Vodafone and Movistar price rise, who does it affect?

In January 2023 several teleco will raise prices. Vodafone is one of them and its prices will increase by €4 this year.


Telephone companies raise their prices by 12% Vodafone, Movistar, Yoigo and Orange are some of the operators that confirm a price change from January to all their customers. Do you want to know how this affects you?

Vodafone and Movistar are among the Internet companies that will raise prices in January 2023. If you are a customer of one of these operators, we will tell you what this increase will be like and how to avoid it.


Vodafone raises prices

Vodafone has announced that it is going to raise the prices of all its rates to adapt to the CPI of 2023. This measure, unprecedented in the history of telecommunications in our country, It will be implemented on January 22 and will affect all its customers.

Vodafone’s price increase will be approximately 8.1%, about €4 more on each invoice which will affect differently depending on your contract:

  • €2.50 more in mobile rates
  • €2 more in fiber offers
  • €25.50 more in Internet and mobile packages

Excluded from this increase are the prepaid mobile cards and the Social Rate of , which will continue to have the usual discount for unemployed young people.

Vodafone’s price hike in 2023 does not give the right to request a withdrawal, since it is not a breach of contract. Therefore, if you have permanence and leave the company for this reason, you will have to pay the corresponding penalty.

How do I know how much the price will go up?

The company’s customers can now check the exact cost of this increase through the . To do this, they must enter the Vodafone mobile app and access ‘Invoices’ > ‘Tariff update info’.

In this section you can consult all the details about the measure, as well as a breakdown of how the hike will affect to each of the products you have contracted with Vodafone. In this way, you will be able to see how your invoice will look from the month of February.

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The first invoice affected by this increase will arrive on February 8thon the period between January 8 and February 7.

The increase is applied to the base price of the rates. Therefore, if you have a promotion, the discount will be maintainedbut now it will be applied to the new base price.

Movistar raises prices

He January 1, 2023 The price increase in Movistar tariffs comes into force to adapt to the increase in costs in the sector. This will affect all your new and old customers.

Movistar’s price rise it will cost your customers 6.8% more on their bills each month, that is, between €6 and €13 extra per month depending on the rate.

Movistar’s prices will be higher for fiber, mobile and TV packages. Approximately, this is how they will change:

  • €2 more in unlimited mobile data
  • €2 more to watch football
  • Between €3 and €6 more in the basic fiber and mobile packages

How do I know how much the price will go up?

To find out how much your expenses with Movistar will rise in January, you must Check your bill for this month. You can do it from the company’s customer area, accessing the ‘Invoices’ section.

Once you download this month’s invoice, at the end of the PDF document you will find an explanatory note about the price increase. In it, Movistar explains the detail of the increase in your contracted products.

The most affected will be the old Movistar customers have a non-discounted rate. The company will keep the promotions valid for customers who currently have a discount, so those who are paying the full price of the rates will be the ones who will notice the increase the most.

Will other Internet companies raise prices?

For now, no other company has announced a price increase. Check in detail the latest price movements of the most important operators:

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Orange: in December it withdrew the temporary promotions of its rates, but it has clarified that it does not intend to raise prices in January 2023.

Yoigo: It has also withdrawn promotional discounts on some of its packages, but it does not plan to raise prices.

MoreMobile: for the moment it has not ruled on a possible price increase.

lowi: is left out of Vodafone’s price increase.

o2: You will not be affected by the Movistar price increase.

Price rise in Vodafone and Movistar: what to do to avoid a more expensive bill?

If the price is going to go up and you don’t want to pay more, you have two options: contract a cheaper rate within the company itself, or port it to another operator. We explain the advantages and disadvantages of both cases.

Switch to a cheaper rate

If you are a Vodafone or Movistar customer and want avoid that the rise in prices make you more expensive too much bill, you can look for a cheaper offer within the same company. For this you can:

  • Choose a rate with less fiber speed
  • lower the GB of your mobile lines
  • Cancel television service or reduce channel-specific packages

As you can see, this solution involves reducing the advantages and services of your contract, since there is no other way to lower the bill without changing companies.

Make a portability to another company

The best alternative to reduce your bill after the rise in prices of Vodafone and Movistar is to change companies. you can do it comfortably going low cost of these operators: Lowi and O2, respectively, since they do not plan a price increase.

You can also check the cheap internet and mobile rates from other operators. In this table, you can see a price comparison of several against Vodafone and Movistar:

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Comparison of prices after the increase in Vodafone and Movistar Compañía Fibra Móvil Fiber + mobile Finetwork €22.90/month €7.90/month €29.90/month Lowi €24.95/month €7.95/month 34, €95/month O2 €27/month €10/month €35/month MásMóvil €19.99/month €6.90/month €39.99/month Vodafone €31/month €25/month €49/month Movistar €33.90/month €14.95/month €57.90/month

Minimum prices possible with each offer.

Keep in mind, that if you change company with permanence you will have to pay a penalty according to the months that you will have left to finish the contract. The same happens if you have a financed terminal, you will have to pay the remaining installments at once.

However, Movistar does not have permanence, so you can port it to another operator without paying extra costs. These are some of the best offers to contract and avoid the general price increase:



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Frequently asked questions about the price increase of Movistar and Vodafone in 2023

For now, the only companies that have announced a price increase for January 2023 have been Vodafone (+8.1%, according to the CPI) and Movistar (+6.8%).

The price increase in both cases is widespread and affects both new and old Movistar and Vodafone customers.

The price increase will be applied to the base price of the contracted products. In the case of vodafoneIf you have a discount, it is maintained, but the total rate becomes more expensive. However, customers of Movistar They will be able to enjoy their discounts with the same conditions until the end of the promotion to which they are subject.

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