Speed ​​test: measure the Internet speed of your fiber or ADSL

Before doing the Speed ​​Test remember:

  • For accurate results, connect to the router with an Ethernet cable
  • close all apps
  • Only one user connected at the time of the test

Do you have problems with your Internet speed?


Key concepts to understand the speed test

For interpret speed test resultsyou must know each of the concepts to which the speedtest refers:

  • Download speed: time it takes for a file to download. Higher download bandwidth means you can watch high-quality videos without dropouts and download files faster.
  • charging speed: time it takes for a file to upload. For example, to post a photo on Instagram, you use your upload speed.
  • latency: time it takes for a packet to be transmitted within a network. Latency is measured using the ping, which is measured in milliseconds.

What Internet connection do you have contracted?

Fiber optic speed test

If you have contracted through a fiber rate, the speed test result It should be very similar to the Internet speed you have contracted.

If you contracted Internet speed is, for example, 600 Mbyou should get the following data in the Speedtest:

  • Download speed: the download data, in this case, is similar to the contracted speed, so we would have a optimal download internet speed.
  • charging speed: in this case, the data obtained is good. If you have doubts about the , we advise you to consult our specialized article.
  • latency: in Spain, optimal latency results should be between 4,000-20,000 Ms with a fiber optic connection.

ADSL speed test

if you have one ADSL connectionyou will get in the Speedtest a internet speedlower than contracted. If, for example, your ADSL has a speed of up to 20 Mb, the result of the speed test of ADSL will be between 15 Mb and 8 Mb (if the computer is connected to the router) or even less if it is done with Wifi.

  • about 10mb: Can be considered sufficient for most Internet usage within a small household (one to three members).
  • Between 8Mb and 3Mb: It is a low speed, but still acceptable for minimal Internet use.
  • Less than 3Mb: It is a very low result so it will be difficult for you to browse the Internet. insufficient for .

Keep in mind that the average download speed in Spain It is about 8 Mb download. That is, if the result of the speed test is similar to this figure or higher, you can breathe relatively easy. You’re not that bad. If you need more information, we recommend you read our specialized article on

Can I do the speed test via WiFi?

Most of the people perform the speed test through the WiFi signal But is it just as reliable? The answer is no. When checking your internet speed, the results are imprecise, so you won’t be able to come to any conclusions.

This occurs because the Wifi signal is losing depending on how farther the device is from the router or due to other factors such as interference.

In any case, a test through WiFi is also useful to know to what speed you navigate normally with your device and check with what intensity the Wi-Fi network reaches the different rooms of the house.

In homes where there are many connected devices, a higher connection will be needed. Although, above all, having an optimal connection speed will depend on the use that is being given at all times.

Mobile Internet speed test: why do I get these results?

To measure the Internet speed from your mobile, you will have to connect to the WiFi signal, but the results are not the same. In this case, you must base yourself on the speed of the network technology (2G,3G,4G) that you have at that moment and as contracted with your .

Technology Speed ​​reached
2 G
Up to 42.2Mbps
Up to 100Mbps
Up to 150Mbps
Up to 1,000Mbps
Up to 10,000Mbps

You can also check the internet speed of your router from the mobile if you connect via Wi-Fi connection to it.

Other information to take into account when doing the speed test

As we have already indicated before, when you perform the speedtest you will see different sections with results. It is important to understand all the concepts to know interpret the results of your internet speed test:

Main data

The upload and download speed is measured in (Mb/s or Mbps). This measurement unit will appear in the results of the “Download” and “Upload” sections. These are data that you should compare with the megabytes of your rate.

secondary data

  • Operator: Name of the company with which you have contracted your Internet connection (Orange, Vodafone, MásMóvil, etc.)
  • Connection type: refers to the technology you have contracted (fiber, ADSL, satellite, WiMAX, 4G, etc.)
  • IP: The IP address is a numerical assignment that is given to each device that connects to the Internet. It can be equated to a car license plate.
  • System: tells you the web browser you are using when performing the speedtest (Chrome, Edge, FireFox, etc.) and the operating system installed on your computer (Windows, Android, iOS, etc.)
  • Server: The tool automatically selects the closest server to your address that it needs to perform the speed test. However, you can also select it manually.

