Traffic Factory Ads, An Assault On Your Web Experience

Among the intrusive software that displays its negative action is Traffic Factory, annoying pop-up ads that risk your web experience, cyber performance and private security.

Malware attack that you must learn to counteract and stop. Here we tell you so that you can take charge of your cybersecurity, an essential domain in today’s society, determined by the use of computer tools.

Traffic Factory ads assault my browser What is this about?

I was about to start my daily web experience and upon launching the browser my screen was suddenly assaulted by countless annoying ads that interfered and hindered my browsing!

Does this comment sound familiar to you, have you had that experience with your team? It is becoming more and more common for this to happen. You are not the first nor the last to whom this has happened. But what causes this intrusive annoyance on your PC.

This interference is generated from the installation of potentially unwanted programs (PUPs) on your computerdeveloped to, through a deceptive offer of functions and services, be installed on operating systems and web browsers.

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Its purpose: the economic profit of its developers, who from this fraudulent installation can collect information about your consumption and browsing habits, data that they use to generate more attractive advertisements aimed at convincing and manipulating the commercial preferences of users.

One of those scam programs are ads Traffic Factorydeveloped by MightyhdealTraffic, an entity that promotes it as a highly useful tool to optimize navigation, with a search engine that locates the best and most economical buying and selling operations on the Internet.

In practical experience Traffic Factory ads are misleading and unreliable, Its real function is to be a means so that when you click on them, access to your team of actions opens. with malicious objectives, which do not result in your direct benefit.

If Traffic Factory and its flood of pop-up ads has been present on your computer, we must tell you that you are another victim of contamination by malicious programs; in this case adware type, created with financing from advertising actions.

Traffic Factory is an adware that sneaks onto computer equipment, disguised as a trustworthy program, generated by a legitimate source.

Attractive offer for those interested in online purchases, who see this app as a comfortable and useful web assistant.

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However Its promises of effectiveness are nothing more than a marketing strategy that, using elements of social engineering, “seduces” the user to get them to download its application.

Traffic Factory download is compatible with Internet Explorer, Mozilla and Chrome and and it also makes its infectious appearance on computers under Windows environment and .

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The advice of computer experts will always focus on telling you to immediately eliminate this browser hijacking adware. Process that must be supported by a thorough system scan and analysis, using reliable and effective security software.

This adware It is generally installed without prior authorization from the user, which in most cases you do not even notice its presence on the computer until it appears in an excessive avalanche of advertisements.

How Traffic Factory reaches your computer and deploys its intrusion

Like other adware or deceptive advertising programs Traffic Factory and/or its application called, It is present on your computer transported, downloaded and installed hidden in program packages.

This distribution technique is known as bundling and becomes a partner in the execution of potentially unwanted programs on your computer.

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Generally it is not downloaded directly but in an “alliance” with other programs, a fact that can make it go unnoticed, camouflage itself in the benefits of the package’s companion programs or presenting it as an extra bonus for the total effectiveness of the download.

This mainly happens with free packages that become freeware that is installed without direct authorization from the user.

These packages are perfect because in their installation various software checks can be ignored by the user due to urgency or convenience.

And on board a “packaged” Traffic Factory arrives to your team, with its Annoying deceptive advertising action, to intervene in your system, hijacking your browser tabs, affecting it with the generation of pop-up ads and junk pop-ups.

Traffic Factory ads may pop up even when the browser is closed. They are identifiable because they include phrases like these in their name:

  • Notices
  • Promoted by
  • Ads generated by
  • Promotions

If there are folders that include these names on your computer, it is recommended that you close them and prevent them from running, to ensure that both your browser and your operating system are not a nest for malicious programs.

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The harmful action of Traffic Factory as ad-generating adware It can also be added to your computer from other scam sites or through deceptive adware.

Effects and consequences of Traffic Factory on your computer

Traffic Factory ads can lead to redirects to fake links or URLs and cause infections from other types of malware.

It’s a browser hacker adware with a high capacity to allow interference by its developer, allowing third parties to collect information related to your web experience. Among the data it can collect are:

  • What operating system does your computer use?
  • Register your IP address and geolocation.
  • Register the domain of your internet service provider.
  • Get the record of URLs and websites you have visited.
  • Find out what type of browser you use and the home page.
  • List your search queries in detail. And also the searches you may have carried out on each web page you visited.
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Adwares like Traffic Factory can be a bridge to encourage unscrupulous people to illicit appropriation of information for private use that can make you a victim of cybercrimes such as scam, fraud and identity theft.

It is noteworthy that most of the pages to which Traffic Factory’s ads redirect are sponsors of its app, gaining user preferences for their “patrons” is the compensation for the support they receive.

Another high-level risk that the presence and action of Traffic Factory on your computer represents is the fact that in that redirected walk through various web pages to which it takes you, you stay on malicious sites, malware infection multipliers.

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It is essential that your security alert levels take you to the minimum detail in the program installation and download processes and even more so if it is freeware.

The operating characteristics of Traffic Factory exacerbate the risks it can generate. Although it can be an ideal marketing tool, its weak security policy makes it susceptible to fraudulent actions.

Features such as evasion of responsibility due to automatic links to third-party sites with a suspicious reputation and the possibility of allowing your web browsing to come across scams or fraud from computer criminals protected by the attractiveness of their offer.

As for its presence in web browsers, it can also go unnoticed because Traffic Factory does not add malicious extensions.

Traffic Factory track, monitor and record the websites you usually visit, your preferences in articles, attract your interest by sharing contests and surveys with the reward of extraordinary prizes.

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The user acquisition process presents few and simple requirements, in exchange for very useful extra functions they may only require your personal information or induce mandatory subscription to a service, creating a free path to cyber fraud.

Eliminate it quickly and effectively if you don’t want its action to go from annoying to high-risk threat. Below we indicate in detail the Next, to uninstall Traffic Factory.

Immediately remove Traffic Factory from your PC or Mac

The only thing that will save you from the annoying intrusion of Traffic Factory’s obstructive messages is undertake barrier actions, detection and absolute elimination of adware present on your system and hijacks your browser.

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Barrier actions (Prevention):

  • Avoid installing free downloadable software from pages or apps with an uncertified reputation.
  • Verify that the software or applications download is legitimate, from authorized sites.
  • Complete all download and installation steps without omissions or skips.
  • Review in detail the characteristics of the and personalized version of each program to be installed and select this configuration, do not use default methods or installation shortcuts.
  • Customize the features of the software that is useful to you and choose from the packages those that really meet your needs and user expectations.
  • Read the use and privacy policy of software offered by third parties.
  • Keep your anti-malware and antivirus protection tools active and updated.
  • Ignore downloads of additional programs, advertisements, emails, links, messages, attachments and similar, of dubious origin, in the step-by-step installation you can uncheck their automatic selection.
  • Verify security certificates.
  • Uncheck installation boxes that indicate Traffic Factory as the default home page or search engine.
  • You must use the most appropriate and secure web browser, according to your operating system, Windows or Mac, in any of its versions.
  • Install a VPN tool.
  • Make and keep up-to-date backup copies of your files.


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It’s necessary that keep computer security programs active and updated that within their characteristics specify that they fulfill functions of preventing attacks and threats from viruses and other malware.

You will need to install a professional anti-spyware or anti-malware program with which you can Perform predictive scans on possible threats and suggest potentially malicious files.

The offer in the digital market is wide, therefore we recommend that you investigate and based on criteria of usability, reliability and effectiveness, select the most suitable for your user needs.


By following specific instructions in detail, you will be able to completely eliminate the invasive action of Traffic Factory ads from your Windows or Mac operating system, and their hacking action from your…

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