Vodafone speed test: ADSL, fiber and mobile

Check your by performing a test on your Vodafone fiber or ADSL connection.


How to perform the Vodafone speed test?

  1. Connect to the router through a cable or, if you are going to do it through Wi-Fi, get as close to the router as possible.
  2. Close the programs or applications that you have open on your computer or mobile. We recommend you carry out the Vodafone speedtest from the Google Chrome or Safari browsers since Internet Explorer could alter the results.
  3. start the Vodafone speed test clicking on “Start test”.

The verification of the vodafone speedometer it takes about 45 seconds.

What speeds does Vodafone offer?

  • Optical fiber: Vodafone offers symmetric fiber options of 300Mb, 600Mb or 1GB. Vodafone was the first major company to offer 1GB fiber rates, which is the fastest fiber option currently offered in Spain.

    The 1GB fiber is 10 times faster than the 100Mb option, so as a general rule it will be an unnecessary speed for an average home. Even if it works for you Vodafone fiber speed testif your Internet is 1GB we recommend you download a cheaper one since it will be more than enough for you.

    Vodafone fiber speed test result: The normal thing is that you have an upload and download speed very similar to the number of megabytes you have contracted. Remember that if you have contracted 1Gb of speed, the test Vodafone will show a result close to 1000Mb.

  • ADSL: Vodafone offers an ADSL of up to 30Mb. In the case of ADSL, the upload speed is approximately 10% of the download speed, in this case up to 3.5Mb.

    Vodafone ADSL speed test result: He speed test Vodafone will return a speed of less than 30Mb due to the ADSL bandwidth. If your download speed is less than 5Mb or your upload speed is less than 0.5Mb, you should check your connection with the company or look for an alternative.

  • Mobile: Unlike other companies, when check speed vodafoneit is normal to have a speed of 300Mb, much higher than the speeds of competing companies.

    Vodafone mobile speed test result: The test must return a download speed very similar to the one you have contracted. Unless you have an unlimited Vodafone rate and have selected another speed, it should be close to 300Mb in areas with good coverage.

See also  Adamo fiber and mobile coverage

Vodafone connection quality and speed

Vodafone’s fiber network is made up of its FTTH and HFC network but, for customer experience purposes, there is virtually no difference in speed or quality.

The , which analyzes the quality and real speed of the fiber of the different Spanish companies, places Vodafone as the second best network in Spain.

According to this study, the weak point of the Vodafone network is its real upload speed which is, on average, lower than that of other companies. The download speed and latency are among the best rated.

Although ADSL is always of lower performance, in the case of Vodafone ADSL its quality is also quite acceptable. The normal thing is not to experience very low speeds nor do peaks of low speeds occur as frequently as in other companies.

Other internet speed tests

Updated on 02/24/2023

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