The incredible story of three friends to recreate the macOS Catalina wallpaper

A group of friends is dedicated to recreating Apple’s wallpapers in macOS, and the results are incredible.

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It was not his first time by any means, but the challenge this time was much more difficult. Andrew, Jacob and Taylor are three friends who are dedicated to recreating the wallpapers of our Mac every time Apple releases a new version of macOS, and how could it be otherwise, after the launch of they decided to recreate the iconic wallpaper of the island of Catalina, in California.

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Quite a challenge to achieve the same photography as Apple.

The challenge was not easy, and it is that after reaching the island of Catalina, located in California in the gulf of the same name, they had to travel to its northernmost end to recreate the same scene. On foot and with their cameras and drones on their backs, they tell us how they did it, and it is that they truly they lived an adventure. With much less equipment than the original photo required (the Apple photo is taken from a helicopter) this group of intrepid friends manage to recreate the original macOS Catalina wallpaper in a very believable way.

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Apple has always taken its wallpapers very seriously.

They are a reference in their devices, whether we are talking about Mac, iPhone or iPad Apple wallpapers are usually in most cases those chosen by the users of their devices. And it is that Apple is very serious about achieving incredibly extraordinary captures for its wallpapers. It is true that for this need he has almost unlimited resources, but as this group of friends has shown, all that is needed is desire and good company to recreate them. Who’s up for a hike to recreate the next macOS background?

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