Successful women: 10 stories to inspire you to start a business!

Entrepreneurship is much more than opening a business and creating good strategic planning. It is necessary to look around you and identify opportunities to innovate in your market and explore new possibilities to create something new and generate income.

For that, it is necessary to be creative, carry out a lot of research and, above all, have a lot of discipline.

When you are a woman, the challenge is even greater.

In addition to fighting to conquer their space in predominantly male markets, women entrepreneurs often need business administration and home organization.

But as great as the difficulties are the possibilities for growth and success.

And that is exactly what we will talk about today: successful women who have transformed their skills and backgrounds into opportunities to create amazing businesses.

Curiosity got you? Then read on and get inspired this Women’s Day!

10 successful women who have created incredible products on the Internet

1. Maria Montemayor

My mission is to support millions of women in Latin America to heal their mind and body and awaken their inner light.

The person who said this empowering phrase is María Montemayor, a pioneer in nutrition psychology and a coach in functional nutrition and emotional weight release.

The young woman helps thousands of women avoid a chaotic relationship with their bodies and with food, using her experience and her studies as the basis for her teachings.

Maria has the mission of sharing what we need to change within ourselves in order to have a healthy life and live in harmony with our bodies and minds.

Play the video and watch this full story:

2. Vilma Nunez

I never believed in magic formulas or secrets to achieve success, I simply learned to live with little generating a lot.

Vilma Núñez is one of the leading experts in Spanish-speaking digital marketing and helps thousands of entrepreneurs around the world to boost their sales and generate more income with their businesses.

In addition to all the knowledge she has, another fact has helped her achieve success: overcoming fear and leaving a stable job to create her own business!

Play the video and watch this full story:

3. Maider Tomasena

I can proudly say that I have created the first copywriting community in the Spanish language and the first school dedicated to it, through which hundreds of students have passed and continue to pass.

Maider Tomasena has discovered with her experience a great lesson: for people to listen to us and for our great ideas to be heard, we have to know how to express ourselves well.

That’s why the entrepreneur teaches her students the art of copywriting, showing how to use words to sell more!

Play the video and watch this full story:

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4. Laura Lopez

I want creative work to be valued and I want the freelance figure to be valued, but for that we have to take control of our business and learn to show our value.

Laura López is an expert in digital marketing and, for many years, she faced various problems working as a freelancer.

His experience allowed him to discover the best strategies to be successful working on his own, and now he shares that knowledge with thousands of people who want to work from home, generating income that allows them to have control over their lives.

Play the video and watch this full story:

5. Isa

We wanted to travel, get to know places and make the most of what life offered us.

A few years ago, Isa, from Más y Mejor, led a common and monotonous life, which did not fulfill her.

Despite having a solid career and a good job, she wanted much more: to have the freedom to travel and create her own story.

At that moment he discovered the online universe and created a business that allows him to have the lifestyle he always dreamed of.

Do you want to know how he did it?

Play the video and watch this full story:

6. Laura Montes

When a person is able to transform their life and get out of their comfort zone, it seems to me that my work makes all the sense in the world.

Laura Montes is a Sociologist who, since she was a child, has always loved observing human behavior. During her professional career, she has worked in large corporations in leadership positions, but she still did not feel complete with the function that she performed.

In search of new paths, he decided to study sexology and unite this knowledge with his main passion: sociology. After experiencing a delicate situation of a friend with her partner, she realized that she could use her experiences and her knowledge to help her and other people to discover and get to know each other better. Today, Laura is a Sexcoach and offers infoproducts that teach people to feel more and more free and fulfilled in their relationships.

What Laura did not imagine was that in her process of personal and professional transformation she also rediscovered herself as a woman and an entrepreneur. Therefore, beyond following her dreams, she wants her products to transform people’s lives, so that, just like her, they can feel happier and more satisfied, enjoying her sexuality fully.

Play the video and watch this full story:

7. Natalia Gomez

It seems to me that living from something that gives you peace and freedom is the best way to live. I own my time and activity, with which I feel very full.

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Natalia Gómez del Pozuelo had a successful career in a large corporation. Still, she felt a restlessness, as if something was missing that gave her life meaning. One day, chatting with her sister about her uncertainties, she heard the following question: “If you could do something that would make you happy for the rest of your life, what would you do?”

At that moment, he understood that the life he led did not answer that question. From then on, she chose to put corporate life aside to pursue her dream of living doing something she loved: writing. In addition to living off her passion, Natália saw that her skills could also help others, and so she decided to launch her blog, in which she transforms lives by teaching the art of public speaking.

Natalia has been delving more and more into studies on the fear of public speaking and is expanding her repertoire on the subject. Her blog is one of the most visited in Spain.

The writer and digital entrepreneur is an example that living from your own passions is possible and that doing what you really like can be transformative. For her, having her own business and the freedom to work with something she loves is priceless.

Play the video and watch this full story:

8. Priscilla Heimer

I want to do something meaningful, I want to leave a mark.

Priscila Heimer is a person who was not born to be stuck in one place. The Brazilian has already lived in several countries, such as Portugal, Germany and Spain.

There is no tragedy or sad story in this success story: quite the contrary! At the beginning of her career, Priscila managed to unite two passions in her work: cinema and advertising.

But, although she loved her profession and traveled a lot, Priscila realized that she wanted something more. She wanted to create something of her own, to change people’s lives: she wanted to be an entrepreneur.

For this reason, he decided to focus on another great passion of his life: cooking. He realized that with all his knowledge of healthy eating he could teach amazing things to people all over the world – which was made possible by the Internet!

Play the video and understand how this successful info producer managed to make a dream come true and.

9. Ana Nieto

I had a dream from long ago that I wanted to fulfill: which was to be my own boss.

If you had a great passion, a great talent and a great dream to put into practice, would you do it?

That’s what Ana Nieto did, who since she was little was fascinated by reading and writing. After working for years with economics at the Spanish Institute of Spanish Commerce, she decided to do something that she was really passionate about and with which she could help make other people’s dreams come true.

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After studying a lot of digital marketing, he decided to put all his knowledge together and launched his book “Succeed with your ebook”, which was a bestseller on Amazon in just two weeks. Because of all that success, she released her: “”.

Today you have much more time to be with your friends and family, do what you love and earn money while having fun!

Play the video and watch this full story:

10. Paula Abreu

I began to suspect that happiness is malleable and that each person has their concept of happiness.

Have you ever heard the famous phrase: “if life gives you lemons, make lemonade”? That is exactly what Paula Abreu did, a Brazilian lawyer who dreamed of writing books and being a coach, but she was afraid of failure.

Although she had a lot of success, money and a beautiful house, Paula felt that she was not happy. And, in 2012, after she was fired from her last job, she decided to take that opportunity – which seemed like a negative at first – and make a huge change in her life.

He started writing on the internet and unexpectedly gained thousands of followers on social media. When she realized that she was choosing her own life and inspiring others to choose theirs, she began to work with coaching.

However, being the coach of some people was no longer enough: she knew that she could help many more. Therefore, she created her own online course and started working on the Internet, having students in different parts of the country and living from what she really loves!

Play the video and watch this full story:

Getting out of the comfort zone requires courage, and it has not been an easy task for these entrepreneurs who have dropped everything and started a new life from scratch.

Looking for new ways to grow their business and spread their knowledge to a larger audience, they discovered : a platform that would help them take their business even further.

If you want to know more about how to be a digital entrepreneur,.

And if you have liked these stories of successful women, and discover several techniques and tips to undertake online.

Happy Women’s Day!

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