What does GG mean? This is how you should use this expression

In recent years there are some expressions that have made a fortune on the internet and have become common in our daily lives. In this article We want to tell you what GG means, an expression almost as famous as that of . In addition, we will also give you some tips to use this phrase in real life like a professional.

GG stands for Good Game and comes from the world of video games.

That easy. When someone says GG they are referring to “Good Game” That is to say, a good game in English. Its use has become very common, especially thanks to the multiplayer and cooperative games that have taken over the market in recent years.

Its traditional use is at the end of games congratulate your team or your rival if they hear you. It is comparable to shaking hands in a physical encounter at the end of a game. If you have won a game at , or if you have lost with honor, it is customary to say this to your squad members. In other video games in which you can talk to your rivals, it is also common to congratulate your rival, whether they win or lose.

The origin of the expression seems to be in the late 90s and early 2000s when online games started. Back then we are talking about Quake or StarCraft. The phrase made a fortune and became a regular in online conversations.

How do you pronounce GG?

As we have already said, this expression comes from English and therefore the pronunciation must also be in this language. If we read it in Spanish we would say “Heh, Heh”, but since we do it in English we should say “Gi, Gi”. It is common to hear streamers say it all the time. If you watch the videos of Willyrex, Rubius, Ibai or AuronPlay, you will hear it regularly.

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When to use, and when not to, GG in an online game

Now that you know what GG means, it’s time to see how to say it correctly. The usual and also The most appropriate thing is to say it at the end of a game. If you are polite you can always use it at the end of the game, regardless of whether things went well or badly. For example, I always say it before leaving the game.

On the other hand, you can also use this expression during games. In what situation? Well for example when someone makes a spectacular play. «GG uncle» is something that is usually heard in any game.

It is unusual and a bit unnecessary to say it to an opponent before attacking him or ending the game. You imply that you are going to win it and that you will send it home. It’s not very rude either, but it goes a long way. Plus if you lose later you will look terrible.

How to use GG in real life?

It is increasingly common for phrases from the virtual world cross barriers and reach our physical lives, so to speak. Therefore you may find yourself having someone call you GG at some point. In what situation? Well here there is an open bar.

The truth is that it normally occurs in two situations. In a first in which you do something that ends well. For example, helping someone lift a piece of furniture. When you get to the top, the person you have helped can calmly tell you “GG«, in the sense that you have finished the job.b

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On the other hand, the GG also It is used in an ironic way when something ends fatally. Imagine that someone is carrying a tray full of glasses and they all fall to the floor. You can tell “GG» referring to his bad move. The range of use is very wideyou will hardly use it wrong.

There are some variants to GG, such as GGWP or GGEZ

Do you want to complicate things a little more? Human beings are specialists in doing it and in the world of the Internet the thing is especially premeditated. Now that you know the meaning of GG and when you should use it, it is time to learn about other complementary expressions.

GGWP – These are the acronyms for «Good Game, Well Played“, that is, “Good game, well played.” This variant is even more polite and gives greater recognition to the rival or colleagues. In the Hispanic gamer world it is not very common.

GGEZ – Here we have the GG again and then the pronunciation of EZ which in English is «i zet» which sounds the same as «easy«. It is usually used when you beat or easily beat your rival. Surely he or she will not find it funny but will accept it sportingly.

What do you think? Have you understood what GG means? Do you have any questions about its use? If so, don’t hesitate to leave us a comment and we’ll talk about it. GG!

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