Knowing these concepts will help you identify if the internet speed that you are receiving is adequate or not. You should compare it with the actual contracted speed taking into account the expected results.

If the resulting speed is lower than what you think is adequate, we recommend that you contact your company to verify that everything works well. But, first, you can apply the advice that we leave you in the following section to try to improve it.

Tips to improve your Internet speed

If he speed test has given you low results, it may be due to the telephone company itself or some improper use of ours. Simply by applying some of these tips, you can:

  1. Reduce the number of devices connected to the same network
  2. Keep your browsers up to date (Chrome is the fastest)
  3. Make sure your devices don’t have viruses
  4. Check the status of your router and its wiring
  5. Remove obstacles that cause interference
  6. Uninstall programs you don’t use
  7. Check that your neighbors are not connecting to your WIFI
  8. Place your router in a high position, away from electrical appliances and obstacles that hinder the expansion of the Wi-Fi signal

If after carrying out these tricks, your Internet is still slow, we recommend you talk to your company or who can offer you a faster internet speed.

Don’t you have internet in all rooms? In this case, you also have the option of installing devices that expand the Wi-Fi signal through the electrical installation from your home

Frequently asked questions about the speed test

You will only have to click on the center of the image of the speedometer where it says “Start”. First, the test will download a small file (later it is deleted), this action will serve so that the free speed test can measure the rate at which data for this file is being received. That is, the download speed. The end result is the average speed at which the entire file was downloaded.

The test does a similar test for the upload speed. Instead of receiving a file, it measures the upload connection by sending data. Once the speed test is finished, the final result will be shown in three main sections: download, upload and latency.

makes it easy for you to measure Internet speed thanks to the French tool nPerf. Is he best speed test since it has one of the most reliable and used applications in the current telecommunications market. nPerf has several million tests carried out and hosts a network of more than 350 servers spread throughout the world. When performing the speed test, the tool will automatically choose the server closest to your device.

Other known speed tests are the Ookla Speed ​​Test or the google speed test.

Currently, the internet speed The highest on the market is offered by fiber optics and it is 1 Gbps. Several companies like , Orange and some of them offer this speed to the clients. However, the best internet speed for you it depends on the use you make of the Internet. You can navigate with 50 Mb of Internet but it does not allow you play online or download movies at high speed as you can do with connections of 300 Mb and up.

  1. Browsers: Each browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, etc.) has a different capability, so results may vary.
  2. Devices: Depending on the device being used (smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc.) some results or others will be obtained. This is because the devices have different WIFI and cellular radio capabilities.
  3. servers: You will get faster speeds if you are closer to a server. In addition, a server that is saturated can provide an erroneous measurement, while a server located at your Internet company can report a result that is higher than what is real.

He network speed test measure your connection through the TCP and HTTP protocols. The HTTP is used to browse the Internet, its measurement by HTTP is easier, but the TCP protocol allows more reliable measurements, so it will have a priority. In any case, the test will choose it automatically.

The internet latency is the time it takes for the user to receive a data packet. Its unit of measure is ping and determines in milliseconds the time it takes for your connection to communicate with another remote computer. The test analyzes your latency ten times to obtain a minimum, an average and the Jitter (maximum variation between the measurements).

It takes a low latencyor also known as lag, in video games or video calls to have an optimal experience.

Just as you can measure the speed of your Internet at home with your computer, you can also perform a speed test to the Internet of your mobile.

Depending on the coverage you have at the time (3G, 4G or 5G) and the type of network, you will find variations in your mobile internet speed. Keep in mind that to carry out a speed test to the Internet of your mobile, you need to have mobile data connected. The cost of megabytes will be high, since it requires downloading and uploading files to the network.

Measure the speed of your company

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