What happens if you silence someone on WhatsApp?

With millions of users around the world, WhatsApp has established itself as the most important instant messaging platform on the planet. Therefore, it is not by chance that it has privacy options of all kinds. Among them is the one to silence and if you have not used it, you will ask yourself:what happens if you silence someone on whatsapp?

This option allows you to stop receiving notifications from one or more contacts or groups, without them knowing. How to do it? What other options are there? Find out with us.

About muting any contact on WhatsApp:

  • Silence notifications in WhatsApp: you will not receive message notifications from a specific contact or group.
  • Steps to mute: open WhatsApp, select chat, touch the three dots, choose “Mute notifications” and set time.
  • Mute multiple chats: long press on the first chat and select the others.
  • Privacy settings: important for protection against malicious users.
  • Block and report: extreme options for serious cases.

What does it mean to mute notifications in WhatsApp and how to do it?

When we talk about muting a contact, we mean that their notifications remain imperceptible to us. This means that any message sent to us from the silenced chat will not arrive as a notification, but we will be able to read it. We will even see the count of pending messages within WhatsApp, but it will not count for the notification count balloons.

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How to mute WhatsApp (Notifications)

To mute you have two options. Maybe it’s not just enough for you to silence a specific person, but you’d better mute a whatsapp group. It could be an annoying school or work group, from which you don’t want to receive so many notifications.

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You don’t even have to mute all the time. WhatsApp will give you the option of different time windows to carry out the action:

  • 8 hours
  • One week
  • Always

This action can be beneficial to avoid, for example, being woken up with notifications at times when you are resting without being an urgent topic. You only have to execute the following steps:

  1. Opens whatsapp app
  2. go to the conversation that you are interested in muting (it does not matter if it is with a contact or it is a group)
  3. Once inside it, tap on the three dots from the upper right corner
  4. Choose “Mute notifications»
  5. You will see a menu with the time options that you can establish as a deadline for the silence of the conversation
  6. Check or not the box «show notifications»
  7. confirm the action.

Ready! You already muted the conversation.

In case you have done it by mistake or you simply regret the action taken, you can always reactivate the conversation and its presence in the notifications. To do this, repeat the previous steps, but when you go to the three points on the top right, select “Unmute notifications”. In addition, you can execute these actions as many times as you want and with the contacts or groups that you think are best to do so.

Block mute WhatsApp chats

If you decide to mute multiple people or conversations at once, there are ways to do this. The platform offers the ability to choose several different chats to mute at once. In this case it is not necessary to open the chosen conversation, but from the “Chats” view in the main menu you can do it.

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Hold down for a few seconds the first of the chats you want to mute and, when put in select mode, briefly tap each conversation you plan to mute. This way you have a kind of shortcut to make the job more efficient.

Privacy settings for what?

Settings are essential. It is not only a matter of ensuring that we navigate more securely on the Internet, but of protect us from malicious users who intend to harass us, extort us and even threaten us. There have been many cases of attempts to harm other people and even send viruses and explicit sexual content through the platform.

In these types of extreme cases, we use two fundamental tools: blocking and reporting. Blocking consists of putting the person in a state of suspension of access to your account. If you also reported it, the platform could review your behavior for violation of the rules. If it is found that you do not fully comply with them, you can be expelled from the platform forever or suspend your account for a while.

However, if those options seem too radical to you and you just wish they didn’t bother you notifications from a particular contact, muting may be more than enough to give you peace of mind.

What happens if you silence someone on WhatsApp?

If you decide to take this path with a contact you can calm down. Whether you use the block and report option or the mute option the system will not send any kind of notice about what you have done. The person will simply assume that you haven’t seen the messages, or they will receive the replies when you decide to send them. Therefore, there will be no problem doing so.

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BONUS: Silence WhatsApp states

In case you did not know, You can also mute the WhatsApp states of a specific contact. This means that they will be hidden from your status view as long as you don’t move them out of the mute zone. To do this, you must go to the status of the person in question, leave it pressed and hit mute.

If you wonder what happens if you silence someone’s status on WhatsApp, the answer is simple: you stop seeing them until you decide otherwise, but the person never finds out.

As you can see, it what happens if you silence someone on whatsapp it is solely related to your well-being. The person in question will never know. Tell us, do you have many silenced conversations?

Frequent questions:

Now we offer a series of answers to those frequently asked questions from our readers on the internet.

What happens if I silence a contact on WhatsApp?

If you silence a contact in WhatsApp, you will stop receiving notifications about the conversations with the person, but you will be able to access them without problem. Plus, your contact won’t know you’ve muted them.

When I mute someone on WhatsApp, can they see my statuses?

When you mute someone on WhatsApp, the person can still see your statuses and interact with you without issue.

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