Tutorial: Create and Share WhatsApp Group Links

One of the options that have made WhatsApp the most popular instant messaging service in the world is undoubtedly the creation of groups. They have brought it so much success that it has become a true social network.

He create whatsapp group link It is essential knowledge for those who find in this option more than a communicative variant. And it is that their own possibilities make groups valuable work tools.

Creating group links and inviting them to join is not difficult, nor is it difficult to use them creatively. However, there are several details that can help you increase your efficiency in its use. Join me to know some of them.

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How to invite to a WhatsApp group?

The function of the link is precisely to facilitate the incorporation of new members. In fact, the full name assigned by WhatsApp is Invitation Link. To use it, the first thing you have to do is create it.

Attention! Only group administrators have privileges to generate the link invitation. If you do not have that condition, WhatsApp does not even let you see that this possibility exists.

But, as everything has a solution in this life (that of technology), WhatsApp itself allows the group to have as many administrators as desired. So all you have to do is be declared with that status within the group, and that’s it.

Create an Invite link to the Whatsapp group

If you are already an administrator, the WhatsApp group link will appear in the Group Information segmentand it is very easy to find it:

  1. In the group you manage, click on the name of the group. That will direct you to the “Group Information” section.
  2. Scroll down and locate the “Group Invitation Link” section.
  3. Choose one of the three options provided (Copy link, Share link and QR Code) and start working with it.
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How to share the link of a WhatsApp group

If you used the first option (Copy link), You will have the possibility of taking it wherever you are interested. You can send it as a message through WhatsApp itself as well as post it on Facebook or create an SMS.

The second option (Share Link) is similar, but with the advantage that WhatsApp automatically directs you to the various platforms that you have installed on your device (the same WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook, Messenger, etc).

The third (QR Code) although you can also pass the link of the group through various networks, has the added value that it can be reproduced in physical formatby printing, and place it in certain places for those interested to join.

With all these variants you can make your message, in this case, your invitation to join your group, go as far as it can go. The broader and more creative your link distribution and dissemination strategy isthe better your chances will be.

Can I send a WhatsApp link without being an administrator?

Of course you can! Who are not administrators do not have the option to get or generate the group invite link, is a privilege reserved for those who hold that condition. But once the link is generated, anyone can copy and distribute it.

This can cause the link to go to unwanted places and allow unsuitable members to join the group. For it, there is the option (also available only for administrators) to generate a new linkwhich nullifies the previous one.

Send links on Android, iPhone and WhatsApp Web

All the methodology that I explained to you previously applies equally to sending links on Android, iPhone or the web version. The differences are minimal, mostly in iconography.

The most representative thing is that the menu of “Settings” on iPhone is represented by a toothed wheel, while on Android and WhatsApp there are three dots, located one above the other. There are also slight differences in terms of the names of the sections.

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But, I reiterate that the differences are so small that they are barely noticeable. You can embark on your adventure of sharing WhatsApp links with the complete assurance that you will not get lost in discordant versions of the same application.

Other important details when sharing WhatsApp group links

You must bear in mind that sending the link, or link, of the WhatsApp group is one of the most effective ways to make your group grow. Therefore, try not to improvise, draw up a strategy that allows you to maximize your options.

whatWhere share them?

Plan on which sites, both digital and physical, you will distribute your link. Social media is an obvious environment, so select the fundamentals. Do a study of the ones that your target audience uses the most and focus on those.

For example, they are, in that order, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin and Pinterest. But that does not mean that you forget about others also of weightsuch as Telegram or the WhatsApp groups themselves.

As for the physical spaces, if you use them, I recommend placing the QR code of your link in the place where you offer your service, if that is the case. Sites that are frequented by those you want to reach should also be in your sights.

whatAs share them?

This question has a fundamental weight in your strategy, Well, it is about motivating your target audience to click the link and join your group. Typically, simply distributing the invite link is not enough.

Good practices indicate that this process must be accompanied by a message attractive enough to serve as a spring. Message that you will send in the form of a publication or post. Put time and effort into its design.

whatWhen share them?

Although there is no recipe, Ideally, your link should have the greatest possible presence on the networks.. This involves a strategy of reiteration, with a periodicity that is not so short that it saturates or so extensive that it loses effectiveness.

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These questions can be perfectly designed by yourself. If you think it necessary, You can advise yourself with a Social Communication professionalwhich is the science that studies all these mechanisms.

An additional note on how to send a WhatsApp group link

Logically, the use of WhatsApp group links is not exclusive to mass distribution. It can also be used for small groups that you want people whose contact you don’t have in your address book to join. Those can be added via the link.

Also keep in mind that while the number of members in your party should be 256 if you add them one by one, through the link you can reach 3 thousand, and even more. It is another of the characteristics that make this a widely used option.

The truth is that knowing how to invite to a whatsapp group it will give you tools to popularize your community’s content, if that’s what you want. The real secret is, however, in the quality and creativity of it.

Frequent questions:

As usual, here are the questions most frequently asked by users of the network of networks.

How to have a WhatsApp link?

To have a WhatsApp link, follow the steps that I explain in this post to go to “Group Information” – “Invitation Link”. Remember that you must be an administrator of it.


How to send a WhatsApp group link to Facebook?

You can manually share it by copying it and including it in a Facebook post. As I explain in this post, WhatsApp gives you the option to automatically go to that and other social networks.

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