Snapchat Trophies Are Gone, But This List of Snapchat Charms Will Help You – Premium Tuto

It is one of the most addictive social media platforms. It is so popular among users for two main reasons. One of them is Snapchat’s visual add-ons, like filters and text, that you can apply to the . The second reason is the app’s reward system, which gives you rewards the more you send these messages to other users.

Snapchat friend emojis and Snapchat trophies were part of this system. However, it now appears that the trophies have been replaced by something called Snapchat Charms. Let’s take a look at what each Snapchat charm means, how to get them, and what happened to the Snapchat trophies.

What happened to Snapchat trophies?

Snapchat had a popular feature called Trophies. It was basically a hidden reward system that allowed you to unlock certain emblems once you achieved something in the app.

Snapchat had over 50 different “locked” emojis that represented trophies. To unlock them, you had to send a certain number of messages, make new friends, or even verify your . Each user can access their trophies through the Snapchat Trophy Box.

With the latest update, Snapchat replaced trophies with something similar called Charms.

Where to find your Snapchat charms

You can find your Snapchat charms in the details of your friendship with another Snapchat user.

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  1. Open Snapchat on your camera screen.
  1. Use the look towards to enter the name of a specific friend or go to the to discuss list.
  1. Choose one of your Snapchat friends and click on their username.
  1. In the upper left corner of the screen, find the user icon or your Bitmoji and click on it.
  1. Scroll down and find charms at the bottom of your friend’s profile.

Did you open a chat with your friend and didn’t find many charms? See how to get more.

How to get Snapchat charms

You and your friends can get different charms depending on your connection. This includes the frequency and number of snaps they send to each other, as well as the quality of their Snapchat profiles.

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Snapchat will automatically assign new charms when you meet certain criteria. You can get charms related to your birthdays, usernames, friend emojis, or Bitmoji.

You cannot control exactly which one or how many you will receive. However, if you want new charms to appear in your friendship, take photos frequently and keep your Snapchat profiles updated.

Complete List of Snapchat Charms

Unlike Trophies, Spells are more personal and differ depending on the user’s friendship. They provide more details about the type of connection you have with a friend, such as your astrological compatibility.

While Snapchat promises to add more charms in the future, there are about 30 in the app right now.

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Snapchat Birthday Charms

As we mentioned above, some charms can be unlocked by simply completing your Snapchat profile.

Astrological Sign

If you and your friend complete your birthdays on your Snapchat profiles, you will receive a sign charm with your zodiac signs.

Astrological compatibility

Snapchat will award you this charm if you and your friend’s zodiac signs are compatible. It will also highlight your character traits and characteristics that unite the two of you (according to astrology).

twins birthday

If you and your friend share a birthday in the same week, you’ll unlock the Gemini Birthday Charm. The year doesn’t matter here as long as your birthdays are less than 7 days apart.

Half birthday twins

When you and your friend have birthdays 6 months apart, you get a half-birthday twins charm.

Next birthday

It is an amulet that you will see when your friend’s birthday approaches.

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Friend’s Birthstone

You will also see your friend’s birthstone amulet listed. It’s a little talismanic keychain that Snapchat rewards everyone based on the month they were born.

Snapchat Friendship Charms

Most Snapchat charms are friendship charms. They are the ones that have something to do with how often and how frequently you stay in touch on the app.

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New friends

When you have a relatively new Snapchat account and don’t have a best friend yet, you can get a new friend charm. It will appear as soon as you add a new user to your friends list.

best friends

Like friend emojis, you can get this charm in three different flavors depending on how long you’ve been best friends on the app.

mutual friends

If you and your friend share a mutual best friend from the Best Friends section, you will see a mutual BF Charm appear in your list.

mutual best friends

This one is a little weird. If you get this charm, it means that you and your friend share the same #1 best friend on the app. Still, it’s another charm you could accidentally gain.

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instant streak

Once you start exchanging Snaps with your friend every day without fail, you will receive a Snapstreak charm with the number of days.

Keep In Touch Snapchat Charms

You probably see a lot of them on Snapchat because they are rewarded even if you don’t keep in touch with a person.

shy boys

When you add a contact on Snapchat and don’t talk to them, you’ll see this Snapchat charm appear in the list.

In contact

If you trade Snaps frequently, you’ll receive the In Touch charm.

It’s been a second, it’s been a minute and it’s been a while

These are the three amulets that will appear when you lose contact with someone. Depending on the duration, it will say “it was a second, a minute, or a moment.” It’s Snapchat that gives you a little boost.

it’s been forever

If you and your Snapchat friend haven’t kept in touch for over a year, you’ll get this sad charm from It’s Been Forever.

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Snapchat Score Charms

By using the app every day to send snaps and stories, you’ll increase your Snapchat score. When your score and your friends’ scores reach a certain level, the app will reward you with a score charm.

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These come in 5 different levels such as 5 stars: instant recruits with a star, second year students, domain, Heroand instant subtitles with 5 stars accordingly.

There are also two special charms that are not for everyone. EITHER Snapchat OG Charm is only for users who started using the app in 2013, and the employee charm It’s only for the Snapchat team.

How to hide and restore amulets

Your Snapchat friendships are private, like charms. You can hide or restore them to your profile at any time. Here’s how to hide a Snapchat charm.

  1. Find the amulet you want to hide.
  2. tap on Three points in the upper right corner of the charm.
  3. Select hide charm.

To restore the charm, go to your friend profile. In the list of charms you will now find a new Hidden button. Click on it to see all the hidden charms on it and choose the one you want to restore.

It’s time to charm them all.

Snapchat is one of those apps that are extremely popular with kids and that you should definitely know about as a parent. If you don’t fall into any of these groups, it can still be fun to explore something new and different.

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