Sales video: 10 tips to persuade the viewer and sell more

The sales video is a widely used resource for those who want to launch a product on the Internet, be it physical or.

This method allows the seller to expose all the necessary points to convince the visitor that this product is ideal to satisfy their needs.

If you understand the importance of sales video for an online strategy, follow us to learn the whole process of creating engaging content that turns into income for you!

1. Keep your buyer persona in mind

The first thing you should do is think about who you are, that is, who your video is aimed at.

If you don’t know who you’re talking to, you won’t know how to use the right strategies to convince your viewer to buy your product.

Make a list of all your potential customer’s problems and write, for each one, how your product will help them solve them.

Also, adapt your language and your clothes to the profile of your potential client. If your buyer persona is a 52-year-old lawyer, for example, it wouldn’t be interesting to use a lot of jargon or dress like a teenager, right?

2. Define the style of your video

Another very important step is to define the style of your sales video. For example: will there be someone talking to the camera or will illustrative images be shown with a voice in the background?

If you yourself will record the promotional video, what will be the scenario? Will you demo the product or just talk about its benefits?

All this will help you when writing the video script and preparing the necessary materials for recording and editing.

3. Create a script

Not all sales videos require the presenter or narrator to read a script. Many of the great info producers create their content by speaking naturally to the camera.

However, having a well-defined script, even if it only serves as a basis for recording, is very important so that you don’t get lost and so that you know exactly what goals you want to achieve with your video.

So, before getting to work, define well what topics you will address, what stories you will tell, in what order, etc.

4. Involve your audience

The first 5-15 seconds of video are critical for your audience to decide if they really want to hear what you have to say. According to them, this is the time when visitors are most likely to abandon a video.

During this period you must approach the reader and have a creative approach that surprises him or makes him identify with the situation you are going to deal with.

In this scenario, it is also important that your buyer persona is well mapped, because once you identify the behavior patterns of your ideal customers, you will know exactly how and why to talk to them.

Example to generate empathy:

Are you that type of person who never manages to stick to a diet for more than a month and when you look in the mirror you feel frustrated?

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Example to generate surprise:

Did you know that your lifespan depends more on your lifestyle than on your genetics?

That first sentence must be fully related to your product so that visitors continue until the moment of the offer and want to buy the material.

And to open your mind a bit more, the first few seconds don’t even have to be a dialogue with the camera. It can be a joke or an action that keeps the reader in the video.

5. Talk a little about yourself

After presenting an interesting fact, be sure to indicate the source of the information.

This is also the moment where you present yourself as an authority on the subject, talk a bit about your professional experience and what motivated you to create a product on that topic.


This finding was made by the committee of the Spanish company Life Length, who led the National Geographic Society to investigate the habits of the Japanese to understand why their life expectancy is so high, with an average age of 83 years.

My name is Ana Figueiredo and I have been a nutritionist for 15 years. In the last 7 years I dedicate myself only to overweight people in order to make a positive and simple change in the lives of those who have difficulty losing weight.

I love what I do, especially when I see so many people showing positive results and achieving a healthier lifestyle, without imposing radical diets, which do not work in practice.

6. Get closer to your audience

Consumers buy for pleasure or pain, and the vast majority consume for the second factor, that is, because they have a problem that they have to solve.

As we have mentioned, at this point you should already have the complete description of your avatar and know exactly what its weaknesses are.

This is the point in the video where you can create what-if situations for your audience so that they connect with you and understand that you know exactly what is happening to them.


I have already worked with several people who had low self-esteem because of their body.

I have also known people who sublimated their stress, anger, or sadness into food and then felt even more guilty.

And I know that it is very difficult to have the motivation to change eating habits.

Has that happened to you too?

At this point, if your prospect identifies with what you’re talking about, you get even more of their attention.

Have you noticed that at the moment you have not mentioned anything about the product?

In the sales process where there is a salesperson acting in real time, the concept of acquiring user empathy is called rapport.

As in this case there is no direct contact with the buyer, you need to gain that trust through the tone of voice, examples, always showing that you understand the situation of those who are seeing you.

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Now yes, it is time for you to present your product.

7. Present a solution

This is the time to talk about your product and demonstrate that this is the best solution to the buyer’s problem.


After dealing with people like you on a daily basis, I put together all the content I use with my clients to make it available to more people looking for a better lifestyle.

I have created a complete material that will teach you the process of nutritional reeducation in a simple and pleasant way, without having to cut all the foods that you most want.

That is why I present to you the product “Food without complications”.

At this moment you are making a purchase offer and when that happens the user begins to wonder if it is really worth buying it, if that product will be really useful. Now you have to seriously think about how to answer all their doubts and objections.

8. Overcome objections

Even before writing your video script, you have to identify the main reasons that would lead your avatar to reject the product.


“Complicated eating” is not a prepared diet or a magic formula. It was made for anyone who wants to improve eating habits.

In it you will be able to know the villainous foods for the body, how to create a discipline in order to eat in a regulated way, how a healthy plate should be assembled, how to introduce healthy foods into meals, how desserts and delicious dishes should , yes, be part of our life, but always with a control.

And in this course you will also learn how to change your mindset to gain a healthier lifestyle. Everything in a didactic and uncomplicated way

In the previous passage we showed that the product has simple solutions for those who have difficulty achieving the goal of being healthy. If the prospect had any doubts that the product was for him, now he has no more.

If you have testimonials from other people to reinforce the effectiveness of your product statement, even better.

This process is known in marketing as “social proof”.

A potential buyer will feel much more secure knowing that other people have bought the same product and had the expected results.

9. Shows the purchase options of the product

Many beginning sellers are afraid to talk about the price of the product. But believe me, if your audience feels that the product offers enough value, the price will seem fair.

This is an interesting topic that we discussed in the post ““. The price, in short, must be closely aligned with what you deliver to the customer.

Now it’s your turn to talk about the format of your product (ebook, video lesson, audio book), how the user is going to access it, its price and the return guarantee.

It presents this data in a very simple way, in such a way that it is possible to assimilate how easy it is to buy the product.

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The course “Food without complications” is made up of video lessons and is completely online, so you can access it at any time from a computer or mobile device.

You will receive your username and password to access the course immediately after the confirmation of the purchase.

Payment is safe and your data is protected.

And the great news is that you have 30 days to try the product and if within that period you decide not to buy it, I will refund the full amount! All without any complications.

10. Call for final action

If you are familiar with the glossary of the digital entrepreneur, you know that we constantly use (CTA, for its acronym in English) to call the user to perform a certain action.

Your call to action, at this point, will be an invitation for the visitor to make a purchase.

Now you can emphasize what he loses by not buying your product and what he gains by doing so.

For example:

If you don’t care so much about your diet and your life expectancy, this product is not for you.

But if you want to live for many years and feel better about your body and mind every day, click the button below to buy the “Eating Without Complications” course.

And we come to the end of a sales video that really converts. But it’s not over yet!

To make your sales video more attractive and unique, we have separated some interesting tips to increase it.

5 tips to make your video even more attractive

Size of a sales video

The size of the video has to do with the time that you can pass all the information to the user, in a striking way, without making him lose interest in what you are talking about.

In this case, the script will be essential to guide you through the process of building your sales video.

There is no ready-made recipe for producing a promotional video that converts. What worked for one may not work for you. There are many variables for the success of an action!

A classic example is the Dollar Shave Club sales video (yes, that example again on our blog). He manages to cover all the topics that we have just taught you in just 1 minute and 33 seconds.

But there are sales videos, for example, that go over 20 minutes and fulfill their role very well.

The secret is to identify if the video has the virtue of keeping the…

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