Technical hosting requirements to work with WordPress

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WordPress is one of the most widely used CMS in the world today. Among the reasons for its popularity we can highlight its ease of installation, use and maintenance, which makes it suitable both for experts in website creation and for people who are still starting out.

Another interesting point is the wide variety of plugins and themes, both free and paid, that are currently available and that make it suitable for many different projects. Among this variety of themes, you will surely find one that suits the project you have in mind. 😉

If you have already decided and are going to start , the first thing you are going to need is to host it on a server.

Today, most hostings meet the necessary characteristics to host your new website, but not all are equally optimized to do so. Choosing the one that best suits your project will help you make it as fast as possible.

In this article we are going to review the necessary requirements for WordPress to work and which ones will help your website to be the best it can be.

Technical hosting requirements (minimum)

At the time of writing this article, therefore, these requirements refer to the needs of that version.

On the official WordPress page you can see a brief summary of the minimum requirements for the operation of your website, but in this section we are going to talk about these requirements in more detail.


It is a programming language especially suitable for the development of web pages and it is the one in which WordPress is written.

To work with WordPress we recommend the use of version 7.3 of PHP. WordPress 5.2 can work with older versions of PHP as long as they are higher than 5.6.20.

If you are going to start your project from scratch, it is recommended that you already work with version 7.3 of PHP as it will help make your website faster and more secure.

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Web server

Another requirement that our hosting has to meet is to have a web server installed. This service is necessary so that our website can be accessible through the internet.

The most recommended is to use it as a web server or although you could use any other http server that is compatible with PHP and MySQL.

database server

In order to use WordPress we are going to need to create a database to store different information on our website and therefore we need to have a database server installed.

WordPress recommends the use of MySQL 5.6 or higher or MaríaDB 10.1 or higher. This CMS could also work with lower versions, being the lowest possible version 5.0.15 of MySQL. In any case, it would not be advisable to use old versions of since being outdated can put our website at risk.

desirable requirements

If our hosting meets the above requirements we could already have a working WordPress but we would need a few more so that it can do it in the most optimal way possible.

support for https

We are including it in desirable requirements but we could consider it almost as a necessity today, especially if we talk about stores.

Having the website with https, in addition to helping Google like our website more and help position it in its search engines, will also make our website more attractive to our potential visitors. It is important to keep in mind that current browsers usually display an alert when the web is not secure.

In the event that we want in our WordPress, it would be practically mandatory to have the web with https to guarantee that the transactions of our clients are made safely.

In order to configure our website with https we need the server where we host it to allow us to install , for example, or pay.


It is an Apache module that allows the rewriting of URLs on our website. In other words, this module is necessary to be able to use friendly URLs in our WordPress.

If the hosting we choose uses Nginx, it will not have this module but it would have to have a series of rewrites necessary for the use of this type of URLs.

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Security measures

This is another of the sections to which we have to pay attention when deciding on one service or another.

Hosting is the first security barrier to protect our website either with a server-level firewall or an application-level firewall such as .

At this point, if the hosting we decided on has specific security measures to protect websites made with WordPress, and not just generic measures, it will be an additional positive point.

Here we have to make a point and remember that no matter how secure our hosting is, we must not forget to take the basic security measures to protect our website. If we do not do this, it would be exposed to possible external threats.

If you want to delve into this topic you can consult one of our .


HTTP is the network protocol that, in a summarized way, we can say that it is the one that your website uses to move through the internet.

HTTP2 is currently the most recent version of this protocol and offers, among other things, an improvement in the transfer speed of your website compared to its predecessor.

cache systems

Another interesting point that can help our website fly is the implementation of a cache system at the server level.

In the case of , for example, we have several of our plans available that will help you improve the speed of your website while reducing the load on your server.


With uptime we mean the time the server is active throughout the year. This is an important point since the last thing we want when we create our website is for our visitors to not be able to access it. That is why the higher this value is, the less time our website will be without being accessible.

Keep in mind that the server is still a machine and it is not uncommon to have to do some maintenance throughout the year, so 100% uptime is not always possible.

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server power

At this point the CPU and RAM resources offered by the hosting would enter. It is an aspect that people usually give a lot of importance to, but it is a very relative value. The power we need will depend a lot on the plugins and themes we want to use, how optimized our website is, the number of visits it has…

Type of server disks

Without a doubt, the most recommended thing to improve the speed of the web is for the server to use SSD disks. Our WordPress could work with older disks but the speed would be affected.


Having backup copies of our website today is essential to avoid scares. Imagine that you decide to update your plugins and something goes wrong and suddenly your website shows a . If we do not have a copy to restore from when our website worked well, making the page reload as before can be a real headache.

Although we have several plugins in WordPress that allow us to make backup copies, it is interesting that our hosting provider has its own copies and that they have them available so that we can use them in a hurry.


Finally, when choosing a hosting, we must not forget to make sure that it has a good technical support service available 24 hours a day. This will help us to solve possible problems that may appear on the server in the shortest possible time.


I hope that after this article you have a clearer idea of ​​what to review when deciding on a hosting for your new web project.

Remember that from we will be happy to host your website and help you to fly. You can consult the different plans that we offer and if you have any questions, you can contact us and we will help you clarify it.

We will wait for you!

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