View Someone’s Old Instagram Stories in 2023

It is very popular for its photo publishing options and Instagram Stories. Stories appear at the top of your feed and are available to view as many times as you like within a 24-hour period.

The short slideshow plays posted content for anyone to enjoy, or just friends, depending on profile privacy settings. Once the 24-hour expiration limit is reached, the stories will disappear.

Let’s say a friend told you about a story you should watch but it’s already expired. Is there any way to view an instagram story after it has expired?

The short answer is no, you can’t. view someone’s old Instagram Stories unless you have saved them as Featured.

View Someone’s Old Instagram Stories

All Instagram Stories have a duration of 24 hourswhether you have done them or someone else has done it.

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Temporary stories are a play on the Temporary Posting platform. and automatically deletes published content. You or the other user have no control over how long this story is available.

The only exception to this is if they become a Highlight. An Instagram Highlight is a story that lasts forever on the user’s profile page. It does not expire and only the user who published it can delete it. If you are lucky enough to be able view it after the standard 24 hour limit expiration by visiting the user’s profile.


If the account owner didn’t save the story as featured, there’s no way to get it back. There are several theories about temporary stories and content on social media platforms.

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Many believe that it is something that developers use to get you to check your news more often. Using the fear of missing out mentality to keep you engaged is one way social media companies gain traffic.

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To view someone’s story:

  • Navigate to the top of your home page
  • Scroll through the round icons at the top, located next to “Your history” with a plus sign.
  • Tap the story of the friend you are interested in


  • Use the search option in the bottom left corner and type the user’s name
  • Click that user’s round icon to go directly to their most recent active story

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If a story is available to the user, you’ll notice a multicolored ring around their profile photo.

Check featured stories on Instagram

You can check your friend’s profile to see if he or she has added the Story as Featured and if it’s still there. If it’s as good as you say, they may have thought the same and added it as Featured so it stays longer.

  • Opens instagram on your phone.
  • Navigate to that friend’s profile.
  • Look just below the Stories section to see the Featured.

Assuming the story is still available in the profile, you can save a copy of it. Whether you really like the content or want to share it with another friend who can’t see it, a story is an option.

Save a copy of someone’s Instagram story

If the story you are looking for is in Highlights, you should be able to revisit it whenever you want. If it’s so good that you don’t want to risk it disappearing, you can take a copy with you.

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Let’s keep in mind that the easiest way to do this is to make a , but Instagram notifies the poster that you have captured the content. Instagram also notifies the poster that you have viewed their story.

Alternatives to Screenshots

There are a couple of other ways to copy a Instagram Story.

If it is your own story, you can select the icon Seen at the bottom left of the main story screen. You should see a download option where you can save the story to your camera roll.

If you want to save someone else’s story, you have to be more creative. I usually use Storiesig, a website that allows you to view other people’s stories and download them. If you search for these websites, be careful to read the reviews. You will have to give them permission to access your account and IG information.

Storiesig is great because it allows you to download your stories content and share it anywhere. It also has the ability to allow you View stories anonymously. If you want to maintain a level of anonymity while snooping through your friends’ posts, it’s worth using a website like this.

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