This file does not have any associated program to perform this action

You may be bothered to receive the error message “This file does not have any associated program to perform this action“while you try open a file, run an application or game. We advise you to take it easy, because here we will give you some solutions so that you can easily get rid of the problems.

It is that through the recommendations and solutions that we provide you, you can have at hand the necessary means to open your file or carry out the execution of that application. If you want to know what to do if you see this Error message: This file does not have any associated program to perform this actioncontinue reading.

Error: This file does not have an associated application

If you are running a Windows 10 operating system, you may encounter a strange problem while running a game, a third-party program, or opening a file. An error message is shown below:

“This file does not have an associated program to perform this action. Install a program or, if one is already installed, create an association in the Default Programs control panel.

This issue may occur in these applications: Explorer, Excel, Adobe Reader, or OneDrive. Additionally, the error message may appear when you open a USB drive due to its AutoPlay setting.

If you encounter such a problem, What should you do? You are in the right place and we will show you how to fix it easily.

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Fixes for file that does not have an associated program

We present some of the solutions what can you find for your problem. Take a good look at each one of them:

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Create a new Windows user account

According to users, creating a new Windows user account can be helpful to fix this issue. This is what you should do:

  • 1: Go to Start > Settings > Accounts.
  • 2: In the tab and other users, click Add someone else to this PC.
  • 3: Select I don’t have the information of this person.
  • 4: Click Add a user without a Microsoft account.
  • 5: Enter the username and password.

Suggestion: In Windows 10, you can create a local account or a Microsoft account.

Add user account to administrators group:

Some users have reported that this solution is useful to fix “This file does not have a program associated with it.” Let’s see how add your account user to the administrator group.

  • 1: Press Win + R to start the Run command, enter lusrmgr.msc and click OK.
  • 2: Click on Group and double click on Administrators from the right side.
  • 3: On the Properties tab, click Add.
  • 4: In the entry, enter the names of the objects to select field, enter a username, click Check Names, and OK. Alternatively, you can click Advanced > Search Now to search for their username.
  • 5: Finally, click OK and ask to save the change.

Now, you can check if you are still getting the error message.

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Run SFC and Scan

If your system files are corrupted, you may stop opening your application or file with the error “This file does not have a associated program with it to perform this action.” To fix this issue, you can perform an SFC scan and scan in Windows 10.

  • 1: Start the command prompt as administrator.
  • 2: Enter this command: sfc /scannow and press ENTER.
  • 3: Scanning will start. Don’t interrupt it until you finish the scanning.
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After this, check if the error is removed. If it still exists, perform the following operations:

  • 1: Run the command prompt with administrator rights.
  • 2: Type DISM / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth and press Enter.

Repair Windows 10 image with DISM and other useful tips for DISM

Are you experiencing some errors or crashes Annoyed when using your computer? At this time, you can try to repair Windows 10 image with DISM to fix these issues.

After the scan, your problem should be fixed. If not, try another solution.

Turn off autoplay

As mentioned above, the file association error may be related to the AutoPlay settings. To fix this issue, you can disable this feature.

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1: Go to Settings > Devices.

2: In the tab Autoplaymake sure Use AutoPlay for all media and devices is Off, and make sure the AutoPlay setting for Removable Drive and Memory Card is Take no action.

Registry change

Before the solution, you must create a point of restoration system or backup your registry keys in case something goes wrong.

  • 1: Enter regedit in the Windows 10 search box and run this editor.
  • 2: Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Lnkfile.
  • 3: Check if there is a value called IsShortcut in the right panel. If you can’t find it, recreate it by right-clicking on the empty spot, choosing New > String Value, and naming it IsShortcut.

Furthermore, you must check another value following the guide below:

  • 1: Go to this path: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Manage\command
  • 2: Double-click (default) in the right panel.
  • 3: Make sure your value data are set to %SystemRoot%\system32\CompMgmtLauncher.exe.
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Delete certain registry keys

If you encounter the error “this file does not have an associated program” when opening a folder, you can delete certain registry keys to fix it.

  • 1: In Registry Editor, navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell.
  • 2: Expand the shell folder, delete the search and cmd folders.

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Reset file association

Windows 10 is set to with your default apps by default, but sometimes you change this setting, leading to the error message discussed in this post. Here, you can reset the file association to solve your problem.

  • 1: Go to Settings > Apps > Default apps.
  • 2: Reset the default values ​​recommended by Microsoft.

If you have the problem “This file does not have a associated program with it to perform this action” in Windows 10, now you should have resolved this issue after trying these solutions mentioned above.

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