compared to other videos of similar products and competitors. You must present a video where your viewer has their doubts cleared in a clear and simple way. This will please the viewer, making them a potential buyer.

The organization of what is said in the video is also of the utmost importance. That is, you must follow a timeline of what will be presented. In this way, you avoid any type of discomfort in the people who will see the content.

Remember that nobody wants to watch a confusing video with loose information without a line of reasoning. This will only make viewers uninterested in your work. Therefore, it does not generate a good reputation for your product and your company.

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TV commercials last an average of 30 seconds and are very attractive and objective, right? Therefore, there is no reason why your product video should be huge and full of preamble. Long videos tire viewers, which can divert attention from the video to other things.

2. Content quality

A good production makes the difference! Regardless of the type of video, giving the impression of amateurism in what you would like to show creates a feeling of insecurity about your product in people. So make sure you invest in the good quality of your video, even if you spend a little more time.

3. Be sincere

When presenting the capabilities of your product, do not hide its limitations. You must be honest in order to guarantee customer satisfaction by showing them what the product really is. On the contrary, the reputation of your business would be compromised and, as a result, sales would drastically decrease.

Have a good mood and try to bring your product closer to the reality of the consumer. This will make the viewer feel empathetic and more easily accept your offer.

Given all the benefits and tips on how demo videos can help you sell more, you won’t be left out, right?

Thinking about it, how about learning from the best video specialists to produce amazing content for your business? Known Hand in hand with , an overview of ‘s best content and tips on the subject. And all this in your email.

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