What Does

The social networks They have messaging applications that you have a world full of symbols, signs and letter compositions that most of the time they are not understood perfectly, so they can be used incorrectly, a case that is presented in the following combination <3.

That is why, just as this combination is used in the various messaging methods on social networks and do not know their use, in this article we will explain their meaning and the various emoticons that arise from these combinations.

Social networks

The social networks are structures formed on the Internet by people or organizations that connect through common interests or values. Through them, relationships can be created between individuals or companies quickly, without hierarchy or physical limits.

Among the outstanding characteristics of social networks are the following:

  • They are made up of a virtual community.
  • They can be used from your computer, or mobile devices.
  • They are free to access, although many of them offer greater functionality in exchange for a monthly or annual payment.
  • They give you information in real time.
  • They allow each user to create a profile within the network.
  • They offer the opportunity to reach thousands of people through a virtual profile.
  • They are completely instantaneous, you can send a message from anywhere in the world, and have the recipient read it seconds after sending it.

Types of social networks

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Social networks can be differentiated according to the type of activity they carry out for the benefit of their user, below are their types:

  1. Horizontal social networks: They are those social networks that do not have a specific theme, but rather target all types of users. These networks function as means of communication, information or entertainment, such as or Twitter.
  2. Vertical social networks: are those social networks that relate people with specific common interests, such as music, hobbies or sports. The social networks Flickr or LinkedIn stand out, which involves individuals who share the work environment or who seek to expand their work boundaries.

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Advantages of Social Networks

Among the advantages of social networks the following stand out:

  1. They have immediate communication: Companies can publish their content instantly and see user reactions shortly after.
  2. They give the job opportunity: Social media can serve as a springboard to deliver an engaging cover letter. This is because companies nowadays usually investigate candidates’ profiles to learn more about them.
  3. It is characterized by its entertainment: These networks offer accessible information in real time, since you can choose who to follow to stay informed.
  4. Allows social complaint: Social networks serve to bring to light situations that in some traditional media may go unnoticed.
  5. They manage to share knowledge: Users can group together to exchange more detailed information about what interests them.
  6. Improve brand visibility: Image is of great importance for companies, and through the Internet, businesses can cross barriers and create a recognizable brand anywhere in the world.
  7. Achieves the dissemination of company content: Content is an essential part of the business strategy because it increases visits to the firm’s page, and potential clients also increase.
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Most Important Social Networks

Among the most important social networks are the following:

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In recent years, applications have emerged that have achieved boom and popularity, but none have been able to take away Facebook’s leadership.

Currently it has more than 2.32 billion users the application created by Mark Zuckerbergthis platform allows you to share texts, photos and videos, as well as make live broadcasts.

Furthermore, it is one of the most used for advertising, because it has tools for geolocation and segmentation.

2. WhatsApp

This social network has more than 1.3 billion active users, whose instant messaging service is one of the favorites.

This application started as a service for send and receive messagesevolved to allow sharing images, audios and videos.

Likewise, it includes video calls and stories, the latter being among the most used formats for content publication.

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3. Instagram

This network was purchased by Facebookwhich began as a tool for sharing photos, being one of those that has shown the greatest growth in recent years and this trend is expected to continue.

This application has been improving, allowing the messaging sharing, stories, video chats, live broadcasts and even the publication of long videos through TV.

4. Twitter

Twitter is a free social network that allows you write messages quickly and simple, so anyone can create an account or profile to share their opinions, tastes and interests.

Also, this social network works to be informed about everything that happens in the world, since the main characteristic of Twitter is that there you find information in real time.

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5. Youtube

On this website users can on almost any topic, from music to tutorials, A great advantage of this platform is that each user is free to upload almost all types of content.

Likewise, they can allow comments, and carry out the live broadcasts Through this platform they allow people to connect.

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6. TikTok

This is a social network to create and share short videos. The application allows users to create short videos of 3–60 seconds. This platform is the leader in videos in Asia, and other parts of the world.

Messages on Social Networks

Every day social networks evolve, proof of this is the development of emojisBefore there were animated faces or the famous stickers, Internet users were required to use characters on their computer keyboard to express their feelings.

In such a way, that users began to use the letters or other signs to create images or terms that represented their emotions, thus compositions such as that of ‘UwU’ (tenderness) or the recognized ‘xd’ (laughter, sarcasm or irony).

That is why social networks such as messaging apps They have spread and are characterized by the recurring use of these symbols, signs and letter compositions that most of the time are not understood perfectly.

What is an emoji on Social Networks

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An emoji is a character or sequence of characters which is displayed as a icon. The original set of emojis has been expanding on successive opportunities according to a process regulated by the consortium Unicode.

In this sense, the most abundant images appear on emoticons, animals, foods, national flags and various symbols; some are very specific to Japanese culture, such as the torii arch and foods like ramen, sushi, and onigiri.

This is because they are encoded in the same way as a alphabet letterso they are entered into a text in an agnostic way to the platform that processes them.

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However, unlike an image file, it is the device’s job to provide the image of each emojiso each platform renders emojis with its own style and slight visual differences.

What <3 Means on Social Networks

This type of emoticon or facetries to convey a feeling of something beautiful, that is due to the context of its origin, which arises in Japan where the sleeve It became the widely used expression to refer to something that you like, that is very pretty, even that is tender.

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In this sense, the combination of <3 It is not an expression that corresponds to a word contractionbut it is an emoji that has been circulating on the internet for many years, it is written with the mathematical sign < (less than) and the number three.

Thus, the true meaning of <3 is a tilted heartand the big difference lies in the tip of the heart, since instead of pointing downwards, as it is usually drawn, it is on the left side.

Therefore, the sign <3 is a sign of tenderness and love which you can use to express that you like something or that you are in love with a person, object or situation that you experienced.

There are other emoticons recognized on these social networks and they are the following:

  • :& = Which means you’re sick.
  • :S = means that you are afraid of something.
  • :3 = means a kitten with its face sideways.

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The digital world has advanced every day, which is why many keyboards have the option for emojis, so you can always write manuallyin this way these emoticons will continue to be ideal to be able to send by facebook and without forgetting or any other social network.

